First Grow...First Harvest...Weed Sucks! WHY?


So I just harvested my first ever grow, I did this on a limited budget so I used a standard soil, no nutes while veging except a little nitrogen here and there, was able to pickup some "Big Bloom" about half way through the flowering stage and used it the last 4 weeks.

The plants did well pretty much the whole time, tall, strong, big dense buds, tons of "amber" hairs and crystals, but now that its curing they have like NO smell at all, it smells like a fresh cut lawn, not potent smoke WTF? Is this because I didn't load it up with nutes? Does that stuff really make that big of a difference or could it just be the weed itself? Any thoughts?


PS - it was bag seed but from good stuff!


Well-Known Member
or it could be just the weed, My very first grow was the same, it was bagseed and grew awsome but smelled, tasted and smoked like shit. Didn't even get high off it. My advice is to know what you grow and get some quality genetics


or it could be just the weed, My very first grow was the same, it was bagseed and grew awsome but smelled, tasted and smoked like shit. Didn't even get high off it. My advice is to know what you grow and get some quality genetics
Thanks, yes it is drying in the dark...I'm wondering if it's just the weed too, I have some of the same seeds left but didn't know if its worth trying again this time adding a bunch of nutes or just investing in some decent clones. Thank you for the input!


Well-Known Member
Invest in the clones, that's alot of hard work to end up with some shitty weed.. But remember until the weed is just about completely dry your will have a greeny smell. But if you can trust where your getting your cuttings then it's totally worth it. Paying the 10-30 bucks for a clone it worth it, I could turn 1 clone into hundreds with a little time and lots of light


Active Member
if its still hangin, it might start to have that fresh grass cut toward when its gettin dry, that happend to me on my last harvested plant it started smellin like hey or freshly cut grass, i put the buds in jars and a couple days later they started to smell "skunky" again, hope this helps