Seedling problem


Well-Known Member
This seedling is about 2 weeks old. As seen in the pics the tips of the leaves turned brown and are curling up. This is my very first grow. I've been watering it until water starts to drain from the bottom of the pot and dont water again until the soil is dry. Does anyone know what is wrong with this seedling?



Active Member
MG is a little hot for seedlings, it's a good idea to mix it with some cheap sphagnum moss for seedlings, a party cups worth. After a few weeks it should be strong enough for full strength MG soil.

I consider adding lime a necessity for soil grows, cannabis takes a lot of calcium out of your soil causing your soil ph to drift towards acidic. There are ways around this, but the easiest is adding lime.


Well-Known Member
alright, I just searched online and found I can get some from lowes for $2.50, so once i get paid I'll get it taken care of. Thanks for the help. I'll keep you posted. +rep