HELP PLEASE!! snapped stem

Hi, I'm 7 weeks into Veg and have just discovered one of my plants stems have snapped I'm guessing that the fan was to close and has over powered it!, it has snapped about quarter inch from the bottom but not fully can it be saved?? The plant itself has gone all droopy and flopped!, I've taped the stem and put a splint on it but I'm worried now cause of the general droopiness of the plant, any help will be very appreciated...thanks
Sorry mate can't upload pics from my phone but it seems that most of the damage is the outer stem if that helps all the othe stems leaves are still green but the plant itself has gone very droopy like it hasn't been watered...


Scientia Cannabis
Marijuana plants are very strong and adaptable.
But I would need a picture to give proper help.

Btw, using tape isn't a good idea.
Use string and woodsticks if possible.
If your plant gets any glue into it (through the snapped part) it could be damaging.
Thanks for the advice mate I will change to string and stick tomorrow also any advice on topping? As I've heard it can produce greater yield??

Le pic

Active Member
I snapped mine by mistake, in the middle of it, and the plant healed and got stronger where the snap occur

just support her and she will heal in 2 days


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1735855
As long as its not completely crimped the plant should recover (if it's being watered.) You'll get a pretty/ugly mark in the stem where the bend was.
This photo is of a bend I made on purpose because my plant stretched way too much taller than the others, and this is how it healed up after some time.

munch box

Well-Known Member
Newb what works better than tape is the green twisty wire used to tie down plants. Wrap it arround several times


Well-Known Member
I snapped mine by mistake, in the middle of it, and the plant healed and got stronger where the snap occur

just support her and she will heal in 2 days
idk about 2 days but it will heal i would reccomend taking a playing card wrap it around the break good and tight and then tape the plang card so it doesnt unravel
Gidget that plant looks lush mate..and thnx for the advice on the main problem is the place where it has snapped its literaly quarter inch above the soil so quite hard to get to with string etc its taped now so I don't want to disturb it any more really incase I do more damage I was more worried about how quickly it wilted! I only watered them yesterday and it was fine but like you say they are resiliant plants so hopefully it will pull through thanks again for all your posts helping me in this matter...


Well-Known Member
if you tie it up and support it it should be fine i did to one of mine and its now my best plant just be patient wth it it will heal itself ....... here it is 1 hour after i snapped it i used a stick to keep the support straightsnapped.jpgall healed.jpg and here is the healed stem about 10 days later notyice the bulb in the stem at the bottom :leaf: