People not saying "Thank you"


Well-Known Member
I dont think id ever be able to go on a diet, I eat like a pig, I love food, I cant gain weight either, I keep losing it ):
youre an SOB! hahaha one of my sisters is like that. im more than twice her size and if we go to sizzler, she out eats me!
however, if i smell a snickers candy bar i gain a pound! wtf!? lol :lol:


Active Member
Saying thank you to drug dealers??? I do it, but why should I, if I wasn't giving my money to that one then it would just be another...

I work with a couple people double my age and they will not say hi, hello or good morning, unless I say it first, what are you too good to initiate the contact?

My ex and I differed with our kids, I was always for the basics, please, thank you, sit down to eat and only leave the table when told to. She wouldn't enforce it and complain to me that they walk all over her when I am not around, and then in the same breath have a go at me for being to hard on them and that they are just being kids... Anyways my 4 yo daughter one morning said to her, "I said I only wanted 1 piece of toast mum not 2, you never listen" I couldn't believe it, if I said that as a kid I would have had the snot beaten out of me, I explained it to my daughter and she said sorry Dad lol, I then explained to her that she had to apologise to her mum and either be thankful for what she has or to leave the table and not eat until lunchtime. My daughter ate both pieces, took her plate to the sink and was generally perfect all day until I left for work apparently. It's about common courtesy and respect and some parents seem too pussy to enforce it these days or are to scared, but that could be a flow on effect from the parents of my generation which were pretty hardcore in todays terms, who knows, but values these days in general are just fucked up....

On another note, just downloaded S4 of true blood, awesome show, but does anyone else think that S2 generally sucked? I did...


Well-Known Member
Saying thank you to drug dealers??? I do it, but why should I, if I wasn't giving my money to that one then it would just be another...

I work with a couple people double my age and they will not say hi, hello or good morning, unless I say it first, what are you too good to initiate the contact?

My ex and I differed with our kids, I was always for the basics, please, thank you, sit down to eat and only leave the table when told to. She wouldn't enforce it and complain to me that they walk all over her when I am not around, and then in the same breath have a go at me for being to hard on them and that they are just being kids... Anyways my 4 yo daughter one morning said to her, "I said I only wanted 1 piece of toast mum not 2, you never listen" I couldn't believe it, if I said that as a kid I would have had the snot beaten out of me, I explained it to my daughter and she said sorry Dad lol, I then explained to her that she had to apologise to her mum and either be thankful for what she has or to leave the table and not eat until lunchtime. My daughter ate both pieces, took her plate to the sink and was generally perfect all day until I left for work apparently. It's about common courtesy and respect and some parents seem too pussy to enforce it these days or are to scared, but that could be a flow on effect from the parents of my generation which were pretty hardcore in todays terms, who knows, but values these days in general are just fucked up....

On another note, just downloaded S4 of true blood, awesome show, but does anyone else think that S2 generally sucked? I did...
i dont think S2 was all that bad. but not as good as this season.


Well-Known Member
here at my house we eat at the same time, however, we eat in the living room while the kids are at the table.
we introduce values into our daily lives just in a different way i suppose. its how i grew up. family together time
is an important thing to me.


Well-Known Member
Lol When I was about 14, I was down there and I hit up a nickel machine and won $200
when i was 19 i played roulette and won just under 3000 in two hands! i left the table and let my buddy (4 years older and legal to gamble)
to do the paper work. :)


Well-Known Member
here at my house we eat at the same time, however, we eat in the living room while the kids are at the table.
we introduce values into our daily lives just in a different way i suppose. its how i grew up. family together time
is an important thing to me.
I think it should be important to everyone, its a family..
and it reminds everyone in that family that if something is wrong there are people there to help, ya know?


Well-Known Member
yeah i was just stirring... whatever works, but there needs to be some structure or all the kiddies will be running off and getting reefer madness and saying fuck you instead of thank you
thats no lie my friend! my kids know better than to not say thanks. my 9 year old even holds doors for people with a smile!
my 15 year old, though at times a dip shit, still has good manners. and my 3 year old is as smart as a highschooler.
shes my devil in disguise. lol