Everyone today are so ungrateful


Well-Known Member
After loosing a pet that had gotten run over the night she went missing. A few days ago I have been dramatized and hopelessly depressed. I care more for animal than i ever. Today while smoking infront of my house i seen a dog that was crossing the street the owner is chasing him on bike. The dog was crossing street and a car was cooming fast. I hoped out ran in the street and shout for the car to stop litterally putting my self in harms way. The car stopped and the owner caught up to his dog. All he said to me was that was my dog in a frighten tone. He did not say thanks or anything. I only wish someone did that for my dog, my reward would be endless becuase i loved my dog more than some of my family. I would lie, cheat and steal if it would bring her back. That ass hole seem to be a bad owner.


Well-Known Member
After loosing a pet that had gotten run over the night she went missing. A few days ago I have been dramatized and hopelessly depressed. I care more for animal than i ever. Today while smoking infront of my house i seen a dog that was crossing the street the owner is chasing him on bike. The dog was crossing street and a car was cooming fast. I hoped out ran in the street and shout for the car to stop litterally putting my self in harms way. The car stopped and the owner caught up to his dog. All he said to me was that was my dog in a frighten tone. He did not say thanks or anything. I only wish someone did that for my dog, my reward would be endless becuase i loved my dog more than some of my family. I would lie, cheat and steal if it would bring her back. That ass hole seem to be a bad owner.
That sent chills down my spine... I have seen your previous posts about your dog, I was really hoping for the best. You did the right thing though today regardless if the dog had a bad owner or not. I'm a huge dog lover and can relate... I see good things in your future.


Active Member
If the owner was chasing down his dog, then he can't be that bad. He was probably in shock due to you helping his dog from being hit. Most people today wouldn't lift a finger, yet you did. As a member (contributions) of the ASPCA, I thank you for protecting the dog, and am sorry for your loss.


Well-Known Member
I say thank god you & the dog are alive. :) ^ yes, they would be mad over their bumper let alone my dog.


Well-Known Member
Today while smoking infront of my house i seen a dog that was crossing the street the owner is chasing him on bike. The dog was crossing street and a car was cooming fast. I hoped out ran in the street and shout for the car to stop litterally putting my self in harms way. .
Damn your fast!


Pickle Queen
aww dude my cat Dewey was hit by a truck a few days ago, after wondereding around searching the overgrown ditches for hours, calling his name, (I knew he was hit because my neighbour saw it happen), when he came home that evening i could not help but burst into tears, he's pretty banged up but ALIVE!! no broken bones but he has multiple open wounds, missing fur, even his poor face looks different, Dude i feel horrible, sending u hugs!!


bud bootlegger
yah, i'll never get some people either.. and i just had to put our 14 year old dog down, so i know exactly how you're feeling too.. it was one of the hardest things i've ever had to do, but i don't think he was going to live through the night as he was, so no sense watching him lay there and suffer..
the thing is that he wasn't even the friendliest of flea bags and could be quick to snap at people that he didn't know, but for some odd reason he loved me and loved going for walks with me as well...
our damn cat loved him like he was her kitten.. the dog would try and hump the cat, and she'd be all into it, put her face down and ass up, it was rather cute honestly.. ever since he's been gone, she's been a real attention whore, and i'm sure she's like the rest of us and just misses her old friend..
i'll tell you the same thing people have been telling me lately.. yes, it's very hard to lose a part of the family that dogs always seem to be, but i'm sure when the time's right, you will find another one to cherish and love and be a new part of the family... seems like you'll never want to open you're heart again to another dog, and i'm not even sure if i'm ready although i've been going to shelters looking for one, but when the time is right, i'm sure i'll find what i'm looking for the same way you will.. :)


Well-Known Member
I feel ya man. That's why I've stopped saying "hi how are you" anymore. I wave to my neighbors, half the time they LOOK RIGHT FUCKING AT ME, but not even a simple "hello." What the fuck did I do? "I'm sorry for being nice! Next time I'll fucking just drive on by with my stereo blasting if that will make you happy!" is what I think to myself. Same thing at any store I walk in to, holding the door for some FUCK I don't even know, not even a thank you. The list goes on and on. I know how you feel exactly.
Shame on that fuck for not even acknowledging your life-saving gesture. If it were my dog or cat, I'd hand you a fucking 20 dollar bill even though I'm broke, because that's how I fucking roll. I hate society anymore. I don't know if it's the way people are raised or something in the water, but the Assholes are abundant in this world.


Well-Known Member
The owner could be out of breath and tired from chasing however... He proceded to not hold the leashed... And the dog is still running loose. But under his supervision, i hope the dog will be ok. Becuase he seems to be ok with his dog running loose. I normally would not do what i did becuase of fear of getting attacked but i miss and love my dog so much it just compelled me to do it. Like a way to help me to forgive myself for not giving her the attention she deserved when she was alive


Well-Known Member
aww dude my cat Dewey was hit by a truck a few days ago, after wondereding around searching the overgrown ditches for hours, calling his name, (I knew he was hit because my neighbour saw it happen), when he came home that evening i could not help but burst into tears, he's pretty banged up but ALIVE!! no broken bones but he has multiple open wounds, missing fur, even his poor face looks different, Dude i feel horrible, sending u hugs!!
Thank god your cat is still alive, if my dog lived banged up and eating through a tube i would be her nurse for the rest of her life. When i asked of the condition the pound told me she is in the cooler.. I cried right thier, fighting my emotions studdering as i speak. it was so emotional that thier was a line of poeple who did not go in untill i was finished. They just formed a line outside, Poeple behind me was in tears seeing an emotionaless big fit looking guy cry like a kid. As i exit with a picture of my dog found dead poeple were all looking at me and holding thier dog in a protective way.


Well-Known Member
my pup dashed out the front door today after a rabbit, hes got a hard pray drive so its hard to get attention when hes in chase, after waking up the neighborhood with my calls to him he eventually came back. i would be seriously fucked up if something were to happen to him in such a scenario. my condolences about your dog.


Well-Known Member
I'm Sorry to hear about your Dog NoobgrowerLbc but i agree with the rest here that you Did the right thing by helping to save the other dog. I know there is nothing that i can say that will ease your loss but you have got to remember all of the Great times that you had with Mans Best Friend your dog... When my Cat was run over in front of me i said that i would Never have a pet again then 2 years ago i Rescued a Rotti from being Put Down, She is now the Love of my life (and my Avatar). There's always going to be Assholes out their but their is ALWAYS People Like Us to Help save the little one's.


Well-Known Member
I love animals, but animals dont like me much. That being said, I LOVE ANIMALS. We have a dog and a cat. We used to have two cats but one had to be put down he was so old. That broke my heart. Even if he didnt like being around me much, I adored him, been around him since I was 6.
Some asians across the street captured my cat in a cat trap for 4 days around thanksgiving... thank god we got her back, we had to hop their fence and free her.
If anyone ever ran over my dog, they'd get my fist in their face. Chevy is a retarded, loveable dog. We lay down together all lazy in the living room when we're home alone. He just likes to chill unless there are people around.

I tried to save a dog once, but the owner didnt care when I called her to let her know I found her dirty, scruffy, starving, tiny dog wandering the streets. Since I was working I had to let him go. That hurt my heart.

Fuck people who hurt animals


Well-Known Member
Since the lost of mom and possibly the dad he is still missing not found dead or not in the pound, to cope withthe stress i still have 4 puppies from her. 1 who looks identical to mom just smaller and skinnier by nature is in a loving home with my grandma. I on the other hand have 2 born blind puppy males and 1 male puppy identical to his dad and not blind also. I am taking care of them with more interactive attention and converting the feeling of sorrow to the feeling of love they need for loosing thier mom and hopefully not dad.