seed gender?


Active Member
how do i tell which seed is female and which is male?
Ive been told there's a way to tell but i don't know how can any one please enlighten me ?:weed:


Well-Known Member
how do i tell which seed is female and which is male?
Ive been told there's a way to tell but i don't know how can any one please enlighten me ?:weed:
then they didnt know what they were talking about. usually you can only tell when it has been in it's flowering period for a week or two. some strains preflower early but usually it has to flower for you to tell.

Mr G row

Well-Known Member
you cant tell from the seed, you have to grow them. some get will show sex at the 7th node but from my experience not all of them do so you will have to flower to show sex,


Active Member
oh well that pretty much covers that but you know how there's the seed sack apparently ones like a cone shape and the other rounded and i got told one is female and the other shape male? was he telling stories or what?

Mr G row

Well-Known Member
oh well that pretty much covers that but you know how there's the seed sack apparently ones like a cone shape and the other rounded and i got told one is female and the other shape male? was he telling stories or what?
my advice is> dont listen to a word that person says lol

happy growing :weed:


Active Member
thank you so much Talon Toker you dont know how much youve helped me seriously. and as for those who say ther are no ways to determine the gender of the seeds well pfffft to you lol


That picture doesn't really make any sense. I'm just a noob, so I honestly can't say whether it is accurate or not. Even assuming you can pick 1 female out of every 10 seeds reliably, if you throw away 9 out of 10 seeds you're obviously throwing away some females...

Mr G row

Well-Known Member
This has always worked for me....
i have been reading about growing for years an i have never seen anything about this, i dont know how true this could be because they could just pick out all the fem seeds from normal plants an no need for feminising seeds, i may stand corrected but i will google it to see what i find,


Well-Known Member
Yea that's what I was thinking, what's the point in buying/making fem. seeds if you could just look at the shapes.
makes no sense to me


Well-Known Member
thank you so much Talon Toker you dont know how much youve helped me seriously. and as for those who say ther are no ways to determine the gender of the seeds well pfffft to you lol
Well, you just run with it.

P.T.Barnum would love you.

Let me guess, you have never gardened or grown anything, yes?



Active Member
I got the same picture in my Grow Book. I am not 100% of how accurate it is. But the hypothesis should never be underestimated

What they are trying to say is the more perfect looking the seed is, The more likely it was less stressed, And contains female genetics.


New Member
I have a theory that all seed have the genetics to be both... any female can be herm or male if it goes through certain conditions. So the gene must've been there the whole time...


Active Member
i cant be 100% sure aswell but i have a pretty fair idea of whats what now. id plant them all but the ones i think are female would be away from the ones im doubting to be female


Active Member
and now that i think about it ive read in normal news that setting certain conditions can determine the outcome of the seed gender of the seedling so sorry if i have offended you but wetdog your still a fuck wit in my books


bud bootlegger
I have a theory that all seed have the genetics to be both... any female can be herm or male if it goes through certain conditions. So the gene must've been there the whole time...
i agree 100% with this statement, or how else could a plant turn hermie if a plant didn't already possess both sets of genetics.. i can't see a female forming male bits if it didn't already have the males genes within it, and same for a male plant that goes female, it's got to have both sets of genetics within it..
that's my story, and i'm sticking to it.. but it always made sense to me..