NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Monsters get noticed there (even though we got noticed anyways), that's why there's 99 of them! They will be bigger next year, the County police already came through this year and told us what to do next year so that they don't come bust us next year. We are right next to national forest land, when they were flying over they saw them and came down, we showed all permits and such and left us alone. They told us to fly a white flag the rest of the time we are up there.
Deer got most of my crop, never had that happen before but with so little rain there's not much food. I was growing for seeds anyway and it looks like they left enough if the plants pull through I'll be safe.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Also this song is just really fucking awesome so I'm gonna keep posting it LMAO


Active Member
Deer got most of my crop, never had that happen before but with so little rain there's not much food. I was growing for seeds anyway and it looks like they left enough if the plants pull through I'll be safe.
So didnt you use any precautions against predators??


Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Ill throw up a pic of my jillybean from seed in a party cup when it finishes out, its lookin pretty chunk right now, made me mad i only got 1 seed and didnt clone her lol so dank i got the candy pheno smells like orange tang candy lol


Well-Known Member
I see mate, its not easy then,

and how can you see those from a heli?? those weirdos must be flying low...:?
Like low riders :D

The tops of the tree's bend, even blew over a few plants they're so low! There is so little rain there that the bright green really stands out!

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
ps my jilly is about 30 days into flower right now, i see some of you brought out the big guns with the og18 lol i got some of those going in my main room right now lol i thought i'd use a yeilder instead so i put the jilly in the cup, sorry if im a lil late on this i always love these party cup threads =) You guys are growin em inside under 1k's???? HAX man im using the sun and floranova bloom lol thats it all i needs is my floranova bloom for the whole veg and bloom cycle. I should take a pic of the 8 foot she beast right next to her lol. Its a purple amsterdam plant that got crossed with something unknown got some big ol poopers on it haha i love plants.

hmm fly a white flag huh, good to know lol mine got raided last year and it wasnt even very much like 20 plants ROFL so weak like really they wasted their time with that haha and i was legal too i just wasnt around when they came through, the weird part was i never got a knock or a call, nor did my family and its their property and everyone knows it lol. I found tracks to combat boots and dogs so i assume it was the law and not some raiders.

lol funny i see a lot of guys in this thread in so cal and in the LA area haha. Pasadena microclimate for the mother fuckin win =)


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Deer got most of my crop, never had that happen before but with so little rain there's not much food. I was growing for seeds anyway and it looks like they left enough if the plants pull through I'll be safe.
I got legal after I planted them, so I had to transport/transplant them. I put up stuff but ya know, deer can jump. :grin: I'm not too worried, I'm puttin up some more stuff, I'll get enough seeds for what I want.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
theres some good stuff you can spray and also certain plants you can plant that help repel deer i hear not entirely positive as i've never had deer issues.


jk but really i forgot to ask i started another cup not that long ago but i did it a bit different, u guys allow "smart" party cups too? lol i got air pruning going on with that one.

Hmm i wonder, i should talk to my buddy who owns a clinic maybe he will sponsor a party cup cannabi cup at his spot that would be awesome we could all bring our party cup buds and go compare for realz...hmmm i think ill ask him


Legal Moderator, Esq.
theres some good stuff you can spray and also certain plants you can plant that help repel deer i hear not entirely positive as i've never had deer issues.


jk but really i forgot to ask i started another cup not that long ago but i did it a bit different, u guys allow "smart" party cups too? lol i got air pruning going on with that one.
I even took my dog out and had him piss around the plants.

And wtf is a smart party cup lol

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
party cup where you've drilled holes in the side and lined with a screen so you get massive air pruning to the roots enabling me to have a much larger rootmass than most of you using normal party cups without holes drilled big nug make kaptain kron happy =)


Legal Moderator, Esq.
party cup where you've drilled holes in the side and lined with a screen so you get massive air pruning to the roots enabling me to have a much larger rootmass than most of you using normal party cups without holes drilled big nug make kaptain kron happy =)


Legal Moderator, Esq.
party cup where you've drilled holes in the side and lined with a screen so you get massive air pruning to the roots enabling me to have a much larger rootmass than most of you using normal party cups without holes drilled big nug make kaptain kron happy =)
Would it work with the screen on the outside of the holes?