Does Butane cause brain damage?


I have this debate with a friend about Butane. So i would like to know if someone would be kind enough to tell me what damage does it do, and how much? (In high doses)


So no direct cause or OD, all are related to shortage of O2.
But does Butane cause brain damage, like Crystal Meth?

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
It's a different type of damage from meth but huffing does cause brain damage.
Yes. And also because it is flammable, if you huff butane then go to light up a smoke, there's a chance of your mouth, throat and lungs igniting in flames.. painfully burning you to death from the inside out!

munch box

Well-Known Member
Butane evaporates at room temp. one of the reasons it easier to work with. Its the easiest most effective way to dispose of leaves IMO


Umm, no.
I've been using butane for 6 months constantly.
Started as a cheap high and then became an addition.
Why do i ask is because i feel slow, which i'm not. I study under excellency scholarship so i'm not stupid, i just want to know if my trips caused damage for my brain.

munch box

Well-Known Member
Do not huff butane! bad idea. If you use it to extract honey oil from plant matter, then be sure ALL of the butane has been purged before you smoke it. :leaf:


Active Member
Umm, no.
I've been using butane for 6 months constantly.
Started as a cheap high and then became an addition.
Why do i ask is because i feel slow, which i'm not. I study under excellency scholarship so i'm not stupid, i just want to know if my trips caused damage for my brain.
I do fucked up shit so im not gonna preach like some assholes do
but that shit will fuck up your brain fast man.

What is your reasoning for inhaling it?

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
yeah bad idea you get the same buzz from holding yourself under water till u drown. just stand up bend over take 15 deep fast breath hold the last 1 in stand up tilt your head back and squeeze the viens in your neck youll came to high and kill less brain cells


I do fucked up shit so im not gonna preach like some assholes do
but that shit will fuck up your brain fast man.

What is your reasoning for inhaling it?
It all started with the hash, i'm from Israel and we're surrounded by enemies, more like two enemies, Syria and the Hizballah.
Because my stupid country was too harsh on the growers, the crime lord started moving Hizaballa's product, methadone, shoe polish, prozaq laced hash.
What happened, is that i smoked it for 2 years, i got hook on the methadone and got crazy from the prozaq and became close to a smackhead. I would steal, cheat and lie to get my next hit. But when i couldn't lie, steal and cheat i switch to inhalants (butane and propane) cuz of shortage of money.
Six months this all took place. After six months my mom sent me to rehab (i was doing pills aswell at the time), got clean, moved on with my life.
I haven't touched butane nor pills for 3 years, i just smoke, i barely even drink anymore.

Now, will MRI/CT show damage caused?