Club 600

Mine are OSHA-approved steel-toed work shoes, modeled after a pair of workshoes designed by Saint Hubbins in the year 420 A.D. after he returned from a journey through the foothills of the Kush Mountains to document unusual indigenous plant life cultivated by the savage (but totally mellow) tribes in the Indus Valley.
Upon his return to Rome, having battled his way through rampaging Ostrogoths who were invading Pannonia, he was brought before Emperor Flavius Lavius Honorius Augustus ("E-Hone", to his homies in the Senate, though his enemies in the Senate referred to him as "Flava Flavius" for his predilection for wearing over-sized sundials on heavy golden chains around his neck at all times) to give his report.
When asked how his journey was, a red-eyed Saint Hubbins could only say, rocking to and fro upon unsteady feet and with a dreamy smile and smoking papyrus tube upon his lips, was:

Mea sunt OSHA-probabto ferro-digitorum opus calciati, post bina similtudenum opus calciati amet factum Sanctus Hubbins anno CDXX Anno Domini postquam reversus est a tabellae ut a iter montibus montes Kush de novo culta per gentes ferae (sed toto mitis) et in vita plantae indigenae Vallis Indus.
In reditum ut Romam, pugnatumque cum per populandum qui adiens Ostrogoths Pannonia, Caesar Flavius ​Lavius Honorius Augustus ille raptus ("E-Hone" amicis eius in senatu, cum hostis in senatu ad eum: "Flava Flavius" on solarium amplitudo pro praedilectionis pro labore et nimis grave catenasque aureas collo eius omni tempore) ad senatum deferretur.
Qui interrogatus quam profectus erat, rubea luscus Sanctus Hubbins, posset dicere vascillatio eximius instabile ac nibh arcu pede somniculosus chartae cum tubo in ore erat;


LFMA doob we gotta chill sometime hahaha damn that last story cracked me up like a mofo hahaha. and I agree on your shoe post 100% x 10.
tip top i sure hope you dont treat your roots like you treat your foots.

Haha, but that was indeed my point, they may look as if they're shite, but they do everything shoes were intended for, doesn't matter how they look. Folk are way too image conscious, just rather reminds me of when i was 12 and i wasn't cool unless i had a certain logo on my t-shirt. Although ironically, i do treat my roots like utter shit, i rip them to pieces, leave them ful of mud in their dwc buckets, and yet i get great results :D just like my shoes, i can't recall the last time i had a blister or whatnot. Does as it sais on the packet.
Sucks that i've only got 400 watter, not enough space for anything bigger, i've got a 1000W just not enough space for it, and i dont think if i go bigger that i'll go 600, but i do enjoy coming here once ina while to watch the bud porn. :)
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Dude, i fucking love those hoof shoes. I'd have no quarrel clipclopping around tow in those :D fuck yes!

I wear my clothes and shoes till they don't work, i'm not vain like a lot of people :D If i'm not beautiful jut as i am then you can absolutely go and get fucked :lol: My whole mentality is "peculiar" but hell, i just prefere to think the general majority are just fucked in the head and are just utterly insecure haha

I have 3 sets of shoes, and i've had then all for about 5 years now and have no intention of changing them till they stop functioning as shoes.

I think chuck taylor actually wore those puppies!
haha :p mock as you will :D When i wasn't in my white wellies as a butcher and fish monger they were my shoes of choice despitetheir lack of grip. They've had the blood and slime of over 100 different anilmals caked all over em, and they still work hehe, pop em in the wash and well, nope, still dirty old fucks, but smell be gone. I still get let into clubs with those bad boys, the active trend is to ban all the designer shit from clubs, i rock the other side of that boat oh yeahhhhh :) Most refere to me as the anti-christ, i would be honoured if you would do the same.
One of the reason's why I grow my own is that most who were selling must have been thinking "If I add an 1/8th to 1/16th, can I sell it as a 1/4 without getting popped?"

The irnoy is that that is not what they were thinking at all, they were jut too fucking stupid to know that their maths was wrong :lol: the majority of drug dealers i know are drug dealers for a reason ;)
i like ur shoes tipsy. ;-)they remind me of kurt cobain.:lol: im hoping one day my /converse will look like yours. im working on it. but mine are black.
do you work on a farm with them?
i like ur shoes tipsy. ;-)they remind me of kurt cobain.:lol: im hoping one day my /converse will look like yours. im working on it. but mine are black.
do you work on a farm with them?

his are black too haha natural black I think its called.

One of the reason's why I grow my own is that most who were selling must have been thinking "If I add an 1/8th to 1/16th, can I sell it as a 1/4 without getting popped?"

Yeah bro, it happens everyday... I see that as a poor business decision (but mostly just the wrong thing to do), you eventually run out of any type of loyal customers. Anything from me is on the heavy side and a bit cheaper than where the current market is at. Works well ;-)