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Even Louis Farrakhan supports Ron Paul.
African Americans For Ron Paul
My African american sistas and brothas need to know about the scum we have in government.The Zionist Jewish supremacists that run and own the government behind the scenes lie and steal from our people.Ron paul is the only honest hope of Freedom we have left.
Barack,Jackson,and Sharpton are jewish pawns filling their pockets with dough.They don't truly care about us.They are race traitors working for their jewish rulers.Louis Farakhan is right about the jews.Ron Paul cares about minorities and middle class/poor people.Most of the government has jews who sometimes have european names to hide them being jewish.
He wants to stops illegals from coming here and killing our people like they did in NJ with the black college students.Mexican gangs(illegal aliens) trying to run the country and kill our young black children.
Here are a few young intelligent black people who support Ron Paul constitution and freedom campaign.Martin Luther King Jr. believed in FREEDOM and would vote for Ron Paul who believe what MLK Jr. believed.All the other candidates are liars and want to take our freedoms away more and more every day.They want to control us and herd us like animals.This has to STOP!Media is BIAS and owned by the Zionist Jewish supremacist