Well-Known Member
dammmm son lookin good!
Yea, everythings in flower now. I've actually got some that are on their 5th week of flower nutes >,< and some that are on week 1.actually i did just find some, but not all are showing are they?
if he was gonna take ur shit he would of spied on u from a distance, he's not gonna knock on ur door say nice plants and then steal them, youve seen his face and know where he lives on top of that, guarentee he's just admiring ur beautiful garden, and said to himself, if ne1 can help me he can, if i were u my worry would be him telling his freinds about ur massive garden, so try to track him down and tell him to stay quietSo today I had a went like this.
I was in my backyard pruning and generally loving on my potted plants and I was wearing earbuds ( not normal for me ) when I hear a BANG. I kinda trip out and look around and realize its someone in my alley way knocking on my fence. SO I kinda walk over and see what the fucks up I cant really see the person but he tells me my plants look nice... at this point I tell him he needs to get the fuck outta here.
At this point I go inside and grab my normally ever present pistol. When I come back I can see him through the slats in the fence and I then call up my big dogs and head into the alley, Aparently my mutt/aus shep realized i was unhappy with this guy and immediately set upon him lol. I had to call her back >,< then I had a talk with the kid and I walked his ass home.
Now get this .. the little fucker has the nerve to come back .. this time he just wants information on how to get rid of .. worms... >,< He was a country kid and I dont think hes going to try and rob me.. expecially since I now know where he lives lol but still It concerns me.
what do you guys think ?