Do dogs miss their parents when split from them?


Well-Known Member
Just curious if dogs puppies in general 6-7 months old russell terrior miss thier parents when they are seperated. Both parent dog wondered off when i was sleeping and was missing since. The pound informed me that one of my dogs died while the other dog is still missing. The puppies left behind seem depressed. Lately i have been spending more time with them. They sleep so early like 8pm, do they actually miss thier parents? When will they recover if they do?


Well-Known Member
In Somalia people don't have food or water, theirs a huge drought and lots of gangsters with machine guns that horde all the food and controll the supply of food and water.
I'm guessing the dog would miss his friends and family.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
In Somalia people don't have food or water, theirs a huge drought and lots of gangsters with machine guns that horde all the food and controll the supply of food and water.
I'm guessing the dog would miss his friends and family.



Well-Known Member
Sure, for a little bit. They used to cry for their mom ? I'm sure when they were younger. When you take a new puppie home it cries for what is missing ? Doesn't last long or more than a month before you are thier new mom/dad. I know dogs that have close companions(another dog) will miss them more as thier brain is able to comprehend companionship at an older age. We have a male beagle who is a offspring from our first beagle She passed away when he was 2. There was defintley some heartache there for him besides the family. I think there sometimes still is. Beagles know their own breed. His relationship with our Springer is not the same as when the two beagles were together and the Springer was here before he was born.


Staff member
in all honeslty i had a dog with my ex and he stole i back i couldnt prove she was mine so i lost the case, but when i seen her 6 months later she basically shit herself in excitement so id say yes, then she apparently cried for about 2 days after i left
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Dogs are amazing creatures & one of gods true gifts just for man,ive raised & bread American Bulldogs close to 30 years,we stick with the johnson breed which can be told by enormous heads & very short snouts.

Years back our stud & his female were inseperable,the female was 14 years old when we had her put down,hard times,the male was in perfect health the morning we put the female down & strong as a mule,he was 140 lbs of muscle even though he was 14 yrs old he was in great health,we ended up putting him down 2 months to the day from the sick female,he refused to eat & died of lonlieness,sad times.

We have a new male & female now,they had a litter 3 months ago where the mother only had one pup,this pup is a monster,he was scheduled to get his shots at 2 months old,one week before his shots he got parvo & had to be hospitalized for 23 days,we allmost lost him 4 or 5 times he was deathly ill,it ended up costing us over $4,000 in emergency vet bills to save him.

When he was at his worst & we thought we were going to loose him we got everybody together to go see him & have him put down,we took the mother & father along.

Against advice from the vet we wanted the mother & father to see their pup one last time since they had been acting sick since he'd been gone,the vet reccomended putting the pup down & said he had less than a 5% chance to live,he also didnt want us to show the sick pup to the parents,or to take the pup out of quarantine.

I told the vet to fuck off & we took the pup outside in the grass & laid him down,he couldnt keep his little eyes open & he was so weak you could see he knew he was going to die,i brought the mother & father over from the truck,that sick little guy opened his eyes & started crying loudly & wagging his lil tail fast as hell,he kept trying to stand but he couldnt.

The mother & father sniffed him all over & both licked him head to tail,they both laid down next to the pup & all 3 dogs started wimpering,when it was time to put him down i had a hell of a time getting the father back to the car,he weighs 157 lbs & didnt want to go,the mother went quietly buy kept looking back at her pup.

We all took the lil guy back in & waited for the doc to get the shot to put him down ready,i was stroking the pups fur & noticed he had his eyes open which was something he wasnt doing for the last 18 hours,we could hear the male out in the truck going nuts too,when the vet came in & asked us if we were ready i said how come the pup opened his eyes all the sudden & seemed semi alert when an hour before he couldnt hold his head up,the vet said maybe the visit with the parents aroused him but it would get worse again.

I said fuck it were not putting him down today & if he was gonna go he had to be worse off,they put him back on his IV & stomache tube & a fentynal drip for pain,that night the 2nd shift vet called us at 3am saying he was accepting water through a syringe,by the time we got there at 10 am he sat up to greet us & wagged his lil ass off,we visited him twice a day for the next 4 days & every visit he looked better,on the 4th day he was drinking & eating on his own.

The morning of the 5th day the vet called saying the pup still had to be on an IV but we could take him home,he lost 19 lbs but he beat the parvo & is laying on his bed with his mother right now,i know for a fact that lil guy lost his will to live until he seen & communicated with his parents,damm right dogs care about & love each other.
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Pan head that was really sad but had a happy ending, i have changed alot since the mom and dad went missing, i am giving the 3 pups i have left at home the best care and attention. They arent in the doggy yard we built they are running around us. Sleep outside near us and are fed with sometimes home cooked food. They seem very depressed lately but i have been trying to distract them by playing with them more and more.


Well-Known Member
Pan head that was really sad but had a happy ending, i have changed alot since the mom and dad went missing, i am giving the 3 pups i have left at home the best care and attention. They arent in the doggy yard we built they are running around us. Sleep outside near us and are fed with sometimes home cooked food. They seem very depressed lately but i have been trying to distract them by playing with them more and more.
Good man just keep the attention focused on them & they will pull through,its in dogs nature to seperate from the mother & strike out on their own so the depression is just a phase,most likely due to premature seperation from the mother.

A trick we use to ease seperation anxiety for pups is for when they sleep,get an old style alarm clock that makes tick tock noises,wrap it in a blanket to muffel the noise,throw a small hot water bottle in the blanket with the clock,the tick tock simulates a mothers heart beat & the hot water bottle is like body heat,the pups will curl up to the bundle & sleep through the night.

A goods night sleep where they think the mother is there helps alot of pups deal with the seperation anxiety.

Good luck on finding the other parent,i would be out of my mind if we lost one with the other still missing,my dogs are family members so i feel for ya,i'll be praying for your parent pooch to come back home.

Im in michigan,if were close enough & you need any help give me a pm & i will do all i can.


yea they do, dogs are very emotional compared to most other mammals. it's really sad and happy at the same time to see a puppy leave it's mother, i know everyones gonna call me gay for saying that but i dont care lol im high


Well-Known Member
The problem I have with pets is I have to outlive them all. I still won't be without one.
Aint that the truth,every time we loose a cherrished animal we swear we are not going to raise animals anymore,after a few months we start falling apart emotionaly & a viod is created.

After out last female passed my wife had a nervous breakdown & had to be hospitialized,that female saved my wife from being carjacked & robbed,the dog attacked one of the carjackers tearing him up badly until the police arrived & took his sorry ass to the hospital then jail,the detroit news did a story about the attack on my wife & branded the pooch a hero,that pooch followed my wife every where & slept with her every night,she ended up getting cancer.

We treated her cancer with chemo therapy over a year till the cancer ate her up & took her life,we thought my wife would never recover,she has a deadly form of MS & dont handel stress very well so it was a health risk for her,we looked i to cloning that female & found we could but it costs $50,000 to $60,000 & i just couldnt swing it,not without jeapordizing our retirement long term or taking out a mortgage or loan.

We ended up contacting a breeder who had 4 of our pups from previous litters & got my wife new male & female puppies from our dogs bloodline,the pups are the mother & father we now have,their named Adoff for the male & Tuso for the female,they are as important to us as any other family member.

Oh,the pup's name is LIL HOSS ,he was so huge at birth we named him lil hoss after hoss on the old tv show bonanza.

I dont trust people who are not animal lovers,theres something missing in any human that cant see what a great benifit animals are to humans.


Well-Known Member
Im curious as to why anybody would post something like that when another man is obviously grieving over the loss of 2 family members ? :-?
Because some people are heartless assholes?
Have you heard about the drought and fammine in Somalia? I guess they need a billion dollars for water and food or millions of people are going to die.
Sorry to hear the dogs depressed, maybe he needs to get laid, you should find a bitch who will let your dog fuck her