Murder is not wrong.

Maybe the OP here... never had someone close to him murdered, cause otherwise he would feel differently about it! I personally had someone I know murdered & had to be a witness in Superior Court. Believe me it was WRONG! My best friend's boyfriend was a nice guy, would give you the shirt off his back. And two guy's( supposely friend's) took his life for $1,200.00. Lied to him took him up into the woods shot him five times, but still alive, then wrapped him tarp threw him in back of his own truck drove him back to town approx 2 hrs & dumped his body. My friend & I watched him leave with these dudes, so we where very lucky to be alive ourselves. Someone found him 2 fucking weeks later! He was only 19 years old @ that time! He had a really nice family & a bright future ahead of him! Before those mother fucker's took his life! He would have gave them his problem! So basically you know my feelings on the subject! And u think that was right Crypt?? Seriously
im not religious in the least. I only acknowledge existance of a god, dont follow any religion.
You have no faith in man, so you see the world how you want it to be seen.
Step one, admit you have a problem

bahahahaha Toucher, well done Urca.
im not religious in the least. I only acknowledge existance of a god, dont follow any religion.
You have no faith in man, so you see the world how you want it to be seen.
Step one, admit you have a problem

Do I have no faith in mankind? I didnt know I needed to have faith in anything. Nice to pass judgement isnt it Urca? Strong sense of achievement. Man I love it. :)
Maybe the OP here... never had someone close to him murdered, cause otherwise he would feel differently about it! I personally had someone I know murdered & had to be a witness in Superior Court. Believe me it was WRONG! My best friend's boyfriend was a nice guy, would give you the shirt off his back. And two guy's( supposely friend's) took his life for $1,200.00. Lied to him took him up into the woods shot him five times, but still alive, then wrapped him tarp threw him in back of his own truck drove him back to town approx 2 hrs & dumped his body. My friend & I watched him leave with these dudes, so we where very lucky to be alive ourselves. Someone found him 2 fucking weeks later! He was only 19 years old @ that time! He had a really nice family & a bright future ahead of him! Before those mother fucker's took his life! He would have gave them his problem! So basically you know my feelings on the subject! And u think that was right Crypt?? Seriously
Maybe someone name Sebastopolian didn't follow the thread, and is therefor out of his element.


I've had a few people close to me murdered and several people I love die. Passing judgement is so goddamn fun! Delightful.
Do I have no faith in mankind? I didnt know I needed to have faith in anything. Nice to pass judgement isnt it Urca? Strong sense of achievement. Man I love it. :)

You passed judgement on me, calling me a relgious freak, telling me i have a problem in believing in man. because you have no faith, doesnt mean i should abandon mine or that im seeing only what i want to see. your choosing to see only the bad, im choosing to see both.
You passed judgement on me, calling me a relgious freak, telling me i have a problem in believing in man.

I never said you have a problem by not believing in man. Youre bringing that entirely different topic up these past few posts.

I did pass judgement. Didn't you read and comprehend my post?
I never said you have a problem by not believing in man. Youre bringing that entirely different topic up these past few posts.

I did pass judgement. Didn't you read and comprehend my post?

now you're just being shitty. Im saying that the world is both intensely good and evil. That there is a greater balance that is upheld. Doesnt make me religious, or naive
Maybe someone name Sebastopolian didn't follow the thread, and is therefor out of his element.


I've had a few people close to me murdered and several people I love die. Passing judgement is so goddamn fun! Delightful.

Fuckin A...
now you're just being shitty. Im saying that the world is both intensely good and evil. That there is a greater balance that is upheld. Doesnt make me religious, or naive

OK Im little earnestly confused here, when did I say you were religious. :confused:
Yeah whatever, U brought up Murder is not wrong! So what exactly point r you trying to make. You think murder/death is delightful. Lovely... Im outta here...IMO...U r just a creepo.
how often does that happen? In all seriousness, what percentage of std victims didnt do it to themselves? its a small number who didnt

The govt gave syphiliplis to thousands of blace men, bayre asprin co gave Aids to thousands, cheating partners have infected countless good husbands and wives- why judge? Is having unprotected sex with whores and getting a disease 'doing it to yourself' but eating to many calories and being lazy and not excercising enough and getting fat and getting heart disease or having a heart attack is not doing it to yourself?
The govy gave syphiliplis to thousands of blace men, bayre asprin co gave Aids to thousands, cheating partners have infected countless good husbands and wives- why judge? Is having unprotected sex with whores and getting a disease 'doing it to yourself' but eating to many calories and being lazy and not excercising enough and getting fat and getting heart disease or having a heart attack is not doing it to yourself?

My weight is my own fault, the syphilis was a long time ago, but we're talking thousands... when there are MILLIONS of aids victims...
Taking the life of anything is not right, but if occurs it was meant to be.

If it was not meant to happen then it would not have happened... there are no accidents... :joint:

ramble... ha
My weight is my own fault, the syphilis was a long time ago, but we're talking thousands... when there are MILLIONS of aids victims...

Your tax dollars and your parents tax dollars paid for that to be possible-does that make you a murderer for funding it or benifiting from it? Dr Robert Gallow created Aids.
whatever, im not here to argue with you. Obviously we're two different ends of the spectrum... again, another form of balance

It's only an argument if both people think it is. Just because there are two sides of a story that doesn't make it balanced. That has nothing to do with it being balanced. I mean, seriously. This is simple philosophy. They dont teach that in high school Urca? There will always be two ends of every spectrum, but not everything is balanced. Society, is one of those things, that is just tremendously skewed.