Who Owns the Media? Internet?

Sara Saw It

Active Member
Who Owns the Media? Internet?




How can anyone expect to know any truths about the world (outside of personal experience) or truly think that we can think for ourselves in an unbiased fashion when only a select few corporations and individuals control all of the media that we encounter every minute of every day?

Power and control is polluting our minds and we keep eating it up.


New Member
To answer your question: its Two dudes that own the mainstream media, Ruport Murdoch(your foxes) and George Soros(your msnbcs), and yes they do give major kudos for pushing their agenda. They decide what the topics will be each day.


Well-Known Member
To answer your question: its Two dudes that own the mainstream media, Ruport Murdoch(your foxes) and George Soros(your msnbcs), and yes they do give major kudos for pushing their agenda. They decide what the topics will be each day.
The Koch Brothers and Ted Turner are in their somewhere
And I know Viacom is part of it but i'm not sure who owns them, it's all owned by the banks, the govt owns it and it owns the govt the same few people controll everything.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Who Owns the Media? Internet?




How can anyone expect to know any truths about the world (outside of personal experience) or truly think that we can think for ourselves in an unbiased fashion when only a select few corporations and individuals control all of the media that we encounter every minute of every day?

Power and control is polluting our minds and we keep eating it up.
Well... doesn't your own objectivity harken you to form your own opinions? Can you not balance perspectives against eachother? Can you not tell what's BS and rhetoric?

All media is subject the the 5 filters, regardless of perspective. It is how those filters are applied that the final shape of the product is formed. It is up to you as an informed individual to decide for yourself who and what to believe. From my experience, it's EXTREMELY difficult for people to understand this to the very core of their nature - bias, which has been solidified for years or decades, prevents most people from even entertaining the notion of their own ignorance.

A simple rule to start: Stop paying attention to what people are sayin, and pay attention to what they are actually doing.

jeff f

New Member
Who Owns the Media? Internet?




How can anyone expect to know any truths about the world (outside of personal experience) or truly think that we can think for ourselves in an unbiased fashion when only a select few corporations and individuals control all of the media that we encounter every minute of every day?

Power and control is polluting our minds and we keep eating it up.

its probably the same folks that made you post.....

dont worry, i didnt expect you to get it.

Michael Sparks

Active Member
The manipulators of time ans space ? you are so funny ! for real did you even peep the links ? that shit is REAL! ahhaa i got it

jeff f

New Member
The manipulators of time ans space ? you are so funny ! for real did you even peep the links ? that shit is REAL! ahhaa i got it

at least you got the joke ;)

when i was a kid, all i had was walter fucking cronkite. i had to sit at the dinner table and listen to that windbag and hope he was telling me the truth.

then history reveals, he was a fucking douchebag with an agenda.

at least now you have many things to check facts etc. within 10 minutes of hearing anything, you are capable of finding out specific facts about what is true and not true. more people are more aware of more things that are happening around the world than at any point in history, bar none.

appreciate the infinite amount of sources you have. it wasnt always this easy.

Sara Saw It

Active Member
at least you got the joke ;)

when i was a kid, all i had was walter fucking cronkite. i had to sit at the dinner table and listen to that windbag and hope he was telling me the truth.

then history reveals, he was a fucking douchebag with an agenda.

at least now you have many things to check facts etc. within 10 minutes of hearing anything, you are capable of finding out specific facts about what is true and not true. more people are more aware of more things that are happening around the world than at any point in history, bar none.

appreciate the infinite amount of sources you have. it wasnt always this easy.
This post is much more thoughtful - thank you!

However, I would still argue that we are only given the illusion that we have access to unbiased, balanced news and perspectives about the everything in the world. It is an illusion because only a couple of guys own all the media, financial wealth, and corporations in the world. Doesn't matter where you get your information - it all goes back to the same source.

Get what I'm saying?

Michael Sparks

Active Member
i got it, however i would still like some more perspective.. as we have deep rooted beliefs that persuade us to follow the mainstream media.

jeff f

New Member
This post is much more thoughtful - thank you!

However, I would still argue that we are only given the illusion that we have access to unbiased, balanced news and perspectives about the everything in the world. It is an illusion because only a couple of guys own all the media, financial wealth, and corporations in the world. Doesn't matter where you get your information - it all goes back to the same source.

Get what I'm saying?

here is an example of what i am saying.

we were "told" that polar bears were drowning because of global warming. the proof was the now famous pic of a bear seemingly floating "out to sea" on a small piece of ice.

putting all your personal feelings aside about global warming or not, a few mouse clicks and you can easily find out that there are more polar bears roaming the planet now, than ever before in recorded "legitimate" history.

so much so, that they are very quickly becoming a nusiance in places where they never were. further, it is virtually impossible for a healthy polar bear to drown. they can and do often swim hundreds of miles. all facts that are easily available to the most unskilled googler.

even though the information was available and fact-checkable, you had a bunch of people who still believed it to be true. mostly because they wanted it to be true but nonetheless, they still believed the nonsense. now they kinda look like blithering idiots....thinking of algore.

separating the wheat from the chaff is much more simple than it ever has been.

and thus....the liberal dilemma. we aint buying the cronkite bullshit anymore. its easy to fact check and see that they must lie to get people to buy into their policies.