spider mites on my alien og


Active Member
how can i get rid of them i heard neem oil can be used or it there some spray its still in vegging but im trying to get rid of them before i start the bloom


Well-Known Member
id drop a fog bomb in my grow area. problem solved. but if thats not an option go with neem oil or another product like nite, nite spidermite.


Active Member
if you read something about "garlic water with pepper" homemade , dont use that shit it fucked up my plant , use neem oil or but mighty wash


Active Member
you can use neem oil, but i had spidermites too...i used insecticidal soap that i purchased from home depot for like $5. it is organic and can even be used during flowering. took care of the little buggers in no time, you just have to be sure to coat every inch of your plant because they are fast reproducers! (you can also use a mixture of dish soap with water, but i have never had any luck with this so i don't bother). just be sure to spray them when the light is not strong!


Active Member
im gonna purchase mighty wash tommorow...i looked at all the leaves today and its not to bad an infestation so hopefully ill be fine with that but ill also buy some hotshot pest strips a friend told me they worked for him


Active Member
you know what the problem is now , its a short rider autoflower , its about 1 month and 1 week from seed and there is no signs of auto and its not even showing sex :S , im waiting until friday if nothing changes i will put 12/12 .
so im have a spider mite issue also but my plants is about 2 weeks from being done... can i use neem oil on my plant even though its in full flowering ?


Active Member
I don't have a clue why everyone sais the bugbombs,the hotshot pesticide strips,or even neem oil takes care of spider mites i've used all of these products thoroughly and nothing came of mites except repression then they vigorously came back. I find it funny when people say these products work. These company's are making tons of money on you guys and you get no results in return. Their are products to take care of them,I know i have a product that never fails always 100% yet I can't disclose it on here. I'm not sure about the mighty wash product but my advise would be not to use any of the ones I mentioned for you will be wasting your money. Goodluck,Oregon the Chronic StAte.


Active Member
I don't have a clue why everyone sais the bugbombs,the hotshot pesticide strips,or even neem oil takes care of spider mites i've used all of these products thoroughly and nothing came of mites except repression then they vigorously came back. I find it funny when people say these products work. These company's are making tons of money on you guys and you get no results in return. Their are products to take care of them,I know i have a product that never fails always 100% yet I can't disclose it on here. I'm not sure about the mighty wash product but my advise would be not to use any of the ones I mentioned for you will be wasting your money. Goodluck,Oregon the Chronic StAte.
thanks for the output...i have just a minor mite problem and im just trying to make sure there gone before it gets any worse..


Active Member
if I harvest early will that prevent this problem from getting worse or will it only continue during the drying/ curing process?
I just dont know what I should do????
it really depends...how bad of infestation is yours??...check under the worst looking leaves for eggs thats where i tend to find them..i would try a solution with insecticidal soap and try to get under all the leaves and try to avoid the actual budding flower...i wish you the best of luck...my friend just recently had a BAD infestation during his final weeks and decided to call it a loss


Active Member
If you use that mighty wash, post results please. Really curious about that stuff.
i tried purchasing some today but my local hydro shop didnt have it...i talked to a friend today and he says it works!! he said thats all he purchases for spider mites and he has had no problems with mites...im definitely purchasing some online today