My First Ever Grow....


Well-Known Member
Pics from day 49 last of veg
Wow - looking really great! Keep moving those ladies out to the edges yet for a week or so to give the ones in the middle more of a chance. You're going to have a real nice canopy!!

It is right here. I just JUST started yesterday though, so all I have are my seeds planted at this point, (my first picture I had the seed planted upside down, the root sticking out of the rockwool cube,) Lmao, but I corrected that idiot mistake. But yea, one seed in, and one more to go in, which looks like it is going to end up being Blackberry. I am stoke. Afghan Kush and Blackberry Bud. Mmmm. xD


Well-Known Member
I have another week or two before i switch i only have like 5 tops above screen bahhh i want to bud now dang it:-) I cant wait to see how yours turns out im along for the whole show!


Well-Known Member
Well here are some pictures from day 7 (the first week of flower). I've watered them twice now with jacks classic blossom booster.

Cheers :leaf:

I'm going to have to get a better camera these pics arent the best
Looking really nice now, that screen by end of the month will seem as if it has disappeared.

Do you find that the plant is moving the screen too much or can the screen (string) hold down the bigger branches? My next grow will be a SCRoG and I am researching the best way to build my screen.

Hey everyone, I was just wondering if I could get a question answered, I don't mean to take away from your grow man, but one of my plants looks really rough, and I just don't know what to do. :/ I mean...the plant is still green, but it is wilting like a mother fucker.
The grow is located there, and again, I don't mean to pull from your grow at all dude, I just noticed a lot of people ( including myself ) subbed into this and thought someone might be able to give me a hand.


Well-Known Member
Looking really nice now, that screen by end of the month will seem as if it has disappeared.

Do you find that the plant is moving the screen too much or can the screen (string) hold down the bigger branches? My next grow will be a SCRoG and I am researching the best way to build my screen.

The screen seems to be heavy enough so far (probably because of the pvc frame and legs), but time will tell. I made mine for like 15-20 bucks with all the stuff from lowes.


Well-Known Member
I do have a question tho, since it is flowering now and I'm using a scrog, will the net hamper the growth of the buds at all? There are some buds forming right by where the stems are touching the screen. It seems like all the scrog set ups I've seen have all their bids above the net, but have some forming like right at the screen level and some beneath it. I'll get some updated pics up soon to show what I mean (as well as to show off how lovely she is getting.


Well-Known Member
I do have a question tho, since it is flowering now and I'm using a scrog, will the net hamper the growth of the buds at all? There are some buds forming right by where the stems are touching the screen. It seems like all the scrog set ups I've seen have all their bids above the net, but have some forming like right at the screen level and some beneath it. I'll get some updated pics up soon to show what I mean (as well as to show off how lovely she is getting.
Anything after the first 2 or 3 weeks of flower that does not make it up through the screen will usually be trimmed off, unless these branches look like they can make it and are not going to be overly shaded then you can leave them.

If you have them in veg long enough and believe you will fill the screen during the first few weeks of flower then I would trim them, after all your looking to fill the screen which really should be the optimal size all ready to maximise light/yield ratio.:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Here is day 12 of flower and you can see what I mean where the string is touching right where the bud is growing. I almost feel like I should take the scrog net out but then the plant will probably not get as much light to the middle bud sites (from the outward branches coming more inward without the screen if that makes sense). Gahhhhh what should I do???



Well-Known Member
I would say leave it just try to grow it on the inside next to the main stem as it grows should be or cut it off:-)


Well-Known Member
Well man, dont take this the wrong way, im not talking shit by any means, but you did'nt actually scrog that plant, yeah you have a screen there, but you didnt actually apply the scrogging method in which you should of been pulling each of those branches back under the screen and outwards towards the next square over to fill the entire screen, your basically just grew upwards and have some screen to support the branches a bit.
If your concerned about the string growing into that bud site, you could take a twist tie, hook it around the stem underneath that second node above the screen, then hook it to that outer string to pull the branch away from the string its currently resting on


Well-Known Member
I fail to see how this isn't a scrog just went back from start to where his is now and it looks like any other scrog if seen pull and place is only one of the methods used while scroging and he used it also LST. Your right he could have vegg'd a little longer and spread the tops out more but he didn't but its still a scrog and he still tricked the plant into producing more tops/only tops.


Well-Known Member
I would have to agree with Hank Dank in that those branches that are through the net all ready should be pulled back under and moved to the outsides of the net, so those little bud sites that are coming up can grow / stretch and fill in the middle. Yes it is a SCRoG but if you look at the last picture you can see there has been NO training at the net other than the LST during veg.

A longer veg time AND some more training at the net would be necessary but I think the plants are looking healthy, if those branches are not to stiff (and they should not be at 12 days flower) the OP can pull them back down under the net so the tops stick out to the sides and the net will fill in with the other branches that will stretch during flower.



Well-Known Member
Go back through all the pics there is only 4 pages.... If you look he is spreading them and yes he should have veg'd for longer cuz thats what scrog is a long ass veg time but you get a awesome yield and only top colas but he is scroging the plant plain and simple. Also besides pinching the stem there is no way he is going to get those branches back under the screen and you train the first 12 days not the last 12 of the first month he is already done or close to it for the stretch so no more training besides LST eyelet screws in the side of the box will fix any crowding that goes on in budding. If anyone wants info on scrog check this thread out.