Now he wants a 5% National Sales Tax!!!

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Odd... sales taxes are regressive taxes usually supported by republicans. I've heard of national sales taxes being brought up before, but it was by republicans in support of a flat tax or removing progressive income taxes.

We must be the first nation in human history that cut taxes while launching two wars of occupation.


Well-Known Member
The rich run the country and they own us until the people get fed up and revolt.
Either that or we are going to be speeking another language.. MARK MY WORDS...


Well-Known Member
what the fuck is 10 million dollars? do you know how much we're in debt?
thats fucking a pair of socks at this point.
yes smart ass 10million dollars that's 7 zeros behind it.

Its dumb ass mentality such as this. Thats the reason were in so much debt.

Fuck it were already in debt lets keep spending ;)

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
IDK I just have a quick question for y'all.... Are we to consider, the United States of America's government, as "Too Big To Fail"?


Well-Known Member
I mean will people continuously bail it out. ;-)
I believe so. In almost every other country they have riots, protests some violet some peace full but never the less a movement of some sort.
And here we always have people following the pack mentality and not enough people to organize some sort of a movement to show people what kind of a fucked up government we really have here. I guarentee if one spoke out many would follow. (Hmm then again questionable)
So it's easier to turn a blind eye and just pretend everything's just fine then finally revealing the real culprit. Which in this situation is our government.

That being said I'm not some nut trying to start a new world order movement lol. Just dam baked off some bho, and relaxing after a 11 hour class day ;)


Well-Known Member
the debt he created??? you mean the unfunded tax cuts to the rich, unfunded wars, and unfunded expansion of medicare he inherited???

the majority of the debt obama has accrued has come in the form of TAX CUTS to the MIDDLE CLASS during his stimulus....
a reduced revenue does not cause debt, spending beyond ones means does, and spending has accelerated with obama not slowed down or continued at a similar pace it has exponentially accelerated.


Well-Known Member
Lowered taxes? You obviously do not hunt!


who was it? obama or krueger?

ya see, i am confused. first, you claimed that "obama wants", then you say "krueger mde the statement". so which is it? is it obama, or one of his advisers?

oh, wait. i forgot. it doesn't matter who said what when you are a partisan hack with obama derangement syndrome. all that matters is breathless bitching and moaning about a president who has lowered your taxes.

what is that scent i detect? is it the new "partisan douchebaggery" perfume by designers limbaugh and hannity?


Well-Known Member
a reduced revenue does not cause debt, spending beyond ones means does, and spending has accelerated with obama not slowed down or continued at a similar pace it has exponentially accelerated.
here's the genius being wrong again.

the Bush tax cuts were written into law as temporary relief of a set tax rate. because of this, it is accounted for as a TAX EXPENDITURE, or as SPENDING, just like that corporate jet sales tax break, and the many other write-offs rich people have been getting recently....

you want to cut spending?? start with the bush tax cuts and other corporate welfare programs which were meant as temporary stimulative measures during a time when the economy was booming. those ARE TAX EXPENDITURES, WHICH ARE ADDING TO THE DEBT, because they are on the SPENDING SIDE of governmental finance.... READ A BOOK FOR ONCE ... geez...

you might not agree with it on some purely philosophical ground, that doesn't change shit. you may not believe in gravity, but if you jump from the empire state building you will be proven wrong VERY quickly.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
it belongs in the politics section. but winter wimp got chased out of there with her tail between her legs (i claim some credit for that) that she is afraid to go back.

hence, she sticks it in the toke and talk section, hoping things will be more chill and she won't be so sharply derided for her partisan hackery.

if i remember right, she claims to be a libertarian. but i suspect that she puts a check next to the (R) every time.
No, I don't go to the politics because you guys are rude as hell over there. It's a scream fest. There is no respect for people who think differently than you do - no different here from you.

Think what you will about how I vote. You can claim that I don't go to the politics because of you if you want.

I decided a long time ago that people that can't talk (in real life or online) reasonably to each are to be avoided because life is too short to waste any time on them.


Active Member
humm, 6 pages of talking about who caused national debt..... and i thought this was about a purposed 5% national sales tax. its founny how much this is like real politics, we throw out a horrible idea to solve a fairly major problem and then fight about who caused the problem for the rest of the term, and completely forget about how to fix it.

i guess politically speaking the bigger the problem the worse idea you need to fix it. its like not being able to afford taking care of a dog and trading it for a horse because you can ride a horse =).


Well-Known Member
I can't believe it, I heard it, but I still can't believe it. Obama wants a 5% National Sales Tax so he can reduce the debt that HE created. If he does this he will be a one term president. (President spelled with no cap on purpose).

Get out of my wallet you blood sucking dogs.

Fuck Obama. His ass isn't getting a second term god damn it. I'm so sick and tired of these presidents that promise certain things during their run for office.. but once they get elected.. they seem to find an excuse for not keeping their word/promise about the things that they promised to do while running for office. I find that kind of fishy.. very sketchy.

It's like a two year old kinda.. you know? The kid will tell you whatever you want to hear, as long as the kids gets what he/she is wanting. Works on the same principles anyhow.

You know, I don't wish death upon anyone.. but you know, when the man who is in charge, of a country.. such as the United States of America, the best country on Earth, keeps playing these games with the citizens of the U.S.A. and keeps coming p with excuses.. keeps taking vacations every few weeks or so.. keeps running his purple gums about how hes going to fix this and fix that.. do this or do that.. but yet, whenever it comes down to it, he seems to have an excuse for everything.

Well, when you keep pissing people off (the citizens of this country) - there has to be a breaking point! WE DO NOT NEED OBAMA FOR A SECOND TERM AS PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, period... end of discussion.

What we do need.. is someone that we know for a fact was born in the U.S.A. - someone who REALLY AND TRULY loves this country!! Someone who's actually going to keep their word and promises.. and actually do what they say they're going to do! Enough with the lies and bullshit!! I've never in my 29 years of life.. seen such an incompetent U.S. President! Never! The man does NOT CARE about the U.S.A.! If he truly cared, don't you think he would be working much harder in order to get this country back on track?!?! I think so!

So again, with the upcoming 2012 elections coming up... lets try and vote for someone for WHO they really are.. instead of voting on someone just so we can say that we had a black man serve as President of the United States of America. Try voting for someone who actually seems genuine and honest.. instead of voting for someone who clearly is incompetent and clearly doesn't care about this country.

Let's make 2012 the year that America got back on its feet!!! Life is short people.. do you really want to live the next 4 years.. like we have during the last 10!?!?! I sure as hell don't.. and I highly doubt anyone else does either. So, with that said.. lets elect someone that is genuine.. someone that's really and truly going to do their BEST in making 2012 the year that America got back on its feet.. and got back on track.



Well-Known Member
Fuck Obama. His ass isn't getting a second term god damn it. I'm so sick and tired of these presidents that promise certain things during their run for office.. but once they get elected.. they seem to find an excuse for not keeping their word/promise about the things that they promised to do while running for office. I find that kind of fishy.. very sketchy.

It's like a two year old kinda.. you know? The kid will tell you whatever you want to hear, as long as the kids gets what he/she is wanting. Works on the same principles anyhow.

You know, I don't wish death upon anyone.. but you know, when the man who is in charge, of a country.. such as the United States of America, the best country on Earth, keeps playing these games with the citizens of the U.S.A. and keeps coming p with excuses.. keeps taking vacations every few weeks or so.. keeps running his purple gums about how hes going to fix this and fix that.. do this or do that.. but yet, whenever it comes down to it, he seems to have an excuse for everything.

Well, when you keep pissing people off (the citizens of this country) - there has to be a breaking point! WE DO NOT NEED OBAMA FOR A SECOND TERM AS PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, period... end of discussion.

What we do need.. is someone that we know for a fact was born in the U.S.A. - someone who REALLY AND TRULY loves this country!! Someone who's actually going to keep their word and promises.. and actually do what they say they're going to do! Enough with the lies and bullshit!! I've never in my 29 years of life.. seen such an incompetent U.S. President! Never! The man does NOT CARE about the U.S.A.! If he truly cared, don't you think he would be working much harder in order to get this country back on track?!?! I think so!

So again, with the upcoming 2012 elections coming up... lets try and vote for someone for WHO they really are.. instead of voting on someone just so we can say that we had a black man serve as President of the United States of America. Try voting for someone who actually seems genuine and honest.. instead of voting for someone who clearly is incompetent and clearly doesn't care about this country.

Let's make 2012 the year that America got back on its feet!!! Life is short people.. do you really want to live the next 4 years.. like we have during the last 10!?!?! I sure as hell don't.. and I highly doubt anyone else does either. So, with that said.. lets elect someone that is genuine.. someone that's really and truly going to do their BEST in making 2012 the year that America got back on its feet.. and got back on track.

It's kind of easy to discount your arguments when you're obviously biased and illogical. You want someone who is born in the U.S. and loves this country, which implies that you think Obama doesn't fit those 2 criteria. Keep listening to Trump and Perry if you want to. I still don't know why everyone was debating if Obama was actually born in the U.S.. SO let me ask you, why?


Well-Known Member
Yea we need a true, solid american in power! someone like Newt Gingrich, born in the usa! death penalty for pot smugglers! Tax breaks for the super rich! yahoo


Well-Known Member
Half you MF,ers havent served this country your too young, most of you haven't worked more than a few years.
Were the hell do you all get off talking like your soooo bad off, Move the fuck out bitches!!!


Well-Known Member
No matter who created or exacerbated it, once we have a National Sales Tax we will be stuck with it forever and ever.
That's the part that sticks with me...taxes are never temporary. I'm saving though and not in dollars either. I have no intention of retiring here. Every year one million Americans retire to other countries. Ima be one of them.