Finally Popped The Question


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A preen-up kills weeds arounds your plants. (former landscaper) congratulations beardo
Learn something new everyday.

An agreement that is signed prior to marriage where your fiancee/fiance agrees to keep up their physical appearance after you are married.

Is that what you were referring to file?

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I hope you've known her long. LMAO Marriage is pointless, well, to me, all of the time, but it's especially pointless if you don't know eachother well. Live with eachother long?


Well-Known Member
Tell her you got superbowl ring(s)..
I would but I don't think she would be as impressed with my superbowl ring as she should be,
but then again she's amazing so she might be into it, The point is i'm not trying to entice her with my material things I want her to want me for being the person I am. I want her to appreciate the fact that I would be happy to come home to her every night and wake up to her each morning- If that's not enough then it's not meant to be


Active Member
I would but I don't think she would be as impressed with my superbowl ring as she should be,
but then again she's amazing so she might be into it, The point is i'm not trying to entice her with my material things I want her to want me for being the person I am. I want her to appreciate the fact that I would be happy to come home to her every night and wake up to her each morning- If that's not enough then it's not meant to be
what are you talking about again?


Pickle Queen
So how's Beardo feeling today? I made french vanilla cupcakes with milk chocolated whipped icing, gonna frost the mini bites size ones in a few.

Mon amour a toujour mon coeur ;)


Active Member
No This is Overkill. [youtube]3AnXxcqWv1o[/youtube]
That was Stevie Nicks and Tom Petty
Overkill really has nothing to do with me or this thread or how I feel.
wow, over kill has to do everything with this thread, and to lay it out to you friendly dope fiends no body really cares about your feelings especially when this economy tears apart :)


Well-Known Member
So how's Beardo feeling today? I made french vanilla cupcakes with milk chocolated whipped icing, gonna frost the mini bites size ones in a few.

Mon amour a toujour mon coeur ;)
I'm good, smoking on something real good and not drinking before noon, going to go to the beach in a little while, I'm a little stressed because I decided to propose and haven't recieved an answer but i'm not sure if she would even be interested in something like that, i'm thinking she might think i'm not serious since we've never met in person but I think it could work and i'm honest in my intentions of marrying her and then hanging out with her untill I get old. It would be nice to have a good woman to come home to,

avoir une bonne journée magnifique


Well-Known Member
Overkill would be sending that prized ring of yours to her.
Then again, from what I read she left your Proposal with a 'maybe'..

Good luck beardo


Well-Known Member
I'm good, smoking on something real good and not drinking before noon, going to go to the beach in a little while, I'm a little stressed because I decided to propose and haven't recieved an answer but i'm not sure if she would even be interested in something like that, i'm thinking she might think i'm not serious since we've never met in person but I think it could work and i'm honest in my intentions of marrying her and then hanging out with her untill I get old. It would be nice to have a good woman to come home to,

avoir une bonne journée magnifique

how the hell do you even know her? do you even know her?