Murder is not wrong.

Murder is the unlawful premeditated killing of another human being. That has already been established. I really dont think people are going to take your definition over Oxfords Urca.

yes, oxford is correct. but thats just the surface... i defined murder my own way, no one has to believe me, but its how i feel
Murder is the unlawful premeditated killing of another human being. That has already been established. I really dont think people are going to take your definition over Oxfords Urca.
Premeditated might be the keyword...If it's illegal, and you plan it out (Not spur or the moment self defense or whatever), it's murder...thanks Oxfords!
animals dont have the right to choose. we do. our motives can be thought out, we can change. animals do what their ancestors were bred to do. we are bred to live, and think. unfortunately this gives us a concious.

Humans were bred with the instinct to kill other humans for dominance. It hasn't been bred out of us. Yet. We can reason with it all we want. We can murder in self-defense and justify it that way. But at the end of the day, there is no right or wrong. There is only continuing and ending life.
Premeditated might be the keyword...If it's illegal, and you plan it out (Not spur or the moment self defense or whatever), it's murder...thanks Oxfords!

Everybody thinks about what they are about to do beforehand. ;) They always have the choice not to do it. Instincts help. But there is always a choice. =)

Yay! No insults yet. Damn I'm good.
Humans were bred with the instinct to kill other humans for dominance. It hasn't been bred out of us. Yet. We can reason with it all we want. We can murder in self-defense and justify it that way. But at the end of the day, there is no right or wrong. There is only continuing and ending life.

there is right and wrong. theft, rape, murder... all things that are natural animal behaviors... animals steal food from each other, male animals have no problem raping female animals... (especially dolphins... they do it to female dolphins who are pregnant, so they lose the baby), and they kill...

so is theft ok if its been bred into humans? is rape ok? is murder ok? not by a longshot
only humans can commit murder, death with intention is only a murder if committed by a human , a bear can kill you intentionally but it is not murder if i shoot you in the face you are murdered by me...But ponder this if murder is human on human why is it that when a man is put to death on death row it is an execution and not a murder it is still human on human right?
Everybody thinks about what they are about to do beforehand. ;) They always have the choice not to do it. Instincts help. But there is always a choice. =)

Yay! No insults yet. Damn I'm good.

well for animals they probably don't plan ahead and say "hey, the next rabbit that walks by, ima kill" they would see it and make the decision right there whether they want to kill it because of territory, or food, or w.e

but USUALLY humans would be like "ima go kill john, cause he didn't pay me"
there is right and wrong. theft, rape, murder... all things that are natural animal behaviors... animals steal food from each other, male animals have no problem raping female animals... (especially dolphins... they do it to female dolphins who are pregnant, so they lose the baby), and they kill...

so is theft ok if its been bred into humans? is rape ok? is murder ok? not by a longshot

Hey youre chatting with a moral nihilist. =) I dont think all those things matter to the universe. They matter to the persons they happen to. But do animals have morals? No. Does anything in the entire world but humanity have morals? No. It matters to you. Not to me. :)
Everybody thinks about what they are about to do beforehand. ;) They always have the choice not to do it. Instincts help. But there is always a choice. =)

Yay! No insults yet. Damn I'm good.

Thre's a difference between thinking about something as you make the decision, and planning something out in detail for hours, days, weeks, or years...Premeditated to me says "I have a plan, this is what I'm gonna do, and this is how I'm gonna get away with it."

Where as if you shoot an intruder to death because he's in your home and you react, or if you kill someone in a barfight, those are not murder because they're not premeditated..Besides, Manslaughter sounds so much more brutal!
And if we are referencing the bible than I feel we should reference the chronicles of narnia and the lord of the rings being that they are also fairytales.
Hey youre chatting with a moral nihilist. =) I dont think all those things matter to the universe. They matter to the persons they happen to. But do animals have morals? No. Does anything in the entire world but humanity have morals? No. It matters to you. Not to me. :)
well then this thread should be "nothing matters in life" because that's what you're getting at, lol