Well-Known Member
perfect sense^
perfect sense^
she is not ballin', did you see the video of her in her $800/month eastbay apartment? that was monopoly money she was throwing around. homegirl needs to get her grill right. I would lick kreay's assI don't really think V nasty should talk about dudes tits as she looks like she could open a can of tuna with her mouf.If she is ballin so hard why has she not gone to the dentist?
great post big p. One thing tho... neva ask a true ganjaman what he does for a livingwhat do you do for a living Beardo, I always been curious. shit your raps are better than Vnasty by a long shot. She would do better if she wasnt so full of herself specially when she really aint shit.
she is not ballin', did you see the video of her in her $800/month eastbay apartment? that was monopoly money she was throwing around. homegirl needs to get her grill right. I would lick kreay's ass, but I wouldn't piss on V is she were on fire.
... thanks for being a good sport Beardo. I'll take your silence as a "yes, I three wayed V and kreay".
[youtube]u9myAt2w_Ko[/youtube]What a stupid cunt
[youtube]djEtnKxZWUc[/youtube]I wish Beardo would post his stuff as it is much much better.Sucks i ain't gonna get no fuckin t shirt.
That's what she said^^^
Thanks for listening and letting us know how it made you feel, I do appreciate it.thats a terrible song... makes me wanna punch someone
Since when is stealing and robbing people cool??? Its retarded, and a shame! Oh selling dope is cool too??? Where the fuck did you grow up, and who the fuck raised you?!?!? I sold that shit when i was a junkie trying to support my own habit, and trust me IT'S NOT COOL!! I wasnt cool the people i was buying it from was not cool and the people i sold it to were not cool! I dont know who raised you, but i can gaurantee if they had half a brain and heard you say that selling dope is cool and robbing and stealing is cool, they'd be ashamed and disappointed!No their cool because they fight and fuck bitches and sell D and put in work and rob and steal and keep it real, they can rap and are fun to party with to
nobody cares about your witty comments on what you think is good musicthats a terrible song... makes me wanna punch someone
nobody cares about your witty comments on what you think is good music
go get twisted and listen to this shit, you will understand..