Forum Moderators

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Misguided Angel
I would welcome the chance to become a mod on rolltup if the opportunity became available. I would bring with me 12+ years of growing experience as well as 5+ years of managerial experience and business relations. There are many suitable candidates I have seen post requesting the opportunity and I would be pleased to work with any one of them.


Misguided Angel
I would welcome the chance to become a mod on rolltup if the opportunity became available. I would bring with me 12+ years of growing experience as well as 5+ years of managerial experience and business relations. There are many suitable candidates I have seen post requesting the opportunity and I would be pleased to work with any one of them.
That would be OK, but I can't pronounce your name. :lol:

I'll add you to the list, which is at 45 now.

Thanks. Any section would be fine as I spend time in almost all of them. Look forward to hearing from you.


Well-Known Member
hey i have 4 years of experience with outdoor and cfl's. i have done hydro once with success too. i always hang around the plant problem forum because thats what i have the most knowledge in. i've helped solve many problems and my answers are based on facts, i usually reference them too. i think the 2nd most important trait i have is being nice yet fair, i always answer in a way that does not provoke argument, and i try and be funny too though I'm no comedian haha.


Well-Known Member
I'd love to do my part, deleting spam telling kids to play nice, and keeping the flow of information always moving forward. We are a community, and this ns to be handled by community minded people. I've been growing steady since 05 and blowing glass for 2 years I eat sleep and breathe our industry. Its my life, that's not changing any time soon, and I've got plenty of spare time during odd hours. Besides every site needs a girl mod anyhow.


Well-Known Member
Spirituality & Sexuality & Philosophy, Politics

I've been around since 2006 via the first Padawanbater, this site is great, I'd love to help make it better if I can.
I would like to throw my support behind Pad for the sub-forum of Spirituality & Sexuality & Philosophy . He has shown himself to be even minded and fair, and always posts with the intention of education. In addition, he is always looking to improve himself and I trust he would show the same attitude towards the betterment of RIU.


Well-Known Member
I would like to Sign Heisenberg here up to run for Spirituality & Sexuality & Philosophy & or Politics as well, We all know how Hectic it can get in those mind expanding threads so let us not take this lightly & give all the reinforcement that Pada may need in that battle zone of opinions. :hug:
I would like to throw my support behind Pad for the sub-forum of Spirituality & Sexuality & Philosophy . He has shown himself to be even minded and fair, and always posts with the intention of education. In addition, he is always looking to improve himself and I trust he would show the same attitude towards the betterment of RIU.


Well-Known Member
I would like to throw my support behind Pad for the sub-forum of Spirituality & Sexuality & Philosophy . He has shown himself to be even minded and fair, and always posts with the intention of education. In addition, he is always looking to improve himself and I trust he would show the same attitude towards the betterment of RIU.
Seconded. ten characters


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
I'd be interested in the Outdoors Section and or CFL Growing! Dont't believe in pushing people around

to show power, just enjoy a smooth running site thats loaded with useful information. Thanks for the Opportunity!


Well-Known Member
I am leery of members who volunteer for mod duties, but I am not totally against those.

However, a member who actively campaigns to be a mod gets a big fat RED FLAG.

I much prefer a nomination process.

A member who, once asked, responds with: "Sure, I might be interested."

Such a member would be a better choice, imho.


Well-Known Member
I am leery of members who volunteer for mod duties, but I am not totally against those.

However, a member who actively campaigns to be a mod gets a big fat RED FLAG.

I much prefer a nomination process.

A member who, once asked, responds with: "Sure, I might be interested."

Such a member would be a better choice, imho.
Some one who half heartedly accepts the role of mod, may only contruibute half heartedly, i say volunteering shows initiative, putting your self out there in front. any new mod that doesn't stand up to qualifications for the the section he was appointd to, will surely be dragged through the mud, and eventualy dethroned. this is not an application to become abusive with power. this is an opportunity to show you want to help the site, grow and thrive. If you cant stand up and say yes I'd like to help, then whats to say you would interject your self in to more pressing matters.

I'd say random or solicited nominations, have less value than a self nomination. But each section is different, so may be the opinions of who should mod those sections.


ya'll have a nice day!


Glassblowing Moderator
I've only been a member a little over a year. So I don't expect to be chosen. Figured maybee they filter out some and have it again next year.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Some one who half heartedly accepts the role of mod, may only contruibute half heartedly, i say volunteering shows initiative, putting your self out there in front. any new mod that doesn't stand up to qualifications for the the section he was appointd to, will surely be dragged through the mud, and eventualy dethroned. this is not an application to become abusive with power. this is an opportunity to show you want to help the site, grow and thrive. If you cant stand up and say yes I'd like to help, then whats to say you would interject your self in to more pressing matters.

I'd say random or solicited nominations, have less value than a self nomination. But each section is different, so may be the opinions of who should mod those sections.


ya'll have a nice day!
I'm pretty sure what johnny is saying is he would be leary of a member whoring himself to be a moderator and making a campaign about it. padawan made one post and I would be down with him being a mod. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't take the mod position half heartedly. and I'm just using that as an example.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure what johnny is saying is he would be leary of a member whoring himself to be a moderator and making a campaign about it. padawan made one post and I would be down with him being a mod. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't take the mod position half heartedly. and I'm just using that as an example.
I was agreeing with half of jonnys statement, by solicited nominations, or campaigning, but also I meant I think they should at least put themselves out their to be mod, show some modest inititive. I also like pad, i've alwasy gotten along wit him, he'd have my vote, if I went in sections he was in more often!



Well-Known Member
To clear up any ambiguity, I will clarify my previous statement.

I am leery of members who volunteer for mod duties, but I am not totally against those.
I am suspicious of anyone who VOLUNTEERS for additional powers.

I did not care for the Hall Monitors when I was in school, either. The were power-geeks to me. And some of them misbehaved or abused their powers, and then hid behind the skirts of said powers.

When I stated I was not totally against those, I meant it.

Meaning volunteers should be vetted on a case by case basis.

However, a member who actively campaigns to be a mod gets a big fat RED FLAG.
This type of member should absolutely NOT be considered.

I much prefer a nomination process.

A member who, once asked, responds with: "Sure, I might be interested."

Such a member would be a better choice, imho.
Please note there is no mention of the term 'half-hearted' anywhere in that statement.

I was referring to a member in good standing who might never have considered himself worthy, but other members did.

Once approached, and having thought the matter through, saying "Sure, I will consider it."
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