prove me there is a god


New Member
ok i noticed theres alot of bible thumper pot heads :)) so i purpose prove to me theres is a god if not then let it go beleive what you like i know there isnt just political propaganda

like the day when jesus arose from the grave and there was 6 more weeks of winter :clap:

prove to me there is a god cause i call BS on that jesus death date was what 0 and its 2011 AD so your telling me 2011 yrs and still nothing owe he's comeing 2012 right ?????? to end the world and those that dont believe him will all burn in hell
is this not hell were already living in people so believers bring out your guns and prove to me there is a GOD
and if so why hasnt he shown himself already if were his children then why is so many ppl dieing from hunger where the fck is ass clown GOD
why should we prove He exists. He gives us each free will to believe or not to believe, why do you think its your right to call Him out? Who do you think you are? If He hasnt shown himself to you (yet) than give it time or completely ignore it. Its really all a crap shot anyway.

well imo GOD must be QUEER least in my book read on

There are four unavoidable facts here:
  • 1: The problem of Christian clergy child sexual abuse is so epidemic in Westernized socities that the "Sodomizing Priest" has become both stereotypical and cliche. It's not limited to one particular brand name of Christianity; it's not an aspect of ideological differences; it's epidemic to all Christian brand names.
  • 2: Christianity doesn't create child-abusing pedophiles in numbers lesser than or greater than any other deity-oriented religion. What the Christian clergy does provide is a safe heaven for pedophiles. If Christianity were to finally be educated out of the world populace, these pedophiles would find some other "excuse."
    Seemingly lacking any higher ethics and morals, many leaders of Christian child molesters most often don't even report such crimes. Any normal organization or individual would turn these people over to a police authority for the horrible crimes they committ against children. Indeed, to not do so is complicity in the felony and, as you'll see in this series, is often grounds for a successful civil lawsuit against their church.
    Rather than turn the criminal over to the police authorities, most child molesters within the Christian clergy are sent to in-house "treatment centers" where "psychological therapy" is provided. The parents of the abused child most often complains to the clergy first and, after learning the priesthood is doing nothing to protect other children from their pedophiles, report the sexual abuse to the police much later.
    In many cases children don't report the abuse to their parents due to feelings of guilt and due to threats made by their parent's Christian leader. It is only after they're old enough to have a say-so in which church (if any) to attend that they come forward and expose their victimization. Sadly, this means that in many cases statutes of limitations can kick in and the criminals can't be make to pay for all of their crimes. Since pedophiles rarely strike once, however, they eventually get reported by brave children who are specifically taught what bodily activities are not to be permitted by adults.
    After they go through their period of "therapy," they often get shipped off to yet another church where, since their new congregations are never informed of their master's past, the cycle of abuse continues. (NOTE: "Megan's Law" now makes the location of convicted sex offenders public knowledge. THIS IS A WIN FOR THE GOOD SIDE! Everyone who has worked to get Megan's Law passed has made it tougher for Christian clergy to hide their convicted child moslesters within our communities.)
    Thus -- whether unintentionally or not -- the Christian clergy ends up being a safe dating service for pedophiles. Pedophiles may safely gravitate toward the Christian clergy fairly confident in the knowledge that even if they're ever reported or get caught, they'll simply be moved to yet another location and be provided with new children to abuse.
    The excuse is usually the demand that the Christian's church will take care of the problem and that there's no need to bring in the authorities. The result is that literally hundreds of thousands of children have been raped or horribly murdered by Christian masters who -- since they're known child molesters -- should have been in jail at the time.
    "Treatment" in the context the Christian clergy uses obtains a meaning quite different from that of non-Christians. In this new and deceptive context, "treatment" means taking the Christian leader out of service and away from the public eye long enough for the exposure to cool off -- or be forgotten by all but the victim and his or her family. Once "cured," the pedophile leader is simply shipped off to abuse more victims.
    There are very strong economic reasons for churchs to not want to remove criminals from their ranks. When the number of lawsuits and the money paid to victims start to reach a certain percentage of the obscene revenues the Christian relgion takes in, then the religion will doubtless start to police its own. (When in doubt as to what motivates an organization, the most accurate rule is "Follow The Money!")
  • 3: Ironically, Christian "leaders" talk with strong emotion about "saveing the children," "world-wide Satanic conspiracies," and "the evils of homosexuality" while at the same time ignoring the fact that the Christian clergy is the single worst offending "profession" in America which sexually abuses children. (See "Sins of the Fathers" referenced in Section 1 of this exposure.)
    The inescapable conclusion is that the Christian clergy screams from the pulpit in an attempt to draw attention away from their own horrid criminal activities and desires. It's also an inescapable conclusion -- due to the epidemic problem they create -- that they are successful.
  • 4: Parents who murder their own children by starving them to death or by allowing them to die from easilly treatable diseases and other medical problems are doing so because their religious masters tell them to. As followers, the parents have no cognitive volition of their own when the health and safety of their children come second to obeying the dictates of their religious masters. It is the priesthood which should be held accountable for the murder of children first and foremost; then the parents of the murdered child must be held accountable. Those who use religion to murder must be considered to suffer from a mental disorder and those masters who are responsible for feeding that disorder must be held accountable. Going after the parents is a small piece of the puzzle and ignores entirely the majority of the cause of the problem.
What follows is a collection of collections. Many tireless individuals track this problem and keep specific instances of clergy child abuse in the public eye. A very heart-felt "thank you" is in order for each of you who work to expose and end this problem. A special thank you goes to Alisandra and Ammond Shadowcraft who disseminate the majority of these newspaper extracts and to the Center for First Ammendment Studies which, as one aspect of their many good projects, solicit and track cases of sexual child abuse by clergy. (See Section 5 of this exposure.)
NOTE 1: It's important to note that most of the child-abusing priesthood are married and have children of their own. When male clergy rape boys, the act isn't considered to be homosexual in nature. It is the morphology of the child which motivates the child abuser to act, not the sex gender of their victims. (There are psychology text books in your local library which cover the aspects of child abuse. For references, see Section 6 of this exposure.)
NOTE 2: Some of the descriptions of the crimes committed might sound vague and unspecific -- or describe things which the reader may never have heard about before. In some of those cases I've added a brief bit of commentary. News reports intended for the general public are often vague and self- censored when it comes to instances of child sexual abuse and at times the wording may seem unclear and euphemisms will be employed.
think about it for a second cristians and all religious people are puppets to there master lol cmon really think about it your kid is ill but its your religion to not to try to safe his life you should be held acountable for any death that may occur also i might add that most clergy pedophiles get transfered away to another church lol i say burn your nearest christian church for all the sins they do
why should we prove He exists. He gives us each free will to believe or not to believe, why do you think its your right to call Him out? Who do you think you are? If He hasnt shown himself to you (yet) than give it time or completely ignore it. Its really all a crap shot anyway.


Theres now 101 there sir and ,,!,, jesus are you a bible thumpin puppet like the rest of them
i may be more of a puppet than you know, i did study to be a priest once. try and not be jealous. someone will show you the light, don know what light that will be, but good luck.
hey jesus dont know if your in the states but i hope your praying being now that usa dolar 42 cents is borrowed money are you praying to your god for better times
wondering if obama has prayed for better outcomes in the near future
i may be more of a puppet than you know, i did study to be a priest once. try and not be jealous. someone will show you the light, don know what light that will be, but good luck.

i can you show you 10,000 watts of lights brighter then anything any fake god could muster up

jesus please explain what makes you think there is a god amuse us
Ha are you serious another prove whatever thread? Who's ready for 150+ pages of hate?

BTW we don't have anything to prove to you athiests if you want to believe I can't help you, so go pick up a bible. If your asking to prove god and you have a closed mind you are asking just for the fighting. And athiests you have nothing to prove to us either. So then screw this thread and hopefully it gets closed before too much arguing happens.