Whats the biggest outdoor crop you've ever seen?

Just been hearing alot about guys croppin out like 100lbs and 1 crew got just under 700lbs and it looked like homegrown, and this whole outdoor thing is starting to sound very interesting. I'm just curious whats the most you guys have heard about in the BC area. I did an outdoor crop last year and let me tell you, DON'T USE EARLY PEARL lol especially if your in the 49th, I seen it in jorges book and believed it, turned out to be a big disappointment.


Well-Known Member
From 1 plant? Those of course would be the King Kong variety where it is necessary to toss a blonde chick into a volcano and or just leave her out on a sacrificial alter with her hand bound spread eagle awaiting Kong to arrive snatch her up and do who knows what with her.


Well-Known Member
Oh sorry...and I had visions of Faye Wray standing outside the ancient gates of the cannabis god kingdom where buds are the size of banana bunches.


Well-Known Member
I know of grows just outside of city limits that have over 200/250 plants and they pull down some ungodly growth ... though last year they lost half the crop to mold on that site.