Can you charge a solar panel with grow lights?


Not sure if this is the right bit of the forum to post this, but Im mashed and just had a flash of inspiration while designing a kitchen herb growing unit - would it be possible to charge up a solar panel fro the same light used on the garden?

Im totally unscientifically minded so excuse me if this is a totally stupid idea, but I was wondering if grow light produce the right kinda light to charge a solar panel, and if so would that then be enough energy to in turn run the light which is charging the solar panel, maybe using low impact led lights?

I'm guessing its not possible as there is absolutely nothing (at least in my baked state) that I can find on google about it!

Any thoughts people?


Well-Known Member
I would say it wouldn't work because it would always be taking in less energy then it emits. And most of the panel would be under shadow of the leaves.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
There's no such thing as perpetual motion. You can't get more than you give. Basic physics.


hahahaha Ok prolly should'a paid a bit more attention in science class! and as for charging them up outside - I live in the uk - we don't get that much sun here!!!!


Undercover Mod
Thats ridiculous why not just design an indoor system with solar power. But those panels aren't cheap and it would take alot of profit to even it out. I think cannabis is the best hope for some kind of indoor solar grow.


Well-Known Member
I beg to differ sir. what about the alternator on a car
Your point would be valid if it were just the battery that was powering the alternator. But, there's this whole other internal combustion thing going on, which is what is producing the energy to power the alternator. It merely uses a tiny fraction of this energy to keep the battery charged so it can spark the fuel that is actually creating the lions's share of the energy.

midnight smoker

Active Member
Your point would be valid if it were just the battery that was powering the alternator. But, there's this whole other internal combustion thing going on, which is what is producing the energy to power the alternator. It merely uses a tiny fraction of this energy to keep the battery charged so it can spark the fuel that is actually creating the lions's share of the energy.
well played sir


Well-Known Member
I tried mightily to make a perpetual motion machine when I was a kid. Ahh...Rube Goldberg would be so proud.