Do These people even hear themselves talk?


Active Member
I am watching the History Channel show about Marijuana. for like the 20th time. Do these people who don't want pot to be legal even hear themselves talk? The 1st one it the black preacher at the start. He said "How can anything that will cause an addiction be ok" Umm So he is saying that we need to outlaw cigarettes and beer? Remember we tried to banned alcohol it didn't work.

Then the sheriff/police guy that said. "Do we really want to release a new drug" (Not word for word but you get the idea.) We are not releasing it its already here. we just want you stop stop arresting people for using it.

then the blonde up tight white lady says "The way to not do drugs is to not do them. No one is forcing you to smoke pot" Ok I don't want you to smoke pot. I want you to leave me alone. I am not trying to make you smoke it!

These people!!!!


Well-Known Member
i always feel like pointing out they advocate your right to choose and be your own person and decide for yourself while telling you what you should do, which is not use. Seems they are the ones controlling people to me though with their propaganda.

Elder Price

I think I saw that same program, on one of the channels I watch. I remember the blond. She looked like the uptight blond from The Office....

People are idiots sometimes....


Well-Known Member
I love Bob Wieners quote from hempster plant the seed "you show me a DEA officer who can tell marijuana from hemp when flying a helicopter, Ill show you a liar!" ...something along those lines....That guy is a joke

Of course they do a split screen with Canadian officers showing picture of dramatic differences

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
I am watching the History Channel show about Marijuana. for like the 20th time. Do these people who don't want pot to be legal even hear themselves talk? The 1st one it the black preacher at the start. He said "How can anything that will cause an addiction be ok" Umm So he is saying that we need to outlaw cigarettes and beer? Remember we tried to banned alcohol it didn't work.

Then the sheriff/police guy that said. "Do we really want to release a new drug" (Not word for word but you get the idea.) We are not releasing it its already here. we just want you stop stop arresting people for using it.

then the blonde up tight white lady says "The way to not do drugs is to not do them. No one is forcing you to smoke pot" Ok I don't want you to smoke pot. I want you to leave me alone. I am not trying to make you smoke it!

These people!!!!

People don't understand FREEDOM. Smoking marijuana is not a crime.

How can anyone say this country stands for "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" when I can't even smoke marijuana. It's fucking marijuana for christ sake!

What do they mean "new drug"? Marijuana has been used for centuries.


Well-Known Member
What Ya'll is missn is da folks there on that there show would not have a JOB if it wasn't fer the war on drugs...
If the feds can scare enough of the folks in the USA they can keep a lid on the benifits of using MJ and keep the rich rich the Doctors keep getting their kick backs from the Rx companies!
We need to be honest when we publish our findings of how MJ helps us and sooner or later they will turn!

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
My oldest brother is a deacon in the Baptist Church and even he is for decriminalization or legalization. That news surprised the shit out of me. He knows I smoke but has never said anything to me (his wife busted me once).

So not all the righties are anti-mmj.