Cool Tube Reflector w/ Ducting?


Well-Known Member
How many cfm is your exhaust fan? An inline would work but you're looking at more ducting also, and may not be necessary if you have a nice inline exhaust fan
Here are the inline fans I was thinking of, 65-80 cfm

Edit: It says it has an oil resevoir, does that mean it doesn't even need a socket to run?


Well-Known Member
I only have enough plugs for 2 fans, I'm so confused at how to make this work lol


Well-Known Member
I only have enough plugs for 2 fans, I'm so confused at how to make this work lol
I wanted to know the cfm (cubic feet per minute) of the exhaust fan, what you will hook up to the carbon scrubber. Duct this through the cool tube, as opposed to an in-line duct booster fan (like you provided link for). Duct your intake air in from your intake fan. 2 fans, 1 ehuasting and moving hot air away from cool tube, and 1 intake fan bringing fresh air in.


Well-Known Member
Can you provide me with a link to a 6" fan you would recommend? I'm trying to keep it simple and cheap as well. Is this what you're talking about kinda?

My question is how is the carbon scrubber getting used like it's supposed to, since it's not really taking in the smell of the room, but the heat from the reflector?


Well-Known Member
oh and the carbon filter will suck air out...and push that sucked air out and ducted over the hps bulb sealed in the cool tube (they only call them cool tubes because they are EASY to cool, not self cooling) and out of the grow space, thus accomplishing three tasks (a) Venting the grow op and providing air exchange (b) masking the odor of that vented air (your room will still smell like dope though) and (c) cooling the hps bulb by moving vented air through the cool tube.


Well-Known Member
intake --> cooltube---> fan (run this fan when lights on)
carbon filter --> Fan --> out (run this fan to control smell )

always pull with inline fans, dont push.
although you can push directly into a carbon filter outside the room

or if you want to use one fan carbon---->cooltube--->fan
this option means you will be exhausting your carbon more quickly because you will be running it 12 h a day when lights on.
Is the room seriously sealed off? like air tight? Why do you need the extra two ducts going in the room, I use 1 fan, to take air in ---> Through the lights ---> out the room in 1 duct..

This is what I intend to do when I get my PowerPlant hood. I plan to simply use my existing extractor to suck air through the hood and out into the carbon filter. Possibly have some ducting on the other end of the hood but I was thinking of keeping that end inside the tent, perhaps at the bottom of the tent. Since all the heat will be from the bulb at the top and the cool air from the bottom will be dragged over the bulb and out the top anyway, it should remove all the heat I need :-)


Well-Known Member
I'm not really trying to spend $200 on a fan/carbon filter combo, I intended to use a DIY carbon scrubber. Odor control is very important in my setup, so I don't think running the carbon filter in the same duct as the cool tube would do the job. Here's another drawing, how does it look?

im no expert on the grow side of things but i did do air balancing for a year and i would seperate the duct for maximum flow , maybe just use 1 fan to suck the air over the light , and the other to suck the air out of grow space , also the filter will restrict airflow and you dont need to filter the cooltube ,maybe worth putting a filter on the intake of the tube ,but nothing crazy just a stocking
the exaust vent for the room itself will create a negative presure effect so as long as you have a hole /relief vent for air to enter the chamber it will not a need air intake fan , but like i said im going from a air con aproch ,as for growing i prob no less than anyone lol
also remember heat rises so the roof cavity will be hotter than your room unless you live in a cold climate and your roof isnt insulated which it prob is if you live in a cool area so i would just use your room for suply air


Well-Known Member
y not just use it like this
I'd like to know what those numbers were labeling, do you have a source of that image? And I'm kinda stumped at why there is a carbon filter on there, what's it filtering if it's hooked up to the cool tube?


Well-Known Member
sucking through the carbon filter and blowing through the cooltube then up into the atic iv got 600w hps in a 1.2m x 1.2m meter grow tent and it works fine ill try find the site now


Well-Known Member
I still don't understand how the carbon filter is getting used effectively by just receiving heat from the cool tube.


Well-Known Member
the fan is sucking through the carbonfilter and blowing cold air through the cooltube keeping the bulb cool then straight out off the tent into the atic


Well-Known Member
I see, so the air is coming from the carbon filter (number 1) headed through the cool tube and out the attic (number 8)? I thought the odor had to pass through the carbon filter to get removed...

Edit: Is the odor getting sucked through the carbon filter very first thing? I think that's where I got confused, the blower is pullin air in from the carbon filter?