watch out for agenda 21... this must be stopped.


Well-Known Member

Land… cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. The provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interest of society as a whole.
Source: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat I),Vancouver, BC, May 31 – June 11, 1976. Preamble to Agenda Item 10 of the Conference Report.
I am VERY worried about this..... this single agenda could take away our right to own our own property.... are we falling into a communist nation already or waht??!?


Well-Known Member
Well All the nations of the world have to be torn down in order to make way for the NWO.
you say this in such a plainly stated manner as if you have already given up and want no part in the fight against this?

if so, great attitude, will really help having an extra person with their head in the sand.
you say this in such a plainly stated manner as if you have already given up and want no part in the fight against this?

if so, great attitude, will really help having an extra person with their head in the sand.
Half of the fight is actually knowing what your going agaisnt...and if a NWO were to actually to occur im sure they would have no problem taking us out if they wanted to...

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
You DO realize this is political propaganda designed to influence your vote through fear, right? You know how this country is going to fall? Through ignorance and decisions based on fear and hate. The UN can pass or introduce whatever they want, but, no UN charter or agenda can supersede or cancel out the Constitution of the United States. It's called rule of law. If it is unconstitutional then it will be abolished. If "they" want to force the issue then we have several military forces armed to the teeth with the most sophisticated technically advanced weaponry in the world. And. They have sworn to serve and protect the Constitution.

The real question is, why now? Why is it so important at this time since this is something that is over two decades old. Because it fits into the scare tactic agenda of the far right wing-nuts. You know what we really need to be worrying about? The erosion of our rights as employees, the downgrade and loss of health benefits, a second recession, jobs, the education lending scam, etc. Anything else is bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Good thing our govt works hand in hand with the UN and answers to them and good thing their working on passing the small arms treaty or else it would turn into a real mess when they started trying to take everyones land, as things are now I think they will be able to take everyones land anfd guns with very little resistance- Then they will finally be able to eliminate unemployment and fix the economy


Well-Known Member
The UN can pass or introduce whatever they want, but, no UN charter or agenda can supersede or cancel out the Constitution of the United States. It's called rule of law. If it is unconstitutional then it will be abolished. If "they" want to force the issue then we have several military forces armed to the teeth with the most sophisticated technically advanced weaponry in the world. And. They have sworn to serve and protect the Constitution.
I wish your argument was the final word, but I do not believe it is, I think we have lost some degree of sovernity and I think their is a push to remove our sovereign status compleatly, some want us to answer to the U.N. and NATO and I do not see it is far fetched. They already fail to uphold so the constitution so how can that be the supreme law?
Theres only a few things as a people we can do...we either change and make the shit we want happen. Or sit by and let the man stick it to us like the british did...until we wised up


Well-Known Member
lol dont even trip about it... the majority of americans wouldnt ever answer to what the u.n. decided to tell us to do... they have as much power over america as the league of nations did... lol :D :D :D :D hope someone gets the joke


Well-Known Member
lol dont even trip about it... the majority of americans wouldnt ever answer to what the u.n. decided to tell us to do... they have as much power over america as the league of nations did... lol :D :D :D :D hope someone gets the joke
I hope that is the case... I just don't think this is something that shouldn't be taken seriously.... at minimum we should be saying fuck no to this shit.

another thing I find concerning is the fact that it's a plan 10+ years in the making, I slow starting big plans like this are very suspicious and have a lot of cause for concern.