Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

Get a Fork cause them babies are done. Its choppin time Baaaaaaby!! IDK, I got one almost ready and I'm dreading cutting her down. She's been in my life for almost 120 day'z but I'm gonna smoke her azz, heheh!:bigjoint:

What You RIU guru's think about this......?
What are those little ball things.
View attachment 1744017

yeaa man those are deff seeds. weird that its only 1 bud that has them tho...? but you still have a few more weeks my friend.. those seeds will eventually brown up... and theyll look like real seeds.. brown with black stripes. those will help you tell wen theyre ready. =)

here is a pic of a Jack Herer and a G13 that i have, i know the jack still has a couple weeks, but the G13 looks pretty close, any input is appreciated. they both will be at 8 weeks on WednesdayView attachment 1744502View attachment 1744504View attachment 1744505View attachment 1744507View attachment 1744509

about another week 1/2 on the G-13's. they look good tho. =)

Its only on one bud so far, will it affect any other bud sites?

it shouldnt. if its just seeds... do you see lil yellow things stickin outta the buds.. if so. those are pollen sacs aka bananas will pollinate the rest o fur buds... and create more seeds... do u have any other plants in ur flowering room?

those are far from done.... post more pics in about4-5 weeks. and i can give ya a better idea. nodes look nice and tight tho.. soo wen it does get further along... it will produce sum nice buds

Thanks chb444220
the deed has been done and the main cola is chopped.... The rewst is still under HPS

awesome! good luck man!! enjoy that main cola! u deserve it!

how longer for this lil lady

pics are a lil blurry.. kindba hard to tell. maybe 3 more weeks? 4 at the most
Thanks CHB, now u say another week and 1/2. For the G13, does that include the last week of flushing???? My plan was to start it on a sugar, mag/cal flush today for 3 days, then pure water for 4, then chop. Or should I give it another week, then start this process?? Thanks again
Thanks CHB, now u say another week and 1/2. For the G13, does that include the last week of flushing???? My plan was to start it on a sugar, mag/cal flush today for 3 days, then pure water for 4, then chop. Or should I give it another week, then start this process?? Thanks again

i would give it another week. and THEN do the flush. =) if ur hurting for smoke.. u can chop off a small bottom bud/branch today.. and dry it out. soo u have sumthing to smoke while ur flushin. =) up 2 u. i tend to do that alot tho. lol. your plant will be happy with the xtra week of growth... thats wen the plant packs on the most weight and frosts up. it will make a big difference. =)
Cool man, ill take ur advice on it! That G13 has the werdist smell ever, very sweet but in a werid pungent way, can't wait to smoke some! If u want to see what the plant looks like its the link in my signature
Cool man, ill take ur advice on it! That G13 has the werdist smell ever, very sweet but in a werid pungent way, can't wait to smoke some! If u want to see what the plant looks like its the link in my signature

aiight. yeaaa ill check it out now man
How much longer for me?

Get a Fork cause them babies are done. Its choppin time Baaaaaaby!! IDK, I got one almost ready and I'm dreading cutting her down. She's been in my life for almost 120 day'z but I'm gonna smoke her azz, heheh!:bigjoint:

What You RIU guru's think about this......?
What are those little ball things.
View attachment 1744017

THANKS BIGBUD!!!! it's strange tho i have only been flowering for around 5 weeks should i leave for another week or two? i left my first grow for 8 weeks ?
anyone else got an idae what i should do? thanks D.
How much longer for me?


id give it about 2 more weeks man. shes still got sum filling out to do. =) she will pack on a good amount of weight for ya! looks nice tho. wat strain is she?

THANKS BIGBUD!!!! it's strange tho i have only been flowering for around 5 weeks should i leave for another week or two? i left my first grow for 8 weeks ?
anyone else got an idae what i should do? thanks D.

yeaa lookin at the pics i was gonna say a 2-3 weeks... and now that youve said youve only been flowering for 5 weeks.... then DEFF let it go for 2-3 weeks man.. never heard of plants bein done in 5 weeks. lol. it would be nice tho. =p but you deff wanna let it go a lil longer. it will fatten up sum more and pack on more weight. and get alot more frosty in the next couple weeks
id give it about 2 more weeks man. shes still got sum filling out to do. =) she will pack on a good amount of weight for ya! looks nice tho. wat strain is she?

yeaa lookin at the pics i was gonna say a 2-3 weeks... and now that youve said youve only been flowering for 5 weeks.... then DEFF let it go for 2-3 weeks man.. never heard of plants bein done in 5 weeks. lol. it would be nice tho. =p but you deff wanna let it go a lil longer. it will fatten up sum more and pack on more weight. and get alot more frosty in the next couple weeks

thanks chb will do that then had to take a little sample off to test drying as i type can't wait lookin frosty as already :) thanks again D.

i would start flushing in about a week. and flush for about a 1-2 weeks.. depending on how they look. cuz theyre pretty close to bein ready. =). and yeaa sum molasses wouldnt hurt. =) u can use molasses all the way up till the last day. u do not need to flush that out. soo if u wanna use the molasses once or twice a week for the next 2 1/2 weeks. that would be fine. =) good luck man. they look good!
i would start flushing in about a week. and flush for about a 1-2 weeks.. depending on how they look. cuz theyre pretty close to bein ready. =). and yeaa sum molasses wouldnt hurt. =) u can use molasses all the way up till the last day. u do not need to flush that out. soo if u wanna use the molasses once or twice a week for the next 2 1/2 weeks. that would be fine. =) good luck man. they look good!
hey chb should i start flushing in 2 weeks or wait the 3 and the start flushing also have you used grotek fnal flush ? i have that here ready to try but not sure when to start flushing :O
hey chb should i start flushing in 2 weeks or wait the 3 and the start flushing also have you used grotek fnal flush ? i have that here ready to try but not sure when to start flushing :O

i think 2 weeks should be fine and then u can start flushing. =) and no i have not used that before? try googling it. see if u can find anything on it. but yeaa 2 weeks should be plenty time man.

Hey... These are in 8th week... what do yous think??? Thanks > ChrisView attachment 1749255View attachment 1749257View attachment 1749258

wat are u using for light?? =/ sorry 2 say mann... but youve still got a while to go... some plants are done by week 8.. but yours is deff gonna need at least another 4-5 weeks man. =// hate to be the barer of bad news.