Im really needing good advice..


Well-Known Member
my plants are 8 week strains and im now 33 days into flower.

last week was there time to get there first reduced feed and on tuesday they are due to be reduced again then a week later i will start flushing with water for 2 weeks..

none of my plants have any hairs changin colour and was wondering if i should actually be reducing the feeds. im sure that my last grow at this stage my plants were covered in the brown/orange hairs.

for the last 3 weeks ive encountered really low temps at night and lowest recorded was 5.6c... would this or could this slow the plants down and go beyond there 8 weeks flowering time..

i got heater now and temps sit at 62f at night..

any info is good info..

thanx in advance ppl.


Well-Known Member
no you should give um about 3quarter stength nutes everyother water until you flush coz its the nutes which help keep ya plants healthy and grow fat bud,,so feed um as much as possible without hurting um...peace


Well-Known Member
im using the advanced nut charts and they say to reduce the 6th weeks feed..
why do you say dont reduce , if you dont mind me asking.

doesnt ev1 reduce at the 6th week???? if there 8 week plants i would of thought they need to be reduced slightly then flushed for two weeks..

im probably wrong skitz lol but its just some ppl say one thing and some say tottaly diff stuff.

thanx m8..


Well-Known Member
You should go by what your plants look like not a predetermined time frame,eight weeks is a rough estimate only,keep up on your routine until the buds look like they are ready to be harvested within the next week or so,then flush.

What do the trich's look like.


Well-Known Member
i dont know wot trichs look like yet. will have a look tomorow n let you know..

there is only white hairs on my plants and none are changing colour yet.. wot does this mean.???
if there 8 week plants and they have say 3 - 4 weeks left shud they not be covered in red/brown hairs..

coz my temps have been really low do you think they will go beyond the 8 weeks that there suposed to flower in.?????

this aint makin any sense lol... youve all lost me on this one.

will post my flowering chart n you can see where i am..


Well-Known Member
have a look n see for your selfs..

im due to give the 6th weeks feed on tuesday.. should i do this or keep it at the same strength as 5th weeks feed due to there not being any change in the hair colour.?????


Well-Known Member
i dont know wot trichs look like yet. will have a look tomorow n let you know..

there is only white hairs on my plants and none are changing colour yet.. wot does this mean.???
if there 8 week plants and they have say 3 - 4 weeks left shud they not be covered in red/brown hairs..

coz my temps have been really low do you think they will go beyond the 8 weeks that there suposed to flower in.?????

this aint makin any sense lol... you've all lost me on this one.

will post my flowering chart n you can see where i am..
Look,your still focusing on weeks & charts,you need to stop thinking in terms of weeks & start thinking in terms of what your plant is telling you,remember weeks are just a rough draft of how long things take not a hard nailed blueprint,the plant has no idea how many weeks its been alive but it does know what conditions its been grown under,meaning that a plant that can be flowered in 8 weeks can easily take as long as 12 or 13 weeks to complete its bud cycle.

Having all white hairs is a sure sign that the bud isnt close to being ready yet, get a hand held microscope of 30 power or stronger & have a look at the trichomes,the way they look will tell you how many weeks/days you have left.

From my experience if you have all white hairs your not close to harvest & have around a month left to go.


Well-Known Member
you know I look at my plants like my sounds stupid maybe but I am totally focused on their hapiness, i look at my charts and i keep my cycles right on the ball but I
keep my eye on my babies , I am totally new at this but shit it works, they are freakin thriving, I read intensively for months on weed growing and did it leisurely for years, I spend a shitload of time with them and I found that an 8 week plant can easily be a 10 week plant if shit went off a bit , you talked about cold well maybe it stunned them a bit, your plants by their white and not brown hairs tell you that they are feeling a little slow and they would like a bit more time if you don't but I know you love your girls and you would do anything for them so just stand by and keep a good eye on them, I don,t personally feel like you should be reducing nutes in the 6th week, its your last sprint growth and in the last 2 weeks you will be flushing them anyway, if you're worried about taste and stuff then use maybe a flushing agent with your last 2 weeks to make sure your girls use up all thats left in them

that is a humble opinion from a passionate grower, but I feel its more fun to be philosophical about our babies then

I wish you luck man although I am totally convinced that if you take a deep breath and just sit back and let them follow their own course you will be rewarded.

peace friend


Well-Known Member
thanx panhead.. im glad somone is givin out good advice. can you tell me what i should be looking for when i examine the trics plz.. all i know they go cloudy at sumpoint then go to amber. ive been told its ready wen they turn cloudy but im no expert.



Well-Known Member
thanx panhead.. im glad somone is givin out good advice. can you tell me what i should be looking for when i examine the trics plz.. all i know they go cloudy at sumpoint then go to amber. ive been told its ready wen they turn cloudy but im no expert.

Glad i could help.

At the minimum you want all milky trich's,then after that when you harvest depends largely on what type of buzz you prefer,if you prefer the heavy stoned high where ya just wanna chill out then let about 30% of the trich's turn amber,if you like a buzz thats more of an energy buzz where you feel like getting shit done then harvest when the trich's are very cloudy or with just a hint of depth to the color of the trich.


Well-Known Member
you dont need to reduce how much nutes you give ya plant before you flush,theres no reason to do that,unless your nute burning ya plant,,,and also you should wait for more than 30% to turn amber if you want a couch lock stone,,,about 50% is what i wait for,,,,,


Well-Known Member
lol but when would i start flushing skitz. would i start when the plants trics are cloudy or what.??
or a week after they turn cloudy.?? 2 weeks ???? 3 days???
im sounding dumb lol but dont know when im supposed to flush m8..


Well-Known Member
no nute burn m8.... just been given crap info from ppl i know in my area that grow.. lol wont be taking there advice anymore..

ide rather come in here n learn stuff....


Well-Known Member
Wow,this multiple thread is getting cunfusing,anyhow when you flush also depends on what buzz you want,you can either start flushing when the trich's are all cloudy or anytime after that,the longer you let the trich's go from cloudy to amber the heavier the buzz.

Just remember that the more amber the heavier the buzz, but dont go too far past the peak harvest point.


Well-Known Member
sorry bout multiple threads folks.. ive got the info i need and glad of it.
thanx panhead. again lol


Well-Known Member
i pump my shit with nutes right till they areready then flush three or four days about 50 or 60 litres a day then harvest no harshness


Well-Known Member
PANHEAD do you think i should i increase my ppm slightly. tomorrow is usually the day i change my nft tanks and would like to know if it would do any harm increasing it a little bit as the nxt few weeks will be the most important for bud growth..
thanx again man..youve been a great help..