Murder is not wrong.

Thre's a difference between thinking about something as you make the decision, and planning something out in detail for hours, days, weeks, or years...Premeditated to me says "I have a plan, this is what I'm gonna do, and this is how I'm gonna get away with it."

Where as if you shoot an intruder to death because he's in your home and you react, or if you kill someone in a barfight, those are not murder because they're not premeditated..Besides, Manslaughter sounds so much more brutal!

It does doesn't it? I always thought it should replace Murder in the First Degree....
Hey youre chatting with a moral nihilist. =) I dont think all those things matter to the universe. They matter to the persons they happen to. But do animals have morals? No. Does anything in the entire world but humanity have morals? No. It matters to you. Not to me. :)

Morals are the fabric of society. without them we'd be roaming as super intelligent animals. Societal rules like "no murder, no rape, no theft" keep society intact
leave a human unattended in the wild to fend for himself from birth. let him live to be an adult. all he will have is his primal instincts. explain to this man "murder" we as a society think too much of our so called civilization and think we are far removed from out primal selves. is this why you cant fathom why most males are philanderers? is this why you cant see why some are athletic or smart, or just plain good at anything from birth. natural selection will take care of the species. killing is a natural part of that. say what you want and base it on morals, animals have no such word. we base too much of our decision making on the fact that we do. imo
and crypt validates my point by saying this doesent matter to him, right? these are just words with meanings attached by others...and if others get to draw this line then we should be able to erase it just as well.
I'm not a fan of society. :) Sorry.

without society, we wouldnt be having this conversation. we wouldnt even comprehend what all this means. its gives us art, culture, indentity, music, science... if we were like hoenheim wanted, we'd be as beasts
leave a human unattended in the wild to fend for himself from birth. let him live to be an adult. all he will have is his primal instincts. we as a society think too much of our so called civilization and think we are far removed from out primal selves. is this why you cant fathom why most males are philanderers? is this why you cant see why some are athletic or smart, or just plain good at anything from birth. natural selection will take care of the species. killing is a natural part of that. say what you want and base it on morals, animals have no such word. we base too much of our decision making on the fact that we do. imo
I love how 90% of people don't realize that Homo Sapiens are part of the Animalia kingdom and refuse to admit that we are in fact Animals. xD
Morals are the fabric of society. without them we'd be roaming as super intelligent animals. Societal rules like "no murder, no rape, no theft" keep society intact

I'm sorry, because society deems something "right" does not make it so....

without society, we wouldnt be having this conversation. we wouldnt even comprehend what all this means. its gives us art, culture, indentity, music, science... if we were like hoenheim wanted, we'd be as beasts

Society has far more faults that grievously overshadow the little light.
I'm sorry, because society deems something "right" does not make it so....


thats not what i mean by society... trust me, there is alot of worng and injustice in society. But even the worst things in life wouldnt seem bad without the good. its called balance
Society has far more faults that grievously overshadow the little light.

Humans are faulty creatures... the light, as you put it, outweighs the dark. You can change the dark, but the if the light never existed, we'd be roaming half creatures, with nothing beuatiful, nothing wonderful, nothing terrible about life. Just primal urges, scraping by, never knowing anything beyong fighting for bare survival
society is what created the class sytem which led certain human to think they were better or greater or smarter than other therefore they should have the good life. they took out natural selection and tried to make themselves gods among men. these were the same ones doing it in the guise of religion saying god chose use to live free so we can make the lesser of men our slaves. im not saying we should be as beasts. im saying without your class system or society natural selection would have chosen me. not you. and if your death [not you personally] means i get to live the good life with my progeny and mate then you will fall to me. this is a dream a life lived carnally. life would be better imo thats not to say we would not have had innovation in the world, we wouldnt have technology, art, and be civilized. we just wouldnt be subject to what "they" call civilization