please help by babygirl


Active Member
ok so my plant is an outdoor 2 week in flower
and two nights ago i seen it and it looked down so i gave it more water with nutes
and yesterday she looked even downer and today even more looks like shes dying?
what do you think is wrong?its my biggest plant please help
shesjust has all her leaves down and is week :-(


Active Member
its not a laughing matter =( my phone sucks for pics its super down thos the stems feel so light it has enough water
do you think it could be that i over watered with nutes


Active Member
fuck you riu no help at all she died fuck you all though for all the fucking help which was none


Well-Known Member
Exactly you're correct, & those with 0 rep & still tryna roll a joint cannot be trusted cause they have 0 experience in growing but like to spew some 3rd person info about it.


Well-Known Member
Here is a great tip, take the info from those who have experience in growing & show it in their threads / pix. <3 best way to know if someone is a true troll or not.


Active Member
If they have 0 reputation it doesnt mean they cant grow , sometimes they are new to the blog and they have more experience than "mrganja" .


Well-Known Member
If you're directing that @ me, let me respond by saying I mentioned nothing about rep, & Pix / Threads on grows speaks 1 million words. I personally pay no attention to those who show 0 evidence of having ever grown, anyone can read about it on google & share 3rd person knowledge, but I am trying to hear from others own experiences. I learned how to grow from RIU, others can too, Including You.!. :)


Active Member
As i said some people are new to this blog there is 10000 blogs about growing marijuana maybe in other blogs they are experts and here they are just strangers because they are new .All the likes you get is from "buy mighty wash" so stop showing off


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should really go down my list of likes. & if you have any questions you need address for any plants you may own I would be happy to assist you. <3 other than that.. . Are You Jelly.?.
As i said some people are new to this blog there is 10000 blogs about growing marijuana maybe in other blogs they are experts and here they are just strangers because they are new .All the likes you get is from "buy mighty wash" so stop showing off


Well-Known Member
Arguing? I am simply trying to educate you on how to weed out those who really grow & those who talk about it. I myself grow & am successful @ it. I have much to offer this community including you.


Well-Known Member
Well, :) I hope you decide to continue on. I know little of your setup but its always good to grow a few extra plants in case something happens to other.. Like backup plans. <3


Well-Known Member
Sounds like nute lock to me, do you check the ph of your water after adding the nutes, then check the runoff? Also, were they in the ground or a container? If a container, did it have holes so they didn't get waterlogged?