Man, 82, Shoots Guy For Snooping Around His Marijuana Patch


Well-Known Member
nothing like shooting a guy first before seeing if he has a gun and spending most of your life in prison.

I think I'd rather risk getting shot to make sure the fool has a gun, rather then shoot him pre-emptively and end up getting raped in prison, no thanks.
I agree. I wouldn't have shot the person unless they had a gun either. But a warning shot might bring the cops too.


Well-Known Member
I agree. I wouldn't have shot the person unless they had a gun either. But a warning shot might bring the cops too.
not when you live out in the country. I do agree with your logic though.

out here you can shoot off a shotgun 3 times at night and nobody will call.

if you shoot more than that you've likely woken someone up and they'll take the time to try to figure out where you're at.

but we're all spread out and I know both my neighbors.


Well-Known Member
Dude might have had a heart attack any way when i stuck that cold barrel to the back of his skull as that bitch got cocked.

That's my luck .....


Well-Known Member
Dude might have had a heart attack any way when i stuck that cold barrel to the back of his skull as that bitch got cocked.

That's my luck .....
not many people are willing to risk death for someones buds...

just sayin. the second they hear there's a mad grower in a tent with a gun, I think they're gonna leave, not fight.


Well-Known Member
And no blood to wash.
lol if they have the misfortune of bleeding out on normal soil I'm afriad they're shit o ut of luck.... I don't think blood is traceable after 3 days of watering into the ground. not saying I know from experience just thinking from an organic grower perspective


Well-Known Member
not many people are willing to risk death for someones buds...

just sayin. the second they hear there's a mad grower in a tent with a gun, I think they're gonna leave, not fight.

True....but it's a stupid world and stupid shit happens.Stupid humans.

lol if they have the misfortune of bleeding out on normal soil I'm afriad they're shit o ut of luck.... I don't think blood is traceable after 3 days of watering into the ground. not saying I know from experience just thinking from an organic grower perspective
I dunno man,today's technology is nuts.I wouldn't be surprised if they could collect dna 3 months later to be honest.

Sounds like a thread in the making.."can you smoke blood covered buds?"
Blood Ferts......blood red trich's.....taste like copper.

I wonder what is better...?

Type A- or B+.......maybe one is a grow version and the other is bloom????


Well-Known Member
True....but it's a stupid world and stupid shit happens.Stupid humans.

I dunno man,today's technology is nuts.I wouldn't be surprised if they could collect dna 3 months later to be honest.

Blood Ferts......blood red trich's.....taste like copper.

I wonder what is better...?

Type A- or B+.......maybe one is a grow version and the other is bloom????
my thing is there wont be a spot on the ground so they wont know where to look ;)


Well-Known Member
I hope he gets a good jury, in Kentucky he probably will, and I bet when he's aquitted and gets out-if he's not out already their will be word going around town it's not worth trying to fuck with that old mans plants.


Well-Known Member
Well one thing is for sure....if the guy that got shot survives this and ever stumbles across another marijuana garden.....he is going to take a quick look around and run like hell......:lol:


Active Member
He should have blown his head off. Now the grower has to deal with the survivor suing him thus keeping him in the "Justice" system loop for a very long time.


Well-Known Member
He should have blown his head off. Now the grower has to deal with the survivor suing him thus keeping him in the "Justice" system loop for a very long time.
While I think it's uncalled for to blast someone away for being in your plants it's not something any grow takes lightly but if you were to blast him away, kill the guy and bury him under your patch, decomposing body makes great fertilizer ;)

But for real, I hope the snooper lives and learns a lesson.


Active Member
It would of been awesome if the dude snooping in weed plants would of got blasted to this. LOL

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
While I think it's uncalled for to blast someone away for being in your plants it's not something any grow takes lightly but if you were to blast him away, kill the guy and bury him under your patch, decomposing body makes great fertilizer ;)

But for real, I hope the snooper lives and learns a lesson.
Isn't that how they got the strain Jack the Ripper??? Just sayin'....


Active Member
When you think about he can't be charged for shooting someone on his property. He can only be charged with growing. Regardless the guy trespassed!