help with 1000 watt


i have a 1000 watt light, just wondering how far away should my light be from my plants, they have really long stem so i pretty sure they stretching for light. there about 400mm apart. thanks


Well-Known Member
as close as you can get it without burning the tops of the plants if its to hot for your hand to go under then its to hot for your plants


Active Member
^^indeed. there shouldnt be much stretch for light with a 1k. it may be the genetics of the plant. the hand test should suffice as a guid to tell you how far to place the lamp. if not a close eye to see how the top leaves respond. any curling, wrinkling or canoeing and its too close.


Well-Known Member
what age are your plants? sumtimes the more powerful light are a bit too hot for young plants, personally i tend not to use hid lights till the plants are established, also if u can put afan blowing between the light and canopy top, it areduces heat and also builds stalk thickness thru resistance.


can i berry the long stems when i repot them and put the light closer, will the stems rott and kill my plants there only 8 days old.


no but i have fans going in there and an exhaust fan to suck the heat out if it gets to hot. will that work


Well-Known Member
Should be fine, if temps get above 90 degrees it could slow your growth a little but you can still grow good buds. If you have a big fan in the doorway that would help, but when it starts to smell? Will you want to be venting that smell throughout the house?


yeah i have a carbon filter for the smell. also when i repot them should i put them straight back under lights or doit when there sleeping.


Well-Known Member
I don't see the harm, I normally pot/transplant plants early in the light phase, like when they wake up.


i have a carbon filter for the smell. can i put the plants staight back under lights when i repot them or should i keep them out of the light for awhile.