Well-Known Member
Why then does Jesus continually quote and paraphrase passages in the OT? Why was he a practicing Jew? Without the OT, how do you evaluate Jesus' claim of divinity because wasn't it the OT prophecies that he supposedly fulfilled that convince many people? Without the OT, the already weak case of Jesus being the messiah is even weaker as it is the OT that defines what qualifies as messiah.
Jesus said he came not to destroy old laws but to teach. I don't see how he was a practicing Jew if he himself called himself the messiah.
He quoted and paraphrased the OT because the people living at the time thought that they would have eternal life from reading it, but Jesus said "Believe in me, and you will have eternal life, with me and my father in the kingdom of heaven."
The OT has a bunch of contradictions, if you study the bible you will learn more. Thats why I don't believe that the old testement is legit and has eternal life.
The NT, has eternal life because Jesus says he and his words have eternal life.