Men, how would this make you feel?


Active Member
My stepdad is getting surgery today... He's getting the underside of his penis sliced open, so they can clean all the scar tissue out of his ureathra. Pretty much filleting him, then stitching back up.... Im just wondering, most guys would be tripping like he is, right?
nah when is my time , i will take it like a Man.


Well-Known Member
What the FUCK, Urca?!! Why do you post shit like this? Normal guys don't give a flying shit your stepdad's dick is going into surgeory. Next time label your thread something like dick repair so I don't click on it.


I would freak out, then ask for any drug they would give me, preferably ruhipinol to forget that it ever happened.


Well-Known Member
nah when is my time , i will take it like a Man.
Yeah, we'll see bout that. Never had anything go up the pee hole but I did have a colonoscopy. After they inject the proprofol you don't care what they do. If they inject enough you pass out. It's the best high I ever had.


Well-Known Member
i think if i had to have the old one eyed bed snake sliced open, i'd get um to stuff a bit more packing in there, while their at it


Well-Known Member
Yeah, we'll see bout that. Never had anything go up the pee hole but I did have a colonoscopy. After they inject the proprofol you don't care what they do. If they inject enough you pass out. It's the best high I ever had.
i had procedure that was based around angeoplasty, it was done while i was awake, i think i had proprofol, amazing stuff