Raising Water PH


Active Member

I was wondering what would be the best way to raise the ph of my water as after adding the nutes it does take it a little low.



Don't worry about it. On the condition that you have a liming agent in your soil (powdered dolomitic\calcitic limestone), and it is healthy (alive) the acidity will be neutralized and the pH will balance itself. Take a run-off sample and check the pH of that.


How about putting basic liquids near the area where you're planting. This include waste water from laundry. Don't overdo, though.


Active Member

I was wondering what would be the best way to raise the ph of my water as after adding the nutes it does take it a little low.

If you are growing organic herb than dont worry about your water pH!
Your microbes in the soil set their own environment and will stabilize
Test your runoff pH and if it is above 7or 8 add 1tsp per gal sulfur pellets to your topsoil, if below then add a high N guano
Hope this helps



Well-Known Member
If your in dirt or a mix most of the time they run 7 to 7.8 ph, so don't worry about it as long as were not talking 5.4 or lower. Mix and use as needed. If you can find worm castings to mix in at a rate of 20% by volume than they will auto ph your soil for up to 2 years and help bug proof your plants and add important elements. Worm Castings are the secret magic bullet for garners.