egyptian pyramids


Well-Known Member
have a friend who has a lot of crazy theories but this one i can not debunk... according to him there is no possible way to explain the pyramids being built..he says aliens and here is why... according to him we do not have the technology to date that would precision cut that stone in the way they are cut..also even if we surrounded the pyramids with the largest cranes on the planet we could not move each piece into place..i am not sure if this is true or not anyone have any information on this?


Well-Known Member
easy- Man power and scientific breakthroughs; these being: counter weights, ramps, pulleys and levers. place logs under huge stone to allow objets to roll and move. crack the whip and there you go.



Well-Known Member
i wouldn't if i were you repeat any more of your mates theories, or you gonna look a bigger idiot than he is lol


Well-Known Member
i know he is border line retarded, but there is no way slave labor could build those... i was more thinking they were way ahead of their time and somehow used forms and poured the stones into place

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
have a friend who has a lot of crazy theories but this one i can not debunk... according to him there is no possible way to explain the pyramids being built..he says aliens and here is why... according to him we do not have the technology to date that would precision cut that stone in the way they are cut..also even if we surrounded the pyramids with the largest cranes on the planet we could not move each piece into place..i am not sure if this is true or not anyone have any information on this?
He needs to catch up on the latest discoveries in Egyptology. The most prominent Egyptologist, Dr. Zahi Hawass has shown several plausible methods by demonstration. Also, contemporary civilizations like the Hattusha have precision cut stones as well as several other civilizations such as Babylonia and Assyria. Let us not forget China and India. There has been so many advances and discoveries in Archaeology and Anthropology that the old alien explanations are ludicrous and laugh worthy.


Well-Known Member
i know he is border line retarded, but there is no way slave labor could build those... i was more thinking they were way ahead of their time and somehow used forms and poured the stones into place
the amount of slaves {1000's} that built those pyramids could probably drag one of those stones around the world


Well-Known Member
they said that the slaves didnt build the pyramids, but that hired builders... that they found the bodies, and where they lived, and they lived well, had money


Well-Known Member
HERES A GOOD THEORY ON HOW THEY WERE BUILT...............[video=youtube;lasCXujNPfs][/video]

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
they said that the slaves didnt build the pyramids, but that hired builders... that they found the bodies, and where they lived, and they lived well, had money
Yep. Pyramid building was a lucrative business. They have found living quarters and industrial centers that made food for the workers, tools, building materials, clothing, etc. It's amazing what they've discovered in the last ten years.


Well-Known Member
interesting video, thanks 4 the link man... hard to believe that there was enough fresh air inside that pyramid to breathe


Well-Known Member
HERES A GOOD THEORY ON HOW THEY WERE BUILT...............[video=youtube;lasCXujNPfs][/video]
typical french couldn't be bothered to tell any one


Well-Known Member
well, i actually think we cant do it today, simply because there is no one willing to pay the cash for a frigging pyramid

and there is no one current percieved as god on earth sending his guards to whip people into building one..

bit ridiculous,saying we cant build those pyramids when we can go to the moon and all that other stuff we can do.

just whip out a big pile enough of cash and you could probably leave the solarsystem and find another hospitable planet..

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
typical french couldn't be bothered to tell any one
I don't know if it was by accident or by design. Archaeology is a highly competitive field. Stats and data have been fudged or omitted to support a theory in the past. Several Archaeologists/Anthropologists had their careers ruined for doing similar shenanigans. I guess we'll never know. But, you'd think if there was any kind of evidence that might advance knowledge, it should be presented. Regardless of the fact that you can't figure it out yourself. Humans have myriad ways of fucking things up because of greed or pride. Including Science.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
well, i actually think we cant do it today, simply because there is no one willing to pay the cash for a frigging pyramid

and there is no one current percieved as god on earth sending his guards to whip people into building one..

bit ridiculous,saying we cant build those pyramids when we can go to the moon and all that other stuff we can do.

just whip out a big pile enough of cash and you could probably leave the solarsystem and find another hospitable planet..

You need to get out more. :p


Well-Known Member
have a friend who has a lot of crazy theories but this one i can not debunk... according to him there is no possible way to explain the pyramids being built..he says aliens and here is why... according to him we do not have the technology to date that would precision cut that stone in the way they are cut..also even if we surrounded the pyramids with the largest cranes on the planet we could not move each piece into place..i am not sure if this is true or not anyone have any information on this?
This is known as the ancient alien theory and looking at the peruvian stoneworkings of puma punku made me a believer. These 50 ton stones were melted into place and formed like silly putty. Impossible to this day. In the quarry, there is a massive diorite stone cut out with a circular cut. So a sawblade wouldt be able to do that job. Our lasers today still won't. This construction predates the flood according to several archeologists. I and many believe humans are the result of their genes mixed with homo habilis to form a slave worker. Thus we were made in '' their image''. Neandertal man was a failed attempt as he couldnt talk.