Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

when i went to prison they tried to cut my hair and i said fuck you....never let them cut your fucking hair my uncle is doing life and he hasnt cut his hair in 15 years

in texas you dont have much choice if you want to make parole....
he isnt mean at all... idk just never tells me i look good or whatever, just told me to keep wearing low cut shirts cause he likes them, and to wear my hair down cause he likes it.

lol they dont need to be mean to belittle someone if you never give compiments to a woman she will notice when you do so essentially its an easy way to get laid the one time u do say they look beautiful their confidence goes through the roof and you can have your way with them simple psychology lol
haha i can spend hours getting ready and the guy i go see doesnt even notice. :/
then i come out of his car looking like ive been in a tornado.
Lol last night when he called the closest he came to complimenting me was "you dont look as bad as you think you do"
your messing with the wrong guys..but i think you know it....
lol they dont need to be mean to belittle someone if you never give compiments to a woman she will notice when you do so essentially its an easy way to get laid the one time u do say they look beautiful their confidence goes through the roof and you can have your way with them simple psychology lol

haha i guess. though if i believed every bullshitter that told me i was beautiful, then asked me for some thing or if i wanted to fuck, id already be a slut by now. funny how guys think if you tell a big girl she is beautiful she will do what you want.
haha i guess. though if i believed every bullshitter that told me i was beautiful, then asked me for some thing or if i wanted to fuck, id already be a slut by now. funny how guys think if you tell a big girl she is beautiful she will do what you want.

you have to be more creative and original than that lol im not gonna give away all the secrets here and ruin some poor guys attempts because you have inside info haha
your messing with the wrong guys..but i think you know it....

lol i think my problem is not insisting he be with me... cause i think he does what he does because we arent dating, so he doesnt want me to get all lovey and attached.
the thing is, i have super long, thick, curly, basically crazy hair.
add another person into the mix with long hair, and thats too much hair everywhere.

Hair everywhere sounds sooo dirty and fun!! My hair is very long, if i tilt my head back it tickles my bum lol
Ok now im getting excited lol
Mon amours hairs is even longer!!! lol so sexy

Right after having 3.5 inches off XP but it was longer on one side and it looked stupid.
lol i think my problem is not insisting he be with me... Cause i think he does what he does because we arent dating, so he doesnt want me to get all lovey and attached.

well then tell him you want to be his girlfriend...someones got to make the first move...
Hair everywhere sounds sooo dirty and fun!! My hair is very long, if i tilt my head back it tickles my bum lol
Ok now im getting excited lol
Mon amours hairs is even longer!!! lol so sexy

haha if i tilt my head back it does the same
well then tell him you want to be his girlfriend...someones got to make the first move...

i already did. shortly after the first time we hung out/kissed etc, i told him some other guy was trying to get at me (which was true), but i didnt want the other guy, cause i wanted to be with him, and only him.

he replied saying he'd pursue a relationship with me if i lived closer, but since i live an hour away, long distance relationships never work out so he couldnt be with me.

he told me to talk to and kiss other guys, but he'd still come up and see me as much as he could.
:( :( that was a sad day.

after a month or so i told him to stop telling me to do shit with other guys, it hurt my feelings too much everytime he did.

or when he would tell me about the girl he kissed at the bar.

sad thing is, he still is the only one i want to be with
this was like 2 months ago but my hair is longer now almost touching my shoulders but give you an idea lol and yes i CAN rock a purple hat im that fucking awesome ;)

2011-07-04 17.44.58.jpg
OMG kuroi i luv pocky, my fav in the milk chocolate with almond pieces or pretty much any other kind lol !! so yummy

Sorry not sure he wants his pix up on here, his choice sweety,but hey it's me would i lie? hehehehehe