Club 600

Sorry no pic updat with aunt flow #3 XXXL tonight, but she is up and running :-) will x plant tomorrow!
Pretty giggity about this run.. Like its "my first grow" ;-)

"Oh the green green grass of where the Badmans from".........nice shtuff there Mishter Badman! And not a DOG insite, lol.

And no Auntie pics from whodat either, I went to bed in suspense, woke up like a giddy school boy on Xmas, and all i get is Jayz, lol. May be next time.

Hey peeps, have a great day, I'll take some snaps today as well.

Peace, DST
Just to let you guys know. So I found a place in China that will do me 8inch cool tubes. I also got a reply from a US supplier from ebay as well. Looks like it will be a lot of money so I need to have a ponder about it. From the US the guy wants like $90 per tube, and then $70 per tube for shipping....that's like €480 or €335. Now the company in China have quoted me $35 per unit, and $190 dollar shipping, which works out around €200. Which is more like it really.....decisions decisions.......
Is it me, or am I talking to myself this morning, lol. Pics as promised:












Peace, DST
Moring to you D :-)
I had a busy day yesterday between house chores and deciding to do a secondary (and fresh) install of Vista on a new partition.
My previous install hit a snag somehere about a month ago.
Out of the blue it started to get sluggish when performing tasks (Photoshop, Painter, etc) when it normally blazes through it (I have a Q9450 quad core running at 3.5-gHz, for pete's sake).
So to rule out a hardware problem (RAM or hard drives) I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone and create a 20-GB partition on C: and install Vista with only the bare minimums: no internet, no Office 2007, no anti-virus, no firewall, and all uneccesary services disabled.
Just Photoshop & Painter for making art, and Ableton Live for making music.
So much faster than the previous bloated installation!
If I need to use Office or some other thing, I have it set up as a dual-boot, so it only take about 90 seconds to restart and boot into either version.

Regarding your search for cool tubes: have you looked into a local glass artist who could make you some tubes (boro-silicate "pyrex"-style, like our heavy glass bongs)?
Might cost less, what with the shipping rapage and all that.
Beautiful ladies-what strains? It's a little early stateside-5:00 am eastern.

Does the 8' tube come with a 55-gallon drum of vaseline? I always like to be greased before I'm f--cked.
Is a plexiglass tube availabe in Europe? Shipping cost are your largest factor.

Well now I know why my wife spends so much time working on advertisin for one of the larger logistic companies of the world...because they have too much freakin money. Anyway, 3 cool tubes (the 5inchers) cost a total of €150 here, so 3 8inchers at 200 euro isn't too bad.

The strains above are the Exo Cheese, and the Chillberry kush in flower. Then there is the Chillberry Kush mom, DOG mom, and the massief outdoor posse.
Why the heck are you running Vista at all???? Isn't 7 going to do everything better?

I like the bare bones install though.

Moring to you D :-)
I had a busy day yesterday between house chores and deciding to do a secondary (and fresh) install of Vista on a new partition.
My previous install hit a snag somehere about a month ago.
Out of the blue it started to get sluggish when performing tasks (Photoshop, Painter, etc) when it normally blazes through it (I have a Q9450 quad core running at 3.5-gHz, for pete's sake).
So to rule out a hardware problem (RAM or hard drives) I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone and create a 20-GB partition on C: and install Vista with only the bare minimums: no internet, no Office 2007, no anti-virus, no firewall, and all uneccesary services disabled.
Just Photoshop & Painter for making art, and Ableton Live for making music.
So much faster than the previous bloated installation!
If I need to use Office or some other thing, I have it set up as a dual-boot, so it only take about 90 seconds to restart and boot into either version.

Regarding your search for cool tubes: have you looked into a local glass artist who could make you some tubes (boro-silicate "pyrex"-style, like our heavy glass bongs)?
Might cost less, what with the shipping rapage and all that.
Why the heck are you running Vista at all???? Isn't 7 going to do everything better?

I like the bare bones install though.

Win 7 is a notch or two more refined.
But, back when I built my current system, I was a Vista alpha/beta/RC tester and was given a free copy of the full version of Vista when it came to the marketplace.
I grew to like Vista more than XP, and was bummed to find there was no discounted upgrade version from Vista to Win 7.
So until I build my next system, I'm having to "make do" with Vista.
My next system..... ohhhh mama...
I'm going to go balls to the wall on my next system build ;-)

*edit: my stripped-for-speed version of Vista is running 36 processes, and using only 18% of my available RAM to idle. In my previous install it's running 67 processes and using 32% of my RAM to idle
Not more than 5 minutes ago I was sitting here, on my rock solid cement foundation, and my chair was wobbling. I went into another room and told my wife and daughter about it and said, "I think there's been an earthquake somewhere". The only other thing that might make my floor shake any would be very large farm equipment and such that come by, but there wasn't a peep outside other than birds and crickets. Then my wife just popped on and saw the report from our local newspapers web site.
I dont know why but i am a nut for a good quake hopefully no injuries but i love a good jolt and roll...I hope you guys and girls are ok out there when there is one others may follow..
Being raised in Alaska, I don't even notice a quake unless it's about that size.
We had (still have) them all the time.
A lot of areas of Alaska are swamp, muskeg, tundra, and sand/clay areas, and it's pretty wild to be out in the sticks when one is going off. It's like you're on a waterbed and someone just plopped down hard. The landscape is rolling in waves and jiggling like a bowl of jello.
Earthquakes. Gotta love 'em.

*edit: moved away from Alaska's earthquakes and into the safety of.... a shyte ton of active & dormant volcanoes in the Oregon/Washington area.

Heh, heh.
One time, I was playing my bass in my friend's pad which is next to where he worked, just jammin' away, playing like I meant it (the only way I know how), when my buddy pops over to interupt me and asks, "Did you feel it?".
I said, "Feel what?".
"The earthquake. The radio says it was a 7.0. It started rumbling and we thought you'd just turned up your amp more than normal, but then the building really shook a good one."
I had a massive amp rig back in those days (500watt bass amp head and a cab with 4-16" speakers) that could shake buildings.
I kind of think I felt a little extra rumble, but figured it was a tractor trailer rig going by.
The whole world could have ended and I'd have died strapped to my bass :-)