Murder is not wrong.

murder's not wrong. necrophelia, on the other hand...... totally wrong. unless of course you're a female black widow spider.
Which there is none of in society.

how can you say that? yes, people are corrupt. yes, they murder, kill, opress.
but on the flip side, people are kind, people love, people overcome hardship, we laugh, we dance, we make wonderous things... cruelty, ugliness, all apart of life as much as the good parts are.
Murder under any definition is pain. Think of the family, think of the friends. No one deserves to have those feelings on account of anything. Killing another human being is wrong.

But I will defend my family friends and my own life if it comes down to it, but that is the last resort.
it's funny... we're all talking about how we should naturally be beasts that have to fight for survival, meanwhile most of us are just sitting back smoking on some weed to make us think of that.

yeah i'd rather just have life like this, lol :)
Murder under any definition is pain. Think of the family, think of the friends. No one deserves to have those feelings on account of anything. Killing another human being is wrong.

But I will defend my family friends and my own life if it comes down to it, but that is the last resort.
And you accept how wrong it was to defend your family because killing another human being is wrong??
it's funny... we're all talking about how we should naturally be beasts that have to fight for survival, meanwhile most of us are just sitting back smoking on some weed to make us think of that.

yeah i'd rather just have life like this, lol :)
Haha. I'm not toking in this toke n talk. I am just a little high from earlier tho.
Murder under any definition is pain. Think of the family, think of the friends. No one deserves to have those feelings on account of anything. Killing another human being is wrong.

But I will defend my family friends and my own life if it comes down to it, but that is the last resort.
i was going to say something like that earlier, but then you can say the same thing for animals in certain circumstances. but yeah, i agree with you.
its ok urca. i think this society need optimist like you as much as they need pessimists like us. its brings to mind the eternal struggle of light and dark good and evil right and wrong. but depending on who is looking who is on which side is relative. i respect your opinion. i just respect mine more... lmao
its ok urca. i think this society need optimist like you as much as they need pessimists like us. its brings to mind the eternal struggle of light and dark good and evil right and wrong. but depending on who is looking who is on which side is relative. i respect your opinion. i just respect mine more... lmao

hahaa i used to be down about society... but then i look at the world, and think its all part of a great balance... you need terrible, terrible things in this world to balance out all the good