Dropastones Northern Lights #5 Grow Journal

I'm far from done man I still got a lot to do. I re injured my back and have been laid up for two days. I got the doors built for the second room but that's as far as I got. I'm gonna rest my back for the weekend and get back at it on Monday. This whole back thing is really got me down. However I do have a Sept 1st deadline set for it to be totally finished.
take it easy dropa . looking good. love your avitar. hey while you have your tools and wood out can you build me a waterfarm scrog screen for my next grow? lol.. hope you feel better soon Dropa. Peace out Amber
yeaaa deff take it easy man. hope ur bak feels better soon. nice that u set a deadline for urself tho. =) rest up man. take care
Thanks guys I think I'll take that advice. Amber I'd be more than happy to build you a scrog screen but I have a feeling the shipping charges wouldn't be worth it lol.

I got sorta of funny story to tell y'all. A friend of mine, best friend really, who is also ADD and hyper active. The kind of guy that can't sit still for more than 30 seconds at a time. He had gotten himself into a little bit of trouble and was put on probation and just recently got off.

Anyways he stopped by the other day and I gave him one of my special brownies. I told him to hold on because it was gonna kick his ass. So I called him a couple of hours later and asked him how he was feeling and he said it just made him sleepy and I said really, because just one brownie messes me up. He says I got a higher metabolism than you and it wouldn't effect him like it does me. I'm like whatever man I just wanted you to feel what I feel. So I say to him I dare you to come over here and and eat two of em then. He says double dare me, being real cocky. I say well then I double dog dare you to eat three of then Mr metabo.

So he comes over the next day "yesterday" and I smoke a jay with him and I say did you come over here for the brownie challenge? He says bring it on man. Now bear in mind that he is supposed to go out to a bar later and meet up with a bunch of old friends that he ran around with back in the day.

So I break 3 brownies out and served them to him and he eats all three. About 15 min later he say's he's gonna go home and chill until it's time to go to the bar. I tell him to give me a call in a couple of hours and let me know how he feels. Well two hours goes by and not a word then three, four, five hours goes by and not a word from him. So I call him up and say what's up brownie boy and he says he feels like a zombie and can't move, say's he's jacked up.

He then tells me his buddy "mine too" keeps calling and say's he's ready to go to the bar. He's like man I ain't ready to go to the bar lol. This was like 6 o'clock in the evening. All the while I'm just laughing my ass off because he is messed up on the brownies and I can hear it in his voice. He say's three was too many and he should have only ate 2 of em. I don't know if he ever made it the bar or not, I'll have to talk to him later today and see how his night went hehehe.

All I know is that I could never eat three of em. Hell I have to cut em in half because a whole one is just too strong for my liking. Anyways, funny as hell to me but it's one of those stories that you would just have to have been there to appreciate.

Peace and happy medicating.:eyesmoke:
lmao. good story man... hahaha. i made a batch of cookies for the 1st time this year for 4/20.... and mannn... my younger sister and her friend wanted sum... adn i ened up makin alot more than i needed for me adn my gf.. soo i gave them 3 each..... hahahaha... within an hour my sis was sleeping next to the cat with the kittens... im guessin she was petting them and fell asleep. and her friend was asleep on the floor with madd pizza rolls all over the floor... lmao... guessin they had a good time. =) forgot to tell them to only eat 1 - 1/2... they ate all 3. =)
Oh how much I miss the youthful smoking days.
Makes me want to go and invest in the purest sativa genetics for personal stash.
Hey Dropa, how's things. Just popping by to see how things are. I'm keeping an eye on your new room and it's looking great. I see your boy in there. Probably at your heels all the way eh? Good story. I'd like to hear the rest of the story for sure. Anyway, take it easy and chat later. :peace:

Oh how much I miss the youthful smoking days.
Makes me want to go and invest in the purest sativa genetics for personal stash.
I hear you, I did and I'm glad I did, and I'm doing it again and I can't wait. It's my get shit done weed.
Right on duchie, this build is going painfully slow but I am making progress. Here's some more pics of my boy and his new little playmate Mack. Were just chillen and grillen in the back yard and Angus is patiently waiting for his Scooby snack. Update on the build in a cpl of days.












nice backyard man. bet those dogs have a hell of a time running around.. do your dogs get high ?? lol my dog doesnt like to smoke.. but my cat likes it. =D
Actually he hates smoke. When he was a puppy a guy I know who's not really a friend but I'll call an acquaintance blew smoke in his face when he was just about 4 months old. Needless to say I blew up on this dude and told him that it was definitely not cool to do that. I wouldn't have minded so much but he was just a puppy, still growing and his brain wasn't even fully developed. Since then he doesn't like any kind of smoke. I have considered giving him like a little piece of a brownie though lol but I would never do that because that's not how I roll and I wouldn't push any drugs on an unsuspecting animal. I did know a cat back in the day that liked to get high though. They called him roach and he use to go from person to person following the joint around the room to get everybody's exhales and it was pretty funny to watch.
hahaha. thats funny. yeaa wenever i smoke.. my dog runs away. lol. i dont blow it in her face... but as soon as she smells it she takes off but my cat on the other hand..... hahaha. he always jumps right up on my lap. and stays there. he like the smoke... he usually just easst right after and then goes to sleep. lol
What's up guys? Just Wanted to share a little preview of my new grow room. Still got lots to do but I"m getting closer.
It seems like an eternity since I've popped a seed and can't wait to get back at it. I had a Sept 1st deadline but it's looking like I'm gonna have to move that deadline back another week.






thats awesome tho man.. building a whole grow room from scratch! =) id love to be able to do that! ughhh i wish i had more space.. =( i only have a small closet. =( and a small heavy duty cardboard box for vegging..... =/ sooo ghetto. lol. its comin along nicely tho man. bet u cant wait to start a new plant!!
You got that right man. I haven't popped a seed or started a clone for 4 or 5 months now and I'm getting antsy. I'll be so happy when I get this project done.
Looking great, I love your dog.
Shame he hates Cannabis.

I want to start a seed too..
I've only been running clones since like april.

Seeds are just so, natural.
I couldn't agree more. Clones are great but the overall structure of the plant is always a mystery with branches going every which way. With seeds the structure is basically the same every time.
I couldn't agree more. Clones are great but the overall structure of the plant is always a mystery with branches going every which way. With seeds the structure is basically the same every time.
You can train them into whatever. I love the symmetrycal (Spellcheck?) branching of seeds.
Clones don't bother me too much though.