Prove to you There's a God?

Now, im not saying that anti-christs can't be nice. But the majority of them are pretty much trash, which is why the bible says their of the devil.
It all makes sense if you read the bible. Anti-christs pretty much work for satan. Whether its directly or indirectly because sin is of the devil. If your not spreading Jesus rep around then you're deceiving people. Whether you steal, or give, your still deceiving. So even if your a good person(while a deceiver) you'll go to hell.
what about the adam and steve story where god told them to not partake in the tree of info...god said you will die if you partake in this tree/bush but satan said go ahead you wont die youll just get some knowledge so adam and steve took on the tree and got knowledge (that they are mortal) and god got upset and claimed them now closer to being godlike and t if they get to the tree of life they will be immortal (not the band) "like him" and sent down some angels to deflect adam and steve....and they were kicked out of paradise (who's paradise?...not the seed company im sure) and blah blah...dude its in the bible so god lied by telling them they will die upon taking of the tree of knowledge but it was satan who told the truth (all paraphrased via cacamal) so who should we follow a god who lies to stop adam and steve or some antiangel satan who spoke up? dont get me started on the language used by god in the bible that refers to many gods so is he a demigod or minigod or david koresh god....(cacamal not being one of them)
what about the adam and steve story where god told them to not partake in the tree of info...god said you will die if you partake in this tree/bush but satan said go ahead you wont die youll just get some knowledge so adam and steve took on the tree and got knowledge (that they are mortal) and god got upset and claimed them now closer to being godlike and t if they get to the tree of life they will be immortal (not the band) "like him" and sent down some angels to deflect adam and steve....and they were kicked out of paradise (who's paradise?...not the seed company im sure) and blah blah...dude its in the bible so god lied by telling them they will die upon taking of the tree of knowledge but it was satan who told the truth (all paraphrased via cacamal) so who should we follow a god who lies to stop adam and steve or some antiangel satan who spoke up? dont get me started on the language used by god in the bible that refers to many gods so is he a demigod or minigod or david koresh god....(cacamal not being one of them)

The adam and Eve story was in the old testement.
so you dont defend the old testament story? they are in the bible? or is your sect of christ worship only in the new?
The adam and Eve story was in the old testement.

Bunch of bullshit, people thinking we became sinners because of a fruit. Now thats BULLSHIT. If we were sin free Eve would of never even talked to satan knowing damn well that her creater knew best for her, WITHOUT QUESTION.
so you dont defend the old testament story? they are in the bible? or is your sect of christ worship only in the new?

The new testament says that any doctrine without Jesus Christ in it is false.
And since every book in the old testement doesn't have a word of Jesus in it, I see it as false.
so you pick and choose what stories of the bible work for you////props i guess. there was never a mention of fruit...sides the kj's version lest we read into translations. respect to what works for you but careful before you bash lames for their readings cause its all the same english anglican version
You don't expect Jesus to force you to accept him do you? That would make his kingdom full of trash.

By trash I mean someone who wants to take you to hell with them.
Anyone could confess in Christ and be seen before God, which is all God wants for you to get into heaven.
According to the christian bible, aren't you supposed to love your enemy?

Here is a quote from the bible itself:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous” (Matthew 5:43-45). The Pharisees taught the people to hate the enemies of Israel. The implication was that this hatred was God’s means of judging their enemies. Jesus taught the people just the opposite. “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

You are an enemy of your own beliefs.

Smoke a bowl and chill out dude.

Ahh stfu, your an atheist. Gtfo.
Quit mentioning God, your not looking for rep.
Lame ass athiests with nothing better to do then bother people with hope.
The new testament says that any doctrine without Jesus Christ in it is false.
And since every book in the old testement doesn't have a word of Jesus in it, I see it as false.
Why then does Jesus continually quote and paraphrase passages in the OT? Why was he a practicing Jew? Without the OT, how do you evaluate Jesus' claim of divinity because wasn't it the OT prophecies that he supposedly fulfilled that convince many people? Without the OT, the already weak case of Jesus being the messiah is even weaker as it is the OT that defines what qualifies as messiah.
According to the christian bible, aren't you supposed to love your enemy?

Here is a quote from the bible itself:

You are an enemy of your own beliefs.

Smoke a bowl and chill out dude.

Yeah, I love my enemys. Thats why if one asked me for help and I could help him I would.
I said "stfu," because all I see in these prove god exists threads is a couple of douchebags saying god doesn't exist. No matter what you tell him or how you tell him. So whats the point of him even starting the thread? Its to cause a ruckuss and to piss off the believers. Because obviojusly his minds set and everyone knows God is too powerful to showhimself to us humans until the afterlife.
Because obviojusly his minds set and everyone knows God is too powerful to showhimself to us humans until the afterlife.

So then everyone can't prove it. Unless everyone has been to the afterlife I suppose. Back to faith. Why should believers get pissed off at people who believe different? Wouldn't a person be in perpetual pissed off mode forever because there is always beliefs different than our own no matter what belief.