Who thinks Obama should step down or be impeached ?

Should Obama step down?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 45 60.0%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Stick to your talking points and lame arguements, because the last thing you want to talk about is the facts on Obama....
Just what I thought. All rhetoric, no substance. You wouldn't catch me defending Obama, I'm a true Socialist and consider Obama a fraud. That wasn't my point. Teabaggers are always throwing around mistruths about Obama being a, "Socialist," "Marxist," Etc. Bullshit. Obama is a conservative corporatist. Makes me think teabaggers and GOPigs haven't a clue what Socialismt OR Marxism is. They just condemn it without even understanding it. Pure ignorance.

munch box

Well-Known Member
Just what I thought. All rhetoric, no substance. You wouldn't catch me defending Obama, I'm a true Socialist and consider Obama a fraud. That wasn't my point. Teabaggers are always throwing around mistruths about Obama being a, "Socialist," "Marxist," Etc. Bullshit. Obama is a conservative corporatist. Makes me think teabaggers and GOPigs haven't a clue what Socialismt OR Marxism is. They just condemn it without even understanding it. Pure ignorance.
you think you can change human nature, but it can't be done. In order for there to be Winners, there must be Loosers. thats just the way it is. At some point people are going to want control of thier own lives and make thier own decisions. Your perfect little world will NEVER exist.


Well-Known Member
Just what I thought. All rhetoric, no substance. You wouldn't catch me defending Obama, I'm a true Socialist and consider Obama a fraud. That wasn't my point. Teabaggers are always throwing around mistruths about Obama being a, "Socialist," "Marxist," Etc. Bullshit. Obama is a conservative corporatist. Makes me think teabaggers and GOPigs haven't a clue what Socialismt OR Marxism is. They just condemn it without even understanding it. Pure ignorance.
You are driving me absolutely crazy. The fact that you would consider somebody who puts forth a government health care bill conservative is pure ignorance. The fact that the you consider the man who is raising the national debt, with his outrageous spending, faster than any president in the history of the US as being conservative is pure ignorance. The fact that you assume that being libertarian means you do not share is without a doubt absolute pure ignorance.

Go ahead; ignore my post and comment on my grammar. Continue your campaign of pure ignorance :)

munch box

Well-Known Member
OK this is how its going to work. its important obama gets a second stimulus, that way he can get the money back from big union bosses in 2012 in the form of campaign contributions. Hes been going around the country past few days talking about the first thing we need to do is invest in our roads and bridges and so forth. He needs to get that construction money from somewhere right? So he will put enourmous pressure on Burnake to fall on the sword and print more money. This is what the bailouts were about. Saving GM's Union, it was in Obama's best intrest to bail it out so thats what democrats in congress all went along with it.


New Member
you think you can change human nature, but it can't be done. In order for there to be Winners, there must be Loosers. thats just the way it is. At some point people are going to want control of thier own lives and make thier own decisions. Your perfect little world will NEVER exist.
You wrote the above because someone mentioned socialism. You sir, doesn't make any sense.

NEVER exist? It already exists, take a look at Norway today!

Winners and loosers? What are you talking about. Who are the loosers?
Who are the winners? What has it to do with socialism?

Socialism does NOT forbid you to get rich, which is what your definition of a winner seem to be?
Where there is socialims, everybody are winners - especially the rich:

The rich contintue to vote for socialism, because they notice that everybody else has it better.
Even the poorest have money to SPEND! And the rich want this...

As you see... even the POOREST people in Norway has money, becaue of socialism. The poor doesn't get food-stamps, but REAL money:

* Any citizen without work, and without money, can find an apartment to rent using the normal marked (just like people with jobs), and the government will then pay the rent! In addition to that, every citizen has the right to about 5000 NOK (kroner) for food etc in cash AFTER the rent for the apartment is paid (monthly).
And this is forever, you never loose your right to this money!
Are these the loosers you are talking about?
BTW: the rent is irrelevant. Imagine that! And it's not a fairytale either, but of course you must rent a small apartment - you can't live in a mansion for free :-)

You might think why is people working? Because everybody wants cars, houses, money... just like everywhere else. I really don't see why people are so afraid of socialism - must have been a lot of propaganda on TV.

When everybody has good health and access money, there is less crime. Everybody benefits, in so many ways I can't even imagine starting to list them all.

Seriosly, why are you afraid of socialism?
I guess it has to do with propaganda (Socialism propaganda = you are not free?). I don't get it.

munch box

Well-Known Member
Mr.Grønn;6124253 said:
You wrote the above because someone mentioned socialism. You sir, doesn't make any sense.

NEVER exist? It already exists, take a look at Norway today!
Norway is a perfect world? LMFAO


Active Member
you think you can change human nature, but it can't be done. In order for there to be Winners, there must be Loosers. thats just the way it is. At some point people are going to want control of thier own lives and make thier own decisions. Your perfect little world will NEVER exist.
You're debating politics using quotes from Charlie Sheen? Thanks for saving me time. Now that you have confirmed your total idiot status I can now just ignore you. Also, you still never gave any examples of Marxism in the US as a result of Democratic policy. So, you are a "looser." Goodbye.

Obama would still win.
Obama WILL still win, regardless of who opposes him. There is nobody in the lineup of challengers that stands a chance.

You are driving me absolutely crazy. The fact that you would consider somebody who puts forth a government health care bill conservative is pure ignorance. The fact that the you consider the man who is raising the national debt, with his outrageous spending, faster than any president in the history of the US as being conservative is pure ignorance. The fact that you assume that being libertarian means you do not share is without a doubt absolute pure ignorance.

Go ahead; ignore my post and comment on my grammar. Continue your campaign of pure ignorance :)
I'm driving you crazy because I am owning you with facts, not rhetoric, and I am exceedingly smarter than you. The health care bill is corporatist, not democratic. It REQUIRES every US citizen to have healthcare. That should be a capitalist industry's wet dream. Only an industry as corrupt and greedy as the republican based healthcare industry would anyone bitch about a president REQUIRING everyone in the country to be a customer. Why does the healthcare industry oppose the healthcare bill you ask? Because out of the 100% of the population that will be REQUIRED to be their customers, only about 75% can pay. The greedy little bastards want to eat the whole pie, not just 3/4 of it! Obama SHOULD have had the democrat lead congress pass MEDICAID FOR ALL when they had a chance. Why didn't they? Because Obama is a conservative, corporatist who gives the GOP everything they want and cares way too much about what people think of him. It makes no sense for the GOP or anyone who identifies themselves as a republican to dislike Obama. He is the probably the worst presidential negotiator in the history of the USA. Why do you repukes dislike him so much? His skin color. Republicans like being racist more than they like making money.

Oh, and do you want to know why the national debt is so high? Because we owe ourselves, not China! The amount of debt we have right now is largely due to 8 years of the BUSH administration borrowing from our own social security fund to pay for wars of aggression. This entire debt debate has been about whether or not, and how much, we should repay ourselves! The entire rest of the world knows this and looks at us like we are the biggest idiots in the world. Ask any Chinese individual. They think of us as the most ignorant first world citizens in the entire world, and they are correct!

Why do 60 million Americans say Obama is a “Muslim?” – Because they can’t call him “Ni**er”
by Holte Ender on Sep 8, 2010

munch box

Well-Known Member
You're debating politics using quotes from Charlie Sheen? Thanks for saving me time. Now that you have confirmed your total idiot status I can now just ignore you. Also, you still never gave any examples of Marxism in the US as a result of Democratic policy. So, you are a "looser." Goodbye.
How is it every time I say something its a quote. whats up with that? And besides if Charlie sheen did say something like that doesn't mean he thought of it.If A stupid person like you were to repeat something a smart person said like ronald regan. That would not make it stupid. It would STILL be a smart thing to say. Like if you said "lower governemnt spending" I'd agree your talking smart, even though I know your still an idiot.like charlie, ....understand? Idiot


Active Member
If A stupid person like you were to repeat something a smart person said like ronald regan.
It's ironic and highly entertaining that you can't even spell your hero's name, especially when it is in support of your own intelligence and my alleged idiocy. Classic. Keep em comin, this is fun! Political debates with stupid stoners. Good stuff.


Well-Known Member
Why do 60 million Americans say Obama is a “Muslim?” – Because they can’t call him “Ni**er”
by Holte Ender on Sep 8, 2010
Because he is a Muslim?
His father was Muslim, His step father was Muslim, He was raised in Indonesia and attended Muslim school.
It's ironic and highly entertaining that you can't even spell your hero's name, especially when it is in support of your own intelligence and my alleged idiocy. Classic. Keep em comin, this is fun! Political debates with stupid stoners. Good stuff.
Sorry but Seven, you have 195 posts that do not relate to growing marijuana.
I think he's a communist


Active Member
blah blah blah, I'm stoopid and not just slightly...
P.S. both Ronald REAGAN and Richard M. Nixon, would be considered LIBERAL by today's standards! The pendulum has swung so far right that most people don't even remember what it looked like over on the left side. Consider that next time you jackoff to Reagan pictures.


Active Member
I think he's a communist
Bullshit. You're thinking impaired. You couldn't come close to defining communism in words without a google search. I'm Socialist. Loud and proud. You wouldn't know the difference because you've consumed way too much bong resin and government kool aid.