I wanted to ask you all who know more about stuff here on RIU, and since this is such a popular thread.........
1. Are we allowed to trade seeds, offer to buy from, or give some away to members?
2. Kind of the same thing, but..... Are we allowed to have competitions (within rules) and have prizes like seeds, or pipes?.... I would totally give away seeds in my inventory, as I have alot, and few freebies, I dont think I'll ever get through, and I'm about to do crosses of great strains..... I may not be breeding the proper way, and from 100's of plants, and picking the best of the best, but I'm sure they would at least be mediocre, or who knows, I may hit the jackpot with these few seeds of each strain I have... (Tahoe OG's, Blueberry, Querkle, Qrazy Train, and my females are SAGE(Awesome guaranteed AAA pheno of super super catpiss/potent bud) A-Train (Also a awesome pheno that is dank as hell, and reminds me alot of that Sannies pic they have for the Chocolate Rain)... Blue Dream (Awesome cut, as you all know.... Super super lucky to have this strain, and being from Texas.... Much thanks to my cool new Bro aka my Cali Connection!

..) and I have a Blue Cheese, Dinafem's White Widow and Diesel..... Heavy Duty Fruity, Darkstar, SLH, and last, but not least...Pineapple Express (Which is this beautiful plant in my avatar..... Plant is currently outside, among others).... Oh, and I also have 2 Auto's (Auto Haze by Dinafem, and Buddah's White Dwarf)
Or like if there is a strain no longer in stock or discontinued, and we want it can we like ask ppl here if they are willing to maybe sell some, or trade? (Like Yesterday.... I really really wanted to order that GRAPE STOMPER from Attitude, but I wanted only the 5 seeds, the 10 seed packs (only 1's in stock) was too much for me, as I had just bought 3 packs of something else, and short on money, and I only had like 140 bucks left on my card, and I was gonna need 70 of it to pay for some online memberships I have.... Maybe if I could somehow slip cash inside my dvd tray, and it being able to take it!

..... So my point is... Maybe someone felt the same way I did, and only needed 5 seeds, but was forced to buy 10, since it was really a must have strain, and maybe they'd be up to sell me half?

(If so, pm me..... Unless you're like new, and not really a contributor to this site..... I'd be willing to take the risk with someone I think I could trust, and trusts me........ This may sound cheap to alot of you, but I dont make that much cash to just spend on seeds so easily, but I LOVE bud, and trying out the best of the best out there, and I will...... Even if someone tells me I cant do so..... I'm in search for the best medicine for my girlfrends illness...(me

...lol... jk.... But, yea... me too)
Back to the risk part.... If they fuck me over, well maybe I lost some money, but I know not to trust that person ever again.... and people will know not to trust that person.... (willing to take one for the team

).... and If everything goes as planned, guess what...... You have a trading buddy/connection you can trust forever! as I already have 1 under my belt that I'd gladly do any favor for, and will for sure give him a few seeds of every cross I'll be making for hooking me up with that Blue Dream cut I wanted so desperately, and now I have it, and I am forever grateful...
RIU has some amazing people, and I def believe In Karma ever since I was offered this...... Dont think I went around asking or begging... I made a post if anyone knew if BD was available in seed form, because I really really wanted it, and next day i see a pm of someone offering it to me... Seemed too good to be true, so we both decided to get to know eachother first before we made this happen...... He wanted nothing in return even though I insisted..... No worries, buddy.... I got your back...
Shortly after this I made a thread on subcool's part of the forum, and I suggested to make some kind of competition, and have prizes(maybe he could give away seeds, or whatever)... and I thought maybe alot of people would participate since it was subs competition, and cool tga prizes if he went along with it..... 2 people replied, and 1 was really rude, and told me to stop asking for free stuff, and to just buy them..(come on... really?... Was I guaranteed to win this contest? :/.. no.... Just thought it would be something fun)..
Anyways... Later on in the thread sub made a short short comment, but wasnt even to what the topic of the thread was at all.... He just answered some other question someone else made..... I took that as disrespect.... I looked up to this guy.. I just thought some kind of competition from him would be interesting, and really fun...(It was when the upcoming tga promo was coming to attitude... 4 free seeds..... and I said it would be cool if he made some kind of contest in where we had to grow those freebies so it would be an even playing field, and alot of people were gonna get them...... anyways he never replied..
But I just thought to myself...... I'm nobody, and I make hardly any money, and I would totally make a contest and buy seeds out of my own pocket to give away if enough people were interested, and I'm sure alot of others would too... Especially if I was a breeder, and didnt have to pay 50/100 bucks a pack..... So, yea... after I was rewarded with this BD cut from someone kind of like me, and not with alot of money..... I just made a post on that thread that just said "If there is anything I have learned in my 26 years, it's that people with money are some of the greediest people in the planet" and people just getting by are the most generous.......... Have you ever seen a guy in a mercedes benz stop to help someone stranded on the side of the road?.... No... It's always the guy in the old Ford pick-up truck....lol.... Idk.. thats just my opinion..... But I guess sub didnt like it, and deleted my thread a little later..... And I wasnt being an asshole to him or anything, I think all these people talking to him like he is god has got to his head........ I know the dude doesnt need me, but never will I buy anything from him again, no matter how much I wanted to before that happened........ The guy is a jerk/know it all (when he doesnt even know how to control fungus gnats after all these years of growing!...... I think all the years before he would just deal with the gnats, as they dont do much harm to the crop, but now that he's been uploading vids on youtube, he acts like if it's something new to him, and why he doesnt know how to get rid of them).... anywhoo.... long story.... well, more like a book...