How long do you think till harvest?


Active Member
First time grower here. I guess I don't really know when to expect to harvest. based on the looks of the plant, when do you think? also, I have a dumb question. For some reason the area that looks like it's a bud with a bunch of calyxes seems to keep growing and just look like a normal stem in time. will the actual bud form on top of these?? these "buds" form between the leaf node and the main plant, so i'm assuming that is where it will eventually form. Thanks!!


Nothing shy of atleast 4 weeks.That as long as mother nature copoperates with ya. Bud formation will be heavier on which ever side(s) recieve the most light. Sometimes it is hard to know what to expect when growing strains you havent grwon b4. I have one that has been 1 month into flower and it keeps producing layer upon layer of leaf stacked up in the shape of what should be a cola. I assume more caylxs will fill in evetualy. Ya just never know what you r going to get from bag seed.
I noticed some little white patches on some of your pics. It looked like webbing? Next time ya check on your crop might wanna take a small spray bottle of neem oil and give um a misting.

Looking good !


Well-Known Member
Lol. I think it's bird shit :)
lmao...yea your at four min.mother nature always tells me when to cut seems like. I can't ever leave my outdoor out as long as id like weather always get's shitty on me. In my area if i can till second third week of october im happy as hell.But some season's i have been forced to cut in late september .I'd hold out as long as you can i guess is what im getting at.



Bird poops are good nutrients although thats one hellava foiler method. Hypotheticaly, I have a small 5 plant plot outdoors too and expect that I will need to harvest early too. Once you find a strain that starts flowering early (~60 days). Stick with that strain for your outdoor variety


Active Member
Bird poops are good nutrients although thats one hellava foiler method. Hypotheticaly, I have a small 5 plant plot outdoors too and expect that I will need to harvest early too. Once you find a strain that starts flowering early (~60 days). Stick with that strain for your outdoor variety
So you're saying that with me living in Iowa and the first frostdate maybe in the middle of october, I will need to harvest early? won't harvesting early make the bud worse quality and less stonier?


New Member
What strain is it? You could have 4-6 weeks still maybe more

Best thing to do is not listen to breeders info on harvest date and go pick up a 100x microscope from radio shack and watch your trics


Active Member
It's bagseed. I figured on my first grow I'd try to get it figured out before I waste some quality seed. It was a pretty decent smoke too. Like I said, I'm just hoping that the weather holds up till I can harvest :D


Active Member
Yea, me either! Do you know if the first frost will kill a plant or what temps would be harmful? I've heard different things like a little frost is actually good. Maybe you would know since you are in the same climate as I am.


New Member
Yea, me either! Do you know if the first frost will kill a plant or what temps would be harmful? I've heard different things like a little frost is actually good. Maybe you would know since you are in the same climate as I am.
Well back last yearl i had a female plant that got bombarded by pollen. So i let her be so she dropped all her seeds. So come april of this year i had like 50 sprouts poping up a about on there 1st set of 3 fingered leaves. Here comes a good snow in mid april completly covered all seedlings for a day or so with cold ass weather. When the snow melted they all survived ^_^

So a grown plant should be able to tolerate a few frost but if temps are starting to get to cold then shes going to be stunted. Best thing is to just keep a close on the future weather and plan it by then


Looks like the plants are right on schedule, I think for your state (photo periods) they are chugging along nicely. Yours are little bit further along then mine, so I think your strain has the upper hand on possibly finishing first.

Ideally atleast 4 weeks left. Anything less and it may taste like grass even if your cured for a year. 5 weeks and you will have somthing to be proud of.


Well-Known Member
I thought the same, He said it was bird shit lol
i donno its kinda concentrated in a closer area not far from itself.... those sativa ass leaves are real skinny whats the chances of some birds shitting perfectly on them like that in such a close and almost pattern like infected area? and see how some of its on the inner growth like that??? a bird would have had to shit in a pretty unantural manner for it to get there i would think.. but the pix are of low quality so its hard to tell anyway... i just think i see some pm there...

seranade, or greencure anyone


Active Member
Later ill post some higher quality pics. I'm pretty sure its bird shit but ill check later. Why the hell would I chop it now??