When do you say fuck it and start over?


Im tired of fighting with these plants and stressing over them slowly dying. I had some issues that I have fixed but I think the stress of the whole thing kicked their ass.They haven't gotten taller in 2 weeks. When do you give up? I dont want to give up on them but should I be wasting valuable veg time trying to nurse these sickly motherfuckers. somebody give me a yay or nay. I don't want to be smoking sick ass handicap bud

Then again, maybe I'm just a little emotional right now:cry: You decide..

I've seen some sickly looking plants turn out to be beauties, once you get things dialed in they should recover
Im tired of fighting with these plants and stressing over them slowly dying. I had some issues that I have fixed but I think the stress of the whole thing kicked their ass.They haven't gotten taller in 2 weeks. When do you give up? I dont want to give up on them but should I be wasting valuable veg time trying to nurse these sickly motherfuckers. somebody give me a yay or nay. I don't want to be smoking sick ass handicap bud

Then again, maybe I'm just a little emotional right now:cry: You decide..

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Im telling you bro you got light leaking into your tote.even when you paint tit black its not enough.I have the same totes as you and had painted the shit out of them and kept having problems til I cleaned them out real good then covered them with foil and now their kikn ass and im 2 weeks into flower.mine looked as bad if not worse than yours.

now. . .

so change your water out and dont add anything but your micro nutes and only 1/2 strength and some peroxide (as im sure you have algea on them) and give them a week :) you can DO IT!


  • mine 010.jpg
    mine 010.jpg
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def. look mag, and N deficient...probably a lockout of sorts...did you flush your res? and maybe start fresh there? lower ppm?
I'm gonna say nitrogen def for sure. Mag usually start at the new growth due to interruption of photosynthesis.
Nitrogen start from the bottom up as this shows. And keeps advancing up.
i have also seen way worse off plants then yours...just a bit stunted...i understand the frustration, but how far along are you? 4 or 5 weeks? what a waste to just quit...whe times get tough, you dont just give up...
I have no idea but i am intrested, looks burnt due to high ferts and lockout to me, mag deficiency is quite obvious with a lockout or too high ferts, as i said though i have no idea just wanted to throw my 2 cents worth in. Peace
and...could be hps light sutra, but does the new growth in the last pic. not look mag def. to you?

Light bleaching would only occur on the very top not on the bottom.
I see a zinc def as well. See how your leafs are looking like there smashed together and you see all that definition in them. The veins and such. Which can also explain the mag def your are referring to. It looks the same but mag def still has slightly different characteristics.
Zinc plays a roll in the same enzyme functions as manganese and magnesium. More than eighty enzymes contain tightly bound zinc essential for their function. Zinc participates in chlorophyll formation and helps prevent chlorophyll destruction. Carbonic anhydrate has been found to be specifically activated by zinc.
thanks for the enlightenment...i knew the ridges were a sign of something, but zinc is so far and between a problem, that, that didnt even occur to me...but you're right.
thanks for the enlightenment...i knew the ridges were a sign of something, but zinc is so far and between a problem, that, that didnt even occur to me...but you're right.

Ridges haha there we go you found the word i was looking for :-D Freaking bho making forget shit hehe.
Wouldnt any decent hydro food contain enough zinc and other trace elements though? peace
You'd assume so huh :-D Best nutrients i've used up to date would have to be the J.R peters professional series.
Used A.N, House and garden, buzz etc... and there all great but for the money and all the trace elements they offer i don't think they can be beat IMO ;)

Ok, I just went to the airport smoked half of one and watched the planes land....always clears my mind. You all have given me hope and I will not rip these mf out. Being new and seeing all of these tasty ass looking pictures on here I guess you can get frustrated when its not going right. But ok, I hear a lot of suggestions of what it could be so heres a little background.

Had a very bad algae problem due to light coming through the res. I was running bubbleponics and everything had brown algae before I could figure out that it was brown algae. So I did a proper cleaning(scrubbed the shit out of everything) with bleach mixture and no doubt cleaned all of it out at 14 days. I dipped in 3% h202 and rinsed well 2 days ago to try to burn layers of the algae off the roots and this is what the roots look like today on day 20. What do I do next? Oh yeah I was giving 1/4 strength nutes because I figured it couldn't get through the roots anyway, but I switched to 1/2 because I thought that would help Nitrogen and set ph at 5.9 to float quicker to 6.2. Any help is appreciated and thanks for the response.
I believe you can use H2O2 in all your res changes to keep algae and other microrganisms at bay, of hand i think 2% of 50% H2O2 solution per res but i am only guessing there. Seems like you probably got problems up top when the roots started to get infected, new roots may equal new good growth in time, dead or unfunctional roots are unlikely to work again and need to regrow i think as well so i suppose just wait and see.

I grow in soil so anything i say is purely speculative and probably inaccurate, i would keep working with these unless you got a good reason to scrap them, the experience will be priceless and maybe even end up making some good plants from these. Hydro growers would have better to say than me on the subject. Peace
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Ok, I just went to the airport smoked half of one and watched the planes land....always clears my mind. You all have given me hope and I will not rip these mf out. Being new and seeing all of these tasty ass looking pictures on here I guess you can get frustrated when its not going right. But ok, I hear a lot of suggestions of what it could be so heres a little background.

Had a very bad algae problem due to light coming through the res. I was running bubbleponics and everything had brown algae before I could figure out that it was brown algae. So I did a proper cleaning(scrubbed the shit out of everything) with bleach mixture and no doubt cleaned all of it out at 14 days. I dipped in 3% h202 and rinsed well 2 days ago to try to burn layers of the algae off the roots and this is what the roots look like today on day 20. What do I do next? Oh yeah I was giving 1/4 strength nutes because I figured it couldn't get through the roots anyway, but I switched to 1/2 because I thought that would help Nitrogen and set ph at 5.9 to float quicker to 6.2. Any help is appreciated and thanks for the response.

I've been using 35& h202 at 7ml per gallon for the past 22 months.
DO not use anything other then food grade. There is different bonding chemicals that are actually bad for the plant. The commercial food grade stuff uses a different bonding chemical which is better for the plants.
I'll try to dig up a old write up on this by Al B. Fuct. Suggest you look him up if you have no idea who this is.
He is one of out very own from RIU as well.
I love all of Al B Fuct threads, some are stickies on the hydro/aero section. If i ever learnt hydro these threads would be where i start. Intresting to read that he also recomends only food grade h202 and says bleach and other items are a very bad alternative.

Personally i love the way Al B Fuct gets every plant to have just one main cola by trimming every branch over an inch in length, the guys a genius, really would like his little hydro setup. Peace