• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Estrogen from birth control useful for plants?

I've once read online. I think it was on this website but im not sure that someone had done controlled experiments using dissolved birthcontrol pills in their hydro resoivior...and supposibly it did wonders and increased yields?!?

whats your opinion? is it possible or complete bologna?


Well-Known Member
I have seen this in the past too on here, he couldnt back up his claims at all with any actual evidence, he didnt do 1 with and 1 without he just did 1 plant with and said it was so much better than if he didnt use it. I havent seen that guy online since that thread. It's total nonsense. lol


Well-Known Member
Here is my opinion. Norestrogen which is a synthetic estrogen or hormone created by females in mammalian species to regulate all types of womanly functions, there are many types of hormones that are similar to estrogen that make a female a female. Now, ever since my very first grow which dates back to 2001 I've been experimenting with many types of birth control on several species of plants, including cannabis. I believe and have seen great results with estrogen based medications on marijuana, one being plants being exposed to the drug early on have an almost 100% chance of being female. Two, they flower earlier despite being exposed to 24 hour light. And lastly, the nugs have an effect similar to a norestrogen medication as they absorb the drug and reproduce it as a plant based hormone, so if you're a man smoking this weed, you should really take into consideration it's implications as you might not want to grow man-tits! Seriously though, I can vouch for this claim and I can produce tested proof to my claims as I've experimented with this medication a great deal. So, to answer any question, yes, estrogen does in fact have an effect on marijuana and other plant species...so be aware of it's consequences!!!


Well-Known Member
Here is my opinion. Norestrogen which is a synthetic estrogen or hormone created by females in mammalian species to regulate all types of womanly functions, there are many types of hormones that are similar to estrogen that make a female a female. Now, ever since my very first grow which dates back to 2001 I've been experimenting with many types of birth control on several species of plants, including cannabis. I believe and have seen great results with estrogen based medications on marijuana, one being plants being exposed to the drug early on have an almost 100% chance of being female. Two, they flower earlier despite being exposed to 24 hour light. And lastly, the nugs have an effect similar to a norestrogen medication as they absorb the drug and reproduce it as a plant based hormone, so if you're a man smoking this weed, you should really take into consideration it's implications as you might not want to grow man-tits! Seriously though, I can vouch for this claim and I can produce tested proof to my claims as I've experimented with this medication a great deal. So, to answer any question, yes, estrogen does in fact have an effect on marijuana and other plant species...so be aware of it's consequences!!!
What an absolute load of shit,dont post such unfounded nonsense as factual information as all it does is make new growers want to try a bunch of gimmick bullshit instead of learning the basics of horticulture.

I challenge you to produce one single white paper on the subject or at the very least that you produce evidence showing controled studies & the outcome of such study.

I call complete bullshit & not one single grower should even think of wasting time on this nonsense,learn how to properly manipulate NPK ratios instead,that is something which will give big pay off's instead of wasting effort on such nonsense.:wall:


Well-Known Member
Oh and by the way, my findings are not just guesses but careful controlled situations and chemical analysis as I am a botanist. I may only be 26 and fresh out of college but I am dumbfounded as to why no tests have been run to find alternative procurements of estrogen and what effects it has on plants.
Please feel free to ask any question, I don't claim to know EVERYTHING about this subject but I do have alot of insight on this seemingly confused controversy.


Well-Known Member
What an absolute load of shit,dont post such unfounded nonsense as factual information as all it does is make new growers want to try a bunch of gimmick bullshit instead of learning the basics of horticulture.

I challenge you to produce one single white paper on the subject or at the very least that you produce evidence showing controled studies & the outcome of such study.

I call complete bullshit & not one single grower should even think of wasting time on this nonsense,learn how to properly manipulate NPK ratios instead,that is something which will give big pay off's instead of wasting effort on such nonsense.:wall:
There will always be people who doubt my claims such as yourself and I don't doubt that you lack any type of type of intelligence, hence your tone and your low IQ manurizms but that is not my place to judge. So, go on into other threads and bash whoever you like, just know that you and YOUR KIND will never be accepted in anything other than a conesuer in illegal activities and criminal behaviors...you are the epitome of the low-life wanna be that gives cannabis cultivation a bad name and the reasoning as to why marijuana will never be truly understood and legalized, so do me and all of America a favor and run full-board into a knife and kill yourself!!! LOL


Well-Known Member
Botanist huh,i still call bullshit,if you've studied all you say you have then you'd allready know that any reliable results from estrogen with mj have not been proven.

Im not a botanist but im also not uneducated at what i do,ive studied quite a bit on hormones,auxins,gibberlins ect & ive learned enough to know that reliable results are out of reach for all but lab controled precision controlled useage,home growers will never benifit from throwing random amounts of estrogen in their feeding regime,their time will be better spent learning the basics of growing healthy plants instead of looking for gimmicks like this.

Show me where any grower is going to benifit from tossing random amounts of estrogen into a hydro rez & i will eat my words,until then your just wasting time when you should be trying to help newbs understand how,when,why & in what ratio to apply nutrients.


Well-Known Member
This thread will be deleted because there is nothing but back in forth here...caused by you "panhead" or should I say pinhead as a result of your narrow mindedness! It's a case of you being "high and mighty" bein the "home grower you are, look outside the box or even better, look at my first thread and take notice that I am not some random "undercover" cannabis cultivator, nor do I claim to even grow cannabis...read between the lines and take notice that I've said I specialize in botany and am working at my masters degree in this field. Does this statement mean I'm some kind of rinky dink pot smoker such as your comments would prove that you are, no! I grow and experiment with plants genetics and am not to be proclaimed as a simple illegal florist.
Tell me, mr. Pinhead...what, scientifically are giberllins and auxins and please don't just copy and paste from a reputable website as everyone and I have a good sense of your vocabulary and mannerisms. Honestly, you are a illegal drug supplier, nothing more, not a conesuer, not a activist, not anyone would want to claim as their own child because you have the intelligence of a boulder. So, eat these words because I have nothing for you other than truthful words about your unequivocal character. When you gain some sense, then post on these threads as they are not just for newbies, they are for all with insight and the want for knowledge...so again, commit suicide, for the betterment of this site, for all cultivators, for this country, for your birth fivers and all in all... Yourself! HAH


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, what ever happened to Mr. Nice or the "good friends"? You're from Detroit, some wanna be gangbanger that lives in the poorest, least educated area of the United States, with that you probably have no knowledge about your areas roots! You fuckin crack me up...no puns intended, LOL! Once again, stop proclaiming to have any forthright knowledge about Marijuana and go on an whip up a bird of some babies and lay ur ass down in some craCkhouse and sell that!
27-2-17 5^6vUBN know that!


Well-Known Member
Whole lotta tough talk but what im not seeing is an answer to my challenge,presented directly to you.

The typical tactic of one who's allready lost is to answer a question with a question,put up or shut up.

Show me evidence ,as requested, or stop barkin.

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
Yeah, he's a botanist alright. Look at his journals. 1. He asks if it's okay to grow two plants in one pot. 2. Uses Miracle Grow. 3. Thinks Jorge Cervantez is a legend. Sounds like a botanist to me!


Active Member
Hogwash, Botanist? A Botanist could do some simple research and produce a plant that would rival most. You, Mr. College, and your kind are the reason people have such a hard time getting to the real information. I did an hour long search online for any hint of truth in your claims, and guess what? Nothing...not even an article...I personally would like to see this evidence myself...But I'm guessing that's not gonna happen. So again, Hogwash!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, he's a botanist alright. Look at his journals. 1. He asks if it's okay to grow two plants in one pot. 2. Uses Miracle Grow. 3. Thinks Jorge Cervantez is a legend. Sounds like a botanist to me!
hahaha this is great people seem to forget on this site any and everybody can pull every post/thread from a persons profile, putting birth control in your res?? botanist?? im pretty sure if i asked a botanist this question they would laugh at me for weeks, hmmm thanks but no thanks. this thread is about as stupid as someone asking about feeding a plant with there own piss (which i have seen on this site and people saying it was totally cool), so like panhead said furnish some proof Mr. Botanist (calicko).


This thread was hilarious! Why do people think they can fake science? That's the entire purpose of it... To weed out the bullshit!


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, what ever happened to Mr. Nice or the "good friends"? You're from Detroit, some wanna be gangbanger that lives in the poorest, least educated area of the United States, with that you probably have no knowledge about your areas roots! You fuckin crack me up...no puns intended, LOL! Once again, stop proclaiming to have any forthright knowledge about Marijuana and go on an whip up a bird of some babies and lay ur ass down in some craCkhouse and sell that!
27-2-17 5^6vUBN know that!
This post & your last are both pretty sad,why not just say what you really wanted to & call me a nigger,you know you wanted to in both posts & its easy to see.

You saw Detroit in my profile & instantly thought of an uneducated nigger,living in squalor ,on welfare & slinging dime bags on the corner while i pimp out my white suburbanite girlfriend to get my fix on,you couldnt be more wrong,i grew up in detroit,own property in detroit as well as other cities but i dont live there.

You come off high n mighty with your education,big fukin deal,ive put my 3 kids through u of m & none of them have the faggy pants better than everybody else attitude that you have, they surely dont degrade people due to where they live,i dont live in Detroit anymore because im retired & its more convienient for me to live closer to my kids but make no mistake,im proud of detroit & there are many good decent hard working people living there & many are my friends,i'd bet your ass wouldnt make it a block in detroit before the people you despise tore you limb from limb due not to your color, but from your faggy bs attitude.

You think your better than me & that im some low life peice of shit living in a crack house beacuse im from detroit,lets see how each other lives fancy pants,get your camera out & snap some pics of your home,cars,possesions & i will do the same,then we will see who's the looser bum,i got a jag & a new land rover in the drive how bout you,a toyota maybe ?

The room in my home i use as a smoking lounge & music listening room is worth more than everything your young silly ass owns, including your car & house,ive got a cd player worth a years income from your little faggy school wages,our home theater is worth more than your parents home & everything in it.

Get out the camera & lets see who's living in a shithole,ive posted many pics of my homes on this site with a current thread running right now where i have pics of our home,lets see how you live,if your house is even 1/4 as nice as my garage i'd be suprised,not everybody here slings dime bags illegally dumb ass.

Put your money where your big mouth is at & we'll see who's home is nicer,shouldnt be to hard seeing im from the least educated area of the country.

Oh yeah,dont forget the other info i asked for before you realized i was a nigger.