Prove to you There's a God?

FDD would be your publisher & be very upset with you.
now, if i was writing a book or something, i might spend the time to use perfect grammar, but maybe not, depending on the audience i wished to establish contact with.
selfrespect eh?


bet you also think people should try to make something of themselves yeah? :)


i kinda think that if my selfrespect depended on grammar, well,, lol..

humm, yeah, i think my part in this conversation is over, go have fun with the dictionary and spellchecker :)

if your self respect doesn't even include your grammar, ... :neutral:

all i'm asking is for the correct use of "you're" and "your". nothing more.
Thats where your choice comes in to play, do you want rewards or punishment? if you see getting rewards and following Christ's word as selfish, you truely need some more education.

oh i cant resist trying to teach you bit :)

see, thats the whole trouble with it. rewards and following christs word.

what happens when christ leaves?

and never came back?

being good because of heaven, or because of jesus or god, is the worst form of good there is.

especially when you include threat of hell in it. cause then you are only good at the threat of a stick.

same as the idea of laws keeping people good (people behave because i hit them if they arent)

so thats saying that people are inherently evil


so what the fugg would an allgood being want with inherently evil (and massively stupid (there´s hope, but not alot))


that only follow him because of this stick he carries (which btw, totally erases him from my allgood list..)

makes me think..

why do you cling so hard to this religion?

whats wrong? what do you fear?
i would rather just enjoy today. ;)
Im enjoying today, and Ill be enjoying eternity knowing Im not burning in hell.
But I guess its different if you have the spirit of an antichrist, Satan usually blocks out your common sense since you have no idea what enternity means.
if your self respect doesn't even include your grammar, ... :neutral:

all i'm asking is for the correct use of "you're" and "your". nothing more.

then YOU do use it, and by your shining example of perfectness,show me the way of how to be.

a bitchy crabby son of a teacher (or a young one)

doesnt really impress me into wanting to imitate him :)
Since your the grammer police here the link to my threads.
If your correcting me now, you might as well correct all of my grammer and puncuation mistakes, and you might as well expand my vocabulary by giving me college synonyms for the highschool words Im using.

once again, i am ONLY interested in "you're" and "your".

if you stay focused you could learn it right now.

"if you can't replace it with "you are" then it is spelled "your".

it's really that easy. ;)
Im enjoying today, and Ill be enjoying eternity knowing Im not burning in hell.
But I guess its different if you have the spirit of an antichrist, Satan usually blocks out your common sense since you have no idea what enternity means.

maybe i wish to be a child of satan.

i do have that choice, don't i?
Once again, this is why Deceivers aren't allowed into heaven. And their deception is why they are being burned in hell instead of being left dead.
then YOU do use it, and by your shining example of perfectness,show me the way of how to be.

a bitchy crabby son of a teacher (or a young one)

doesnt really impress me into wanting to imitate him :)

so you are being ignorant out of spite?
so you are being ignorant out of spite?

its not ignorance, is it, if i know it?

spite? why?

i didnt explain myself well enough, i simply find it uncomfortable, writing that ´re, (different language keyboard)
most people use your or are fine with it.

i find myself rather bored with this particular conversation, most people dont care about this..
so why would i do it out of spite ? lol
its not ignorance, is it, if i know it?

spite? why?

i didnt explain myself well enough, i simply find it uncomfortable, writing that ´re, (different language keyboard)
most people use your or are fine with it.

i find myself rather bored with this particular conversation, most people dont care about this..
so why would i do it out of spite ? lol

still pounding away at those keys.


it's an apostrophe, not a comma. :dunce: funny no one caught me making that mistake. :)

told ya i wasn't perfect. but now i know what to call it. figured that one out myself.

so ... you continue to pound away at the keys defending the fact that you don't want to waste time pounding at the keys.

this is FUN. :)

you spite YOUR father. or so YOUR post implied.
I hope you become born again Christian so we can laugh at everyone whos in hell. Maybe God will have a super high definition TV with all the athiests screaming in pain, while we enjoy a high uncomparable to smoking weed on earth.