People not saying "Thank you"


Well-Known Member
So I just wanna say.. I HATE HATE HATE when you go out of your way and do something for someone.

and they dont say thank you. like is it asking too much of people now to say 2 simple words?

I think its just rude...

who else agrees..


Active Member
i hate it when you go to the store and hole the door for a few people and non of them say thanks...i always say your welcome and they always look back at me dumbfounded..but yes i agree with you it pisses me off


Well-Known Member
i hate it when you go to the store and hole the door for a few people and non of them say thanks...i always say your welcome and they always look back at me dumbfounded..but yes i agree with you it pisses me off
Lol I have to ALWAYS say thanks when someone holds the door open! like its just what should be done.


Well-Known Member
So I just wanna say.. I HATE HATE HATE when you go out of your way and do something for someone.

and they dont say thank you. like is it asking too much of people now to say 2 simple words?

I think its just rude...

who else agrees..
It just makes me realize I'm a better person than most...

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
i hate it when you go to the store and hole the door for a few people and non of them say thanks...i always say your welcome and they always look back at me dumbfounded..but yes i agree with you it pisses me off
lol i hate that 2 n i agree with lakew00d tx. i say the same thing "youre welcome" n they look at me stupid i say "what bitch" i mean come on thats just rude n disrespectful.


Well-Known Member
So I just wanna say.. I HATE HATE HATE when you go out of your way and do something for someone.

and they dont say thank you. like is it asking too much of people now to say 2 simple words?

I think its just rude...

who else agrees..
Shouldn't do it to get praise. More of a I'm better then you. you sorry ass rude ass mother fucker kinda ordeal to me ;)
Of course I'm just thinking it not saying it.


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't do it to get praise. More of a I'm better then you. you sorry ass rude ass mother fucker kinda ordeal to me ;)
Of course I'm just thinking it not saying it.
But its like not just a door, like say your buddy calls you and he's like
"my car wont start and i need a new battery, blah blah"
so you drive 35 miles to take your buddy to a auto store to get a battery and take him back to his car. and help him install that shit.
and then you follow him home to make sure there are no more problems.

like thats not what happened today. but you know dont you think you should have a "thanks"?


Well-Known Member
I always say thank you, hold doors for people, SAY EXCUSE ME. <---- for some reason, no one knows how to say excuse me, especially bad ass little bebe kids... they're now grow up and rude as fuck


Well-Known Member
But its like not just a door, like say your buddy calls you and he's like
"my car wont start and i need a new battery, blah blah"
so you drive 35 miles to take your buddy to a auto store to get a battery and take him back to his car. and help him install that shit.
and then you follow him home to make sure there are no more problems.

like thats not what happened today. but you know dont you think you should have a "thanks"?
hehe that is a extremely far fetched example. So for a extremely far fetched example i will give yes a extremely far fetched answer. Yes in that far fetched situation i would be offended and probably burn his house down.


Well-Known Member
I always say thank you, hold doors for people, SAY EXCUSE ME. <---- for some reason, no one knows how to say excuse me, especially bad ass little bebe kids... they're now grow up and rude as fuck
lol that one bugs me too,
the other day I was at the book store and some lady just walks in front of me and stands like in my view of the books i was looking at. I was like WTF bitch!


Well-Known Member
hehe that is a extremely far fetched example. So for a extremely far fetched example i will give yes a extremely far fetched answer. Yes in that far fetched situation i would be offended and probably burn his house down.
lol true but

I have a real situation..
about 8 months ago y buddy calls me from the county jail saying he needs a bail.. and he needs 100 dollars for it.
I say okay.. I call up the bail bonds men and I go meet him at the jail and pay him the 100 to get him out.
I drive his ass home. and not even a thank you nothin' and he was livin' with me. and when he moved out i didnt get a thank you.


Well-Known Member
lol true but

I have a real situation..
about 8 months ago y buddy calls me from the county jail saying he needs a bail.. and he needs 100 dollars for it.
I say okay.. I call up the bail bonds men and I go meet him at the jail and pay him the 100 to get him out.
I drive his ass home. and not even a thank you nothin' and he was livin' with me. and when he moved out i didnt get a thank you.
Good riddin's IMHO...


Well-Known Member
what it is is that none of those people got smacked here or there as kids, hell if i ever didnt say thankyou to anyone in public or what not id get the left hand to the head! Or they got too many to the head ahahaha

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
i hate it when you go to the store and hole the door for a few people and non of them say thanks...i always say your welcome and they always look back at me dumbfounded..but yes i agree with you it pisses me off
I hold the door until they get close, and if they don't say thanks by the time they're almost through, I let the door go. They don't expect it and it knocks them back a couple of steps depending on their size.


Well-Known Member
So I just wanna say.. I HATE HATE HATE when you go out of your way and do something for someone.

and they dont say thank you. like is it asking too much of people now to say 2 simple words?

I think its just rude...

who else agrees..

I totally agree with you. You know where that comes from, dont' you? It comes from these bitch ass parents that don't know how to raise their kids. They don't teach them proper manners anymore. Kids these days just run around without any kind of manners.. and its mainly because of the parents.

Now, I have noticed that if you help or say hello to the older generations.. they will generally thank you or say hello or wave back to you. It's just these young punks that are part of the newer generations.. that have absolutely no manners or respect for their elders. It's sad, but, it is what it is you know?

I miss the 80's and early 90's. Actually, I miss the pre-9/11 days to be honest. Things before 9/11 were just better you know? We didn't really have all the hate in the world that we now currently have. Which again, is why I think this world is just going deeper and deeper into the black hole of ugliness. But yeah, back in the pre-9/11 days.. people were nice. You could wave at a total stranger, and they would more than likely wave back. But in today's times..?? Shit, you wave at someone.. and you have a 50/50 chance of getting shot.. or starting some kind of fight... and its because people are more 'on edge' in today's times.

It's almost like after 9/11... everyone's attitudes changed. The world just got more aggressive and more negative..

It's cool though.. I was raised to be polite.. and I was also raised to respect my elders. I was also raised correctly on how to treat women.. that's the other thing I cannot stand.. and won't tolerate.. and that's a man hitting a women. I don't care what a women does or says to you.. you DO NOT hit a women, period.


Well-Known Member
I hate it when you say "Excuse me" and the person wont budge, pretending they didnt hear you, little kids are especially bad with this, not trying to sound racist, but usually its either little black kids who are the worst with this. Then they grow up and still have terrible manners. However, all the ones I happen to be friends with are very polite, even if they sound ghetto, they dont act like it. But i had this black dude hella shove me out of the way more than once... idk, it just seems like my generation of black people are rude as hell... but the older they get, the nicer... I just avoid the ghetto acting ones, and make really good friends with the ones who know how to act in public