is this a sound late flower strategy?

I have been wondering if since nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous are essential in differing ratios (according to stage of growth) to plant health and bud production, taste, and potency, is it safe to say that in the last week or two of flower that giving them "too much" phosphorous, i.e. enough to show in leaves but with it in mind that the plant's growth is no longer the priority (THC production is), will in fact enhance the last few days of cannabinoid production. Do we care that the plant got too much phosphorous? Is leaf damage the only issue and since leaves are for vertical growth, is that not okay at such a late stage? Thanks in advance!


Active Member
I don't have a real scientific answer for you on this but I'd think that what you're talking about doing would leave the bud tasting harsh, which is part of the reason people flush their plants in the last few weeks. You might get a big amount of trich production from this and have a glistening bud but it will prob taste like shit due to the high levels of phos. But it would make for an awesome experiment on something you don't intend for consumption. Just to see how it looks.


Well-Known Member
too much Phosphors will make you weed pop and spark, bad idea IMHO. Don't starve your plant in the last 2 weeks just cut back food by 50% and you will do well. Why starve a plant when you want it to produce more??? 90% of smoke taste is done in curing anyway.


Well-Known Member
Im using Fox farms Cia ching on a cab grow for the first time and I see the difference. NKP is 9-50-10
Maybe I should have mentioned I am in a soil mix and only feed every other watering.
I wouldn't run just this in a hydro setup but would use as an additive.